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If you are interested in the background of maps, prints, Medieval manuscripts or posters the following articles are of interest to you.
You may also check out our index of Map Makers and Explorers, Collecting Tips, Storage and Framing, HiBCoR Map Grading
We provide short articles about several subjects. We hope you enjoy reading them.

Read more about the backgrounds of some of the most important atlases published in the last 400 years.

Read more about the backgrounds of old maps. Maps come in different varieties like wall maps, road maps, sea charts, pictorial maps, etc.
Maps are in use throughout the world. Most of these maps can be placed into one of two groups: A) reference maps; and, B) thematic maps.

Read more about the backgrounds of some of the town plans and views published in the last 400 years.

Sometimes, maps become more famous than their makers. Still, others make a famous map, then disappear from history forever. A list of some famous mapmakers and explorers.

When you want to take good care of your maps and prints, you might find the following helpful information.

Read more about master colorist Dirk Jansz Van Santen, who used gold and sever and worked for Kings and wealthy merchants.

Read more about the Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Honoré Daumier, Karl Bodmer, Currier and Ives, Basilius Besler flower prints, etc.

Dutch traders settled from Deshima (Japan) to New Amsterdam (nowadays New York).
In this section, we follow the VOC and WIC. We offer not only interesting short articles but also offer authentic artifacts for sale.

Read more about trading companies like the Dutch VOC, WIC, Ostend company, and the British East India Company.

Games hold a mirror to civilization; they build bonds, and trust and strengthen social relationships. The most common game-play setup, used in board games even today, comes from an Italian game known as Goose, which originated in the late 1500s.

Decorated letters were embellished with geometric, foliate, and zoomorphic designs, or with mixed elements of all three. Historiated initials, deriving their name from the French "ystoire", served as frames that enclosed small figural or narrative scenes.

Although tulips are often associated with the Netherlands, commercial
cultivation of the flower began in the Ottoman Empire. Tulips, or lale,
(from Persian, lâleh) as they are also called in Iran and Turkey,
comprise many species that together are indigenous to a vast area
encompassing parts of Asia, Europe, and north Africa.

The Mandarin fan as an export article was mentioned in Europe as early as. It was during the mid-19th century that Europe was fairly flooded with export Mandarin fans. They were exported to Europe until the late 19th century, albeit deteriorating in quality.

The medieval Book of Hours evolved out of the monastic cycle of prayer which divided the day into eight segments, or "hours". By the early fifteenth century, the format of the Book of Hours had developed to satisfy the demands of private, as opposed to communal, devotion.