Browse Listings in America > Canada > Cities in Canada
Vorstellung Einiger Gegenden und Plaetze in Nord-America unter Franzoesisch und Englische Jurisdiction Gehoerig zu Finden bey den Homaennischen Erben in Nurnberg Ao. 1756.
Three town plans on one sheet of eastern Canada, including Quebec, Louisbourg and Halifax towns which the English and French fought to conquer on the American continent f...
$1000 / ≈ €936
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1756
[ Niagara Falls ]
Two aquatints depicting the Horse Shoe Fall (also known as Canadian Falls at the top) and the Fort Schloper Fall (bottom) engraved by Biasolé. From Giulio Ferrario's wor...
$100 / ≈ €94
Place & Date: Milan, 1827
Decorative poster advertising flights to Canada made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Britai...
$300 / ≈ €281
Place & Date: Paris, 1967