The curated collection

curated collection

This is a collection of carefully selected old and rare maps which are all graded with 8-10 stars in the HiBCoR grading system.
All Items in this curated collection have one of more of the following qualities:

We do not include newly colored-up maps, restored maps, or common maps. This carefully selected list of old and rare maps, atlas and books have all in common that they are extraordinary items that make a difference to any collection.

While buying a colored-up map seems to give joy to the starting collector, collecting maps in contemporary color or extraordinary condition gives in long-term everlasting joy. 

These days, common run-of-the-mill items show a price erosion, with ample supply and modest demand, maps in original colors, and in general extraordinary items have seen a robust increase in value.
Always remember that the moment you get interested in maps, your knowledge and taste will increase; the quality of your purchases not!

Curated by Pierre Joppen
The selection of these old and rare maps, atlas, and books have been made by Pierre Joppen, who founded Paulus Swaen old maps in1978. In these 45 years Pierre has specialized in maps, atlases, and globes from the 16th to the 18th century. His knowledge of early Dutch mapmakers and coloring techniques by 18th-century colorists such as Dirk Jansz. van Santen is world-renowned.
Originally trained as a graphic designer, he has a keen eye for the aesthetic aspect of engraving and map-making.