Browse Listings in Europe > Netherlands > Brabant > Brabant Cities
A panoramic view of the Helmond, seen from the Kromme Steenweg .
Place & Date: Arnhem, 1613
Prospectus Castelli Boxtel.
One of the earliest views of the Castle of Boxtel. Engraved by Henricus Cause. With a description in Latin, French and Dutch.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1695
Prospectus veteris castelli Graviae.
One of the earliest views of the ancient Castle of Grave. Engraved by Casper Bouttats. With a description in Latin, French and Dutch.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1695
Vermakelykheden van Brabant, en deszelfs onderhoorige Landen... (2 volumes)
Topographical and iconographical work on Brabant illustrated with 1 engr. title-vignette and 190 engraved views, plans & armorial plates by J. Harrewijn, G. Bouttats ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, P.J. Entrop, 1768
't dorp Aalst.
Rare print of the old church of Aalst (near Eindhoven), from Vaderlandsche gezichten of afbeeldingen.. by J.Bulthuis, printed by H.Gartman in Amsterdam.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1786 / 1792
Woman of Brabant.
Very fine view of a woman wearing the traditional dress of Brabant.
Place & Date: London, 1817
Het Klooster ten Hage (Marienhage Eindhoven)
Very rare lithography of the ruin of the monastery of Ten Haghe in Eindhoven. Lithographed by M.Mouret, published in "oud-Nederland en de uit vroegere dagen overgebl...
Place & Date: Nijmegen, 1837-1846
Sint Catharinakerk te Eindhoven.
Uncommon woodblock engraving of St.Catharina church of Eindhoven, built by the well-known architect P.Cuijpers. Published in Katholieke Illustratie.The "katholieke i...
Place & Date: 'sHertogenbosch, Henri Bogaerts, 1875
Kasteel Croij.
Decorative lithography of the castle of Croij.
Place & Date: Den Haag, 1880
Kasteel Heeswijk.
Very fine etching of the Castle of Heeswijk, by the well-known etcher Ludwig Willem Reymert Wenckebach. He was born in The Hague on 12 January 1860 and died in 1937. The ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1901