Browse Listings in Europe

497 listings found. Showing results 401 to 480
Nuova Pianta Iconografica.. Venezia.

Venice's precise bird' s-eye town plan clearly depicts the city's architectural landmark. A reduction of Ughi's 8-sheet map of 1725. A grid is engraved over the plan, ref...

$1100 / ≈ €1009
Maker / Publisher: VIERO, T.
Place & Date: Venice, 1818


Vue de Gattweick et de l'embouchure du Rhin, dans la Mer du Nord.

Very decorative view of Katwijk. Signed lower right, Louis Bleuler au chateau de Laufen . Original design by Louis Bleuer. This gouache was the model for his aquatint in ...

$1500 / ≈ €1376
Maker / Publisher: BLEULER, L.
Place & Date: 1820


London in Miniature With The Surrounding Villages. An Entire New Plan In which the Improvements both present and intended are actually reduced, by permission, from the surveys of the Several Proprietors. . .

Hand-coloured engraved map, dissected and mounted on linen, orange publishers label on one side, extending west to east from Kensington to East India and Greenwich Dock a...

$800 / ≈ €734
Maker / Publisher: MOGG, E.
Place & Date: London, 1821


Het Huisje door Czaar Peter den Grooten in den Jare 1697 te Zaandam bewoond.

Engraved by Cornelis van Baarsel (Utrecht 1761 - Amsterdam 1826-08-17) after a design of T. Monsieur M.Z. who made his drawing "after nature".A first state, the...

$80 / ≈ €73
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER SCHEER, F.
Place & Date: Zaandam, 1823


Le Chantier d'Amsterdam.

Decorative lithography representing the head quarters of the V.O.C. and shipyard in Amsterdam. The building serves nowadays as the Maritime Museum. After a painting by A....

$95 / ≈ €87
Maker / Publisher: DE CLOET / MADOU, J-B.
Place & Date: Brussels, J. B. A. Jobard, 1825


Province de Pologne contenant 22 Col. une M.on Prof 5 Pen. 2 Nov. 6 Rés. 30 Maisons 1050 Jésuites.

Rare map of Poland from "Atlas Universel indiquant les établissemens des Jésuites: avec la manière dont ils divisent la terre, suivi desévénemens remarquables d...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: DENIS, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Ambroise Dupont , 1826


Province de Sardaigne.

Province de Sardaigne Contenant 9 Col. 1 Sem. 1 Noviciat, 2 Résidences 300 Jésuites". Publiée dans "Atlas Universel indiquant les établissemens des Jésuite...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: DENIS, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Ambroise Dupont , 1826


[ Spitzbergen ]

Two aquatints depicting the northern coasts of the Spitzbergen engraved by Fumagalli. From Giulio Ferrario's work Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: FERRARIO, G.
Place & Date: Milan, 1827


Pianta Della Citta di Roma con la Indicazione di tutte le Antichita e Nuovi Abbelliment.

Beautiful engraved town-plan of Rome with side borders depicting the 16 most important monuments and with a legend locating the major places and buildings.The views are o...

$1500 / ≈ €1376
Maker / Publisher: RUGA, Pietro.
Place & Date: Venanzio Monaldini, Rome, 1829


Nouveau Plan Routier de la Ville et Faubourgs de Paris // Avec ses principaux Edifices et Nouvelles Barrieres.

Decorative wall map of Paris, published by M. P|chon in Paris and engraved by Michel Glot. The plan is framed by a floral border and there are 27 Parisian views of places...

$4500 / ≈ €4128
Maker / Publisher: GLOT, M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1834


L'Italia antica-romana.

A rare and detailed double-page map of ancient Italy. According to the title cartouche, prepared by A de La Sage for l'Atlante Storico, Letterario, Biografico, Archeologi...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: TASSO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, 1840


Wallis's Guide for Strangers Through London.

Engraved plan with original hand-coloring, with title and alphabetical list of the principal streets below. Published by Edward Wellis 42 Skinner Street.With "An alp...

$500 / ≈ €459
Maker / Publisher: WALLIS, E.
Place & Date: London, E.Wallis, ca. 1840


Vue de la ville et du château de Heidelberg . . . Ansicht der stadt und des schlosses Heidelberger . . .

Engraving after Louis Charles François de Graimberg-Belleau. Engraved by Ch. Haldennvang.French artist. Son of Gilles-François Belleau Graimberg. Louis Charles Françoi...

$75 / ≈ €69
Maker / Publisher: GRAIMBERG, Ch.
Place & Date: Graimberg, Heidelberg, ca. 1840


Divisione Militare di Alessandria. Provincie di Casale e di Asti.

"Published in ""Atlante Geografico dell' Italia"". With inset cartouche with detailed plans of the cities of Asti and Casale. Showing the river P...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: ZUCCAGNI-ORLANDINI, A.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845


Pianta della citta di Palermo e dei suoi contorni.

Published in Atlante Geografico dell' Italia . Uncommon and decorative town-plan of Palermo. With a numbered key.Engraved by P. Manzoni.

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: ZUCCAGNI-ORLANDINI, A.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845


Pianta della citta di Roma.

Published in "Atlante Geografico dell' Italia". Uncommon and decorative town-plan of Rome. With a numbered key. Engraved by P.Manzoni.

$600 / ≈ €550
Maker / Publisher: ZUCCAGNI-ORLANDINI, A.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845


Optique de St.Cloud.

This perspective view of St. Cloud comprises 6 hand colored images of the grand Bassin d'Apollon viewed through an square and two round holes cut out from the front card ...

$1100 / ≈ €1009
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1845


Pianta della citta di Napoli.

Published in Atlante Geografico dell' Italia. Uncommon and decorative town-plan of Naples. With a numbered key.Engraved by P.Manzoni.

$400 / ≈ €367
Maker / Publisher: ZUCCAGNI-ORLANDINI, A.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845


Het Klooster ten Hage (Marienhage Eindhoven)

Very rare lithography of the ruin of the monastery of Ten Haghe in Eindhoven. Lithographed by M.Mouret, published in "oud-Nederland en de uit vroegere dagen overgebl...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P.
Place & Date: Nijmegen, 1837-1846


Saint Petersbourg. Maison de bienfaisance, appartenant à Mr Anatole de Demidoff. . .

Beautiful lithography showing the house of Anatole de Demidoff in Saint Petersburg.

$600 / ≈ €550
Maker / Publisher: BOURDIN, E.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1850


Nice Vue prise audessus de Montalban.

Beautiful view of Nice from the book "l'Italie à vol d'oiseau".

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: GUESDON, A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1850


Dépt. De L'Aude. N°10. [ Carcassonne ]

Map of the Aude region, centered on the town of Carcassonne. Reaching to the right till the Mediterranean.Lovely map from one of the last decorative atlases of the ninete...

$40 / ≈ €37
Maker / Publisher: LEVASSEUR, V.
Place & Date: Paris, A. Combette, 1852


La Corvette la recherche au milieu des glaces.

Beautiful lithograph by A. Mayer and Bayot of the corvette "La recherche" surrounded by Ice. Published by Arthus-Bertrand and Lemercier in Paris.From Joseph Pau...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: GAIMARD, P.
Place & Date: Paris. Arthus-Bertrand, 1838-1852


The town & harbour of Sevastopol with the batteries & approaches. . .

Rare colored linen backed map showing the harbour and town of Sevastopol, with soundings. In upper left corner a inset map (65x150mm) of the Black Sea. In bottom part a l...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: WYLD, J.
Place & Date: London, March 27th, 1854


The Crimea, chiefly from surveys made by order of the Russian government. . .

Map of Crimea and the Sea of Azov. In lower right corner two inset maps showing Sebastopol inlet and harbour and a second one with the Black Sea. This second maps shows t...

$350 / ≈ €321
Maker / Publisher: ARROWSMITH, J.
Place & Date: London, 1854


(Lübeck) Lvbeca vrbs. imperialis libera. civitatvm. Wandalicarvm. . . .

Impressive more than 3 meters wide panoramic town view after a woodblock engraving from Elias Diebel, initially made in 1552. Of this original woodblock, Bachmann mention...

$4500 / ≈ €4128
Maker / Publisher: DIEBEL, E. after
Place & Date: Germany, c. 1855


The Crimea by James Wyld Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert.

Fourth edition of this folding map of the Crimea. In upper right corner an inset map of the areas around the Black Sea; "The Town & Harbor of Sevastopol with the...

$350 / ≈ €321
Maker / Publisher: WYLD, J.
Place & Date: London, 1855


Military map of the countries between Odessa & Perekop with the stations of the Russian forces.

Rare colored linen-backed map showing Russian troop positions and Odessa Batteries. On the inside of the cover a list of "Wyld's list of recent publications : seat o...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: WYLD, J.
Place & Date: London, ca. 1855



A lovely steel engraved plan, on 2 sheets, of Venice by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK). This English philanthropic enterprise was entirely devot...

$150 / ≈ €138
Place & Date: London, 1855


Provincie Noord-Braband. / Breda, de Langstraat. . .

Decorative and uncommon custume plate lithographed by R. de Vries and published by Frans Buffa & Zonen in Amsterdam. A group of 4 women from the area of Baronie van B...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: BRAET VON UBERFELDT / BING, V.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1857


Provincie Noord-Braband.

Decorative and uncommon costume plate lithographed by Desguerrois & Co. and published by Frans Buffa & Zonen in Amsterdam. 12 illustrations of Brabant costumes: 1...

$275 / ≈ €252
Maker / Publisher: BRAET VON UBERFELDT / BING,V.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1857


Circoscrizione delle Provincie ecclesiastiche e Diocesi nei regni del Belgio, ed Olanda (Tav LXI)

This large-format map showing Belgium and Holland with its different dioceses. The map is finely engraved and beautifully colored and was prepared by Girolamo Petri, a la...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: PETRI Girolamo
Place & Date: Rome, 1858


Provincia ecclesiastica di Malines nel Belgio (Tav LXII)

This large-format map of Belgium with its different dioceses. The map is finely engraved and beautifully colored and was prepared by Girolamo Petri, a lawyer who served a...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: PETRI Girolamo
Place & Date: Rome, 1858



Uncommon and decorative lithography published by Carl Johan Billmark and printed by Lemercier in Paris, 55 rue de Seine, the leading firm in Europe at that time. From: It...

$50 / ≈ €46
Maker / Publisher: BILLMARK, C.J.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1859


Malte Vue prise de la Mer. - Malta Vista lomada del mar.

Very decorative view of the Grand Harbour of Malta by Louis Lebreton, published in "Ports de Mer d’Europe" in 1859 by L. Turgis in Paris.This lithography show...

$1750 / ≈ €1605
Maker / Publisher: LEBRETON, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Turgis, 1859


Governo di Venezia / Provincie di Padova e di Rovigo.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the government of Venice. Lower left corner, two inset plans of Padova and Rovigo. Upper right corner, a key. Engraved by Vettori...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Pianta della citta di Modena.

Very finely engraved and detailed plan of Modena. Coat of arms of the town centred on the upper part. Engraved by V.Angeli and included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Pianta della citta di Lucca.

Very finely engraved and detailed plan of Lucca. Coat of arms of the town on the upper part. Engraved by V.Angeli and included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia .To the ...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Rotterdamse Diergaarde. . .

Decorative view of Zoo of Rotterdam. To the right the house of the manager of the zoo. Decorated with personages in typical dress watching lions.

$80 / ≈ €73
Maker / Publisher: BUFFA, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1860


Pianta della citta di Ravenna.

Very finely engraved and detailed plan of Ravenna. Engraved by V.Angeli and included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia. To the lower left a key to the principal building...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Pianta della citta di Livorno.

Very finely engraved and detailed plan of Livorno. Engraved by V.Angeli and included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia . To the left, a key to the principal buildings a...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


IV Compartimento Aretoni. . .

Very finely engraved and detailed map centered on Arezzo and Lago Trasimeno. Lower part three inset plans of Cortona, Arezzo and Chiusi. In upper corners plans of Montepu...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Divisione militaire di Novara. Provincie di Valsesia e di Vercelli.

Very finely engraved and detailed map centered on Vercelli and Varalio. Lower part two inset plans of Vercelli and Varallo and sacro Monte. Engraved by Pietro Manzoni and...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Governo di Venezia / Provincia di Udine.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the area of Udine, with Trieste in lower right corner. Lower left corner an inset plan of Trieste : upper right corner, an inset ...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Compartimento Fiorentino. (Florence)

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the province of Firenze (Florence) Upper and lower part of the map, three inset plans of Namminiato, Modigliani and Volterra, Pis...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Divisione Militare di Novara. Novara / Lomellina.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the province of Novara. Upper right corners, two inset plans of Novara and Mortara. Key on the lower right side. Engraved by Vett...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Ducato di Lucca.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the region around Lucca. Lower part of the map, two inset lists of the mountains height and the local minerals. Engraved by Vetto...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Divisione Militare di Novara. Pallanza / Ossola.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the region of Novara, including Lago Maggiore to the right. Lower corners, two inset plans of Pallanza and Ossola. Upper right co...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Compartimento Pisano.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the territory of Pisa, including the region of Lucca and Estense. Lower left corner, an inset plan of Pontremoli. In the lower ri...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Compartimento Pisano.

Very finely engraved and detailed map centered on Pisa, including Livorno. Centered on the lower part, an inset plan of Pisa. Lower left corner, a key. Engraved by Vetto...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Divisione Militare di Cuneo. Mondovi / Alba.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of Cuneo, centered on the towns of Mondovi and Alba. Lower corners, two inset plans of Mondovi and Alba. Upper right corner, a key. ...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


Souvenirs des Pyrénées. Vues prises aux environs des eaux thermales de Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Bagnères-de-Luchon, Cauteretz, Saint-Sauveur, Barèges, Les-eaux-Bonnes, Les-Eaux-Chaudes & Pau.

The thermal baths Bagnères de Bigorre, Bagnères de Luchon, Cauteretz, Saint-Sauveur, Barèges, Les Eaux-Bonnes and Pau in the Pyrenees. Beautiful collection of 24 litho...

$800 / ≈ €734
Maker / Publisher: PETIT, V.
Place & Date: Pau, A.Basset, ca. 1860


Topografia di Alcune Antiche Citta Etrusche.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of several Etruscan cities. Engraved by Vettorio Angeliand included in: Atlante Geografico dell Italia .

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


L'escadre alliée bombarde les forts extérieurs de Sébastopol. (18 octobre 1854)

Beautiful Crimean War lithography by Becquet after a painting by Louis Le Breton. The print illustrates the ships "Fort Constantin", "la ville de Paris&quo...

$400 / ≈ €367
Maker / Publisher: LANGLUME./ LE BRETON, L.
Place & Date: Paris, 1860


AFFAIRES D'ORIENT Départ des Grenadiers de la Garde Anglaise, à bord du Steamer transatlantique l'Orenoco. . .

Beautiful lithography of the British steamboat "l'Orenoco" departure from Southampton in May 1854, with soldiers leaving for the Crimean War. After a design Lou...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: LEBRETON, L.
Place & Date: Paris, Lemercier, c.1860


(Title page) Vedute dei principali monumenti di Venezia.

Decorative title page with in the lower part small inset view of Doge Palace, St. Marco and a gondola.

$50 / ≈ €46
Maker / Publisher: CECCHINI, G.B., G.PIVIDOR.
Place & Date: Venice, 1860


[Title page] Album delle principali vedute di Venezia disegnate da Marco Moro. . .

The title page has a virgin and the lion of Saint Mark sitting on an island with the background of the town of Venice. Learn more about map printing and views of Venice ...

$50 / ≈ €46
Maker / Publisher: MORO, M.
Place & Date: Venice, G. Brizeghel, ca 1860


Nieuwe kaart van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. . .

Uncommon map of the Netherlands prepared by J.S. Smulders and P. H. Witkamp and lithographed by Z.M. den Koning in the Hague. Dated.Showing The Kingdom of the Netherlands...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: WITKAMP, P.H.
Place & Date: The Hague, 1874


La Pieuvre Germanique.

Scarce lithographed plate not dated, by Eugène Danzanvilliers, printed by Grandremy in Paris. The plate listed by Adhemar is dated 1874. Eugène Danzanvilliers was a dra...

$3000 / ≈ €2752
Maker / Publisher: DANZANVILLIERS, Eugène.
Place & Date: Paris, 28 Quai de la Rapée, c.1874


La pericolante ostinata. Papagallo No. 20 Anno II.

Design by Augusto Grossi. Taken from the Italian satirical newspaper Il Papagallo, a satirical magazine founded in January 1873 by Augusto Grossi (1835-1919), which speci...

$350 / ≈ €321
Maker / Publisher: GROSSI, A.
Place & Date: Bologne, 1874


Sint Catharinakerk te Eindhoven.

Uncommon woodblock engraving of St.Catharina church of Eindhoven, built by the well-known architect P.Cuijpers. Published in Katholieke Illustratie.The "katholieke i...

$85 / ≈ €78
Maker / Publisher: BAL, W.
Place & Date: 'sHertogenbosch, Henri Bogaerts, 1875


Société de la Charité Maternelle à Paris. Plan de le ville de Paris, Divisé par Quartiers avec Nomenclature.

>Rare atlas de Paris dressé par E. Devrainne, divisé en 80 quartiers et colorié par Le Roux (Le Roux pinxit). Illustré d'une page de titre aux armes de Paris avec ...

$1750 / ≈ €1605
Maker / Publisher: DEVRAINNE, E.
Place & Date: Imprimerie Mercier, Clichy, 1876


La Piovra Russa. Carta Serio-Comica Pel 1878.

Very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspaper "Le Perroquet / Al papagallo, N° 15, ...

$2000 / ≈ €1834
Maker / Publisher: GROSSI, A.
Place & Date: Bologne, 14 avril 1878


La Piovra Russa. Carta Serio-Comica Pel 1878.

Variant of the very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspaper "Le Perroquet / Al papa...

$2000 / ≈ €1834
Maker / Publisher: GROSSI, Augusto.
Place & Date: Bologne presso il Giornale colorato in Papagallo, 1878


Kasteel Croij.

Decorative lithography of the castle of Croij.

$75 / ≈ €69
Maker / Publisher: SCHIPPERUS, P.A.
Place & Date: Den Haag, 1880


Wandkarte von Europa von H.Berghaus. . .

Large wall map of Europe printed in chromo-lithography. Prepared by Heinrich Berghaus and published by Justus Perthes in Gotha.Heinrich Berghaus, with support of Alexande...

$900 / ≈ €826
Maker / Publisher: BERGHAUS, H.
Place & Date: Gotha, Perthes, ca.1885


Russia & Poland.

Charming, folding map of Russia and Poland, giving a detailed overview of Europe from Baltic to Caspian Sea. Railways and rivers prominently delineated.In lower left a ke...

$550 / ≈ €504
Maker / Publisher: STANFORD, E.
Place & Date: London, ca. 1890


[Voyage en Suisse / Reise die Schweiz.]

A first edition children's folding board game of Switzerland and its many places and sights to visit. Although it is missing most of its original components (dice, cards,...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Switzerland, 1891


Map of Russia and Poland.

Charming, folding map of Russia, Poland and Baltic States, still in its original publisher's blind stamped linen wrapper with yellow label. With yellow advertisements at ...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANFORD, E.
Place & Date: London, ca. 1894


[West Central London from Booth's Poverty Map of London]

A map of West Central London, one section (of twenty) of an extended version of the incredibly influential Poverty Map, originally published in Charles Booth's 'Life and ...

$750 / ≈ €688
Maker / Publisher: BOOTH, Charles.
Place & Date: London, 1900


Kasteel Heeswijk.

Very fine etching of the Castle of Heeswijk, by the well-known etcher Ludwig Willem Reymert Wenckebach. He was born in The Hague on 12 January 1860 and died in 1937. The ...

$90 / ≈ €83
Maker / Publisher: WENCKEBACH, L.W.R.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1901


Excelsiori (Rana N. 28 - Cent. 20).

"After so many wars and so many troubles, young Russia, in a more serene glaze all the beautiful sun of freedom you will enjoy ... ". Fascinating allegorical sa...

$1250 / ≈ €1147
Maker / Publisher: CETTO, M.
Place & Date: Bologna, 1905


Carte de la Roumanie et Pays limitrophes. Odessa. GALATZ.

Very detailed (1:750.000) map centered on Constanta, with the river Danube in Romania. Made after an Austrian map. The French Service géographique des armées was founde...

$120 / ≈ €110
Place & Date: Paris, 1908


(Postcard of Europe)

During the Great War, when the only means of communicating news to the masses was by newspapers and weekly illustrated magazines, the ‘war’ or 'military' picture post...

$110 / ≈ €101
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Moscow, 1914
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2025


Mappa Humoristico da Europa.

A really unusual and lovely map, published in Portugal at the outbreak of The Great War in 1914. This outbreak of war in Europe was the result of a complex sequence of ev...

$2000 / ≈ €1834
Maker / Publisher: SOARES, A.
Place & Date: Lisbon, 1914


Hark ! Hark ! The dogs do bark.

This very rare political caricature map of Europe depicts the continent at the outbreak of World War I, or as it was called at the time the Great War. Designed by Johnson...

$3500 / ≈ €3210
Maker / Publisher: BACON, G.W.
Place & Date: London, Johnson Riddle & Co.,1914


Völker Europas wie schön sind eure Geschichter. (World War I post card)

During the Great War, when the only means of communicating news to the masses was by newspapers and weekly illustrated magazines, the ‘war’ or 'military' picture post...

$150 / ≈ €138
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Germany, 1915


L'Impero della preda ossia la Piovra d'Absburgo.

Austro-Hungarian Octopus zinc lithographed map. A propaganda sheet attacking the Austro-Hungarian Empire, showing it as an octopus with its tentacles wrapped around the v...

$500 / ≈ €459
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: La Zincografia, Milan, c. 1915


Mapa Polski i Krajów Osciennych - Wydanie trzecie. Opracowal Stanislaw Max. Wydani M. Arcta.

‘The Birth of Modern Poland on a map’ - an excellent wall map of Poland and surrounding regions, published in Warsaw near the end of World War I, when Poland’s fate...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: Stanislaw MAX.
Place & Date: Warsaw, [H. Sklodowski], 1918


[This is Great Brittain to-day - Cambridge]

Chromolithoghraphed plate showing a fancy depiction of the courtyard of a British University (Cambridge). A text in Arabic language explaining about the 20 universities a...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: ALLINSON
Place & Date: Arabia, ca. 1920
Selling price: $360
Sold in 2025