Do you need help navigating our website? The most commonly asked questions and answers are here.
Buying in the BuyNow GALLERY
We offer 2000+ fine maps, prints, posters, and medieval manuscripts. The items are available for immediate sale and no commissions will be added to the bill.
GO TO FAQ & ANSWERS BuyNow Gallery >>>>
META4MAPS.COM Connect your collection
Enjoy and share your maps with your friends and other map collectors! If you are an existing client of Paulus Swaen and you want us to do so,
then we are happy to install your gallery free of charge, add some of your historical purchases and add your gallery to the Meta4Maps list.
Join the Every Tuesday metaverse map meeting at 1 PM (EST) or Amsterdam at 21.00.
A one-hour chat meeting with another map enthusiast to discuss the latest discovered maps, rumors, and questions you might have.
Live Chat Support
We also offer live chat support on weekdays. To access real-time customer service, click on the tab in the lower-left corner of your screen.
Or contact us at our Amsterdam or USA office. We are happy to assist.