Browse Listings in Europe > Poland

576 listings found. Showing results 81 to 160
Zamoscium. Nova Poloniae civitas, à magnifico eius regni Cancellaro à fundamentis exstructa.

Rare bird's-eye town-plan of Zamosc in Poland. Key to 11 locations.Frans Hogenberg (1535 Mechelen - Cologne 1590) was a copper engraver and etcher. Georg Braun (1541 - Co...

$750 / ≈ €722
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2013


Mons Calvariae. . .

Bird's-eye of Kalwarya Zebrzydowska (southeast of Krakow). With a cartouche upper left : "Pope Paul V found this place worthy of his blessing and rich favours."...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2014


Zamoscium. Nova Poloniae civitas, à magnifico eius regni Cancellaro à fundamentis exstructa.

Rare bird's-eye view of Zamosc in Poland. Key to 11 locations.Frans Hogenberg (1535 Mechelen - Cologne 1590) was a copper engraver and etcher. Georg Braun (1541 - Cologne...

$650 / ≈ €626
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2014


Nissa Silesior Sedes Episcopalis [on sheet with] Liginicium.

Bird's-eye of Nysa and Legnica (Poland)Frans Hogenberg (1535 Mechelen - Cologne 1590) was a copper engraver and etcher. Georg Braun (1541 - Cologne - 1622) was a geograp...

$650 / ≈ €626
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2014


Sendomiria [with] Biecz

Bird's-eye views of Sandomierz and Biecz in Poland, each with a key to seven locations. Frans Hogenberg (1535 Mechelen - Cologne 1590) was a copper engraver and etcher. ...

$1000 / ≈ €963
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2015


Cracovia Minoris Poloniae Metropolis.

Rare panoramic view of Cracow, only included in volume 6 of "Civitates Orbis Terrarum". This edition without text on verso.The "Civitates Orbis Terrarum&qu...

$3000 / ≈ €2889
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $3000
Sold in 2020


Cracovia Metropolis Regni Poloniae.

Rare panoramic view of Cracow only included in volume 6 of "Civitates Orbis Terrarum." This edition is without text on verso.The "Civitates Orbis Terrarum&...

$3200 / ≈ €3082
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1618
Selling price: $3200
Sold in 2020


Dantzigt / Gedanum.

A very fine example of this decorative, early view of the town of Danzig. Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, published the highly successful "Civitas Orbis Terrarum' i...

$425 / ≈ €409
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, Fr.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1572-1618
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2020



Mercator's map of part of Poland.

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1619
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2014


Polonia et Silesia.

Poland. French text on verso.

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1619
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2016


Nova Poloniae delineatio.

A finely engraved carte à figures . The side panels depict local costume figures, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniature town prospects, amon...

$1725 / ≈ €1661
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS,J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1620
Selling price: $1725


Eigentlicher Abriss der Marck Brandenburg, sampt deroselben ahngrentzenden Landschafften. Brandenburg unnd Pommern.

A very rare separately published map of Pommerania in Germany and western part of present-day Poland, east of the river Oder, including Szczecin, Stargard.The map was als...

$1000 / ≈ €963
Maker / Publisher: VON LATOMUS, S.
Place & Date: Frankfurt am Main, ca. 1620
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2016


Sigismundus Augustus II. D. G. Rex Poloniae, Magn.-Dux Lituaniae. etc.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus Augustus II".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from ...

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $120


Henricus III. D. G. Galliae Et Poloniae Rex Christianiss.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry III of France and Poland.Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-...

$27 / ≈ €26
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $27


Stephanus Bathorus, D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae etc.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Stephanus Bathorus".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-...

$90 / ≈ €87
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $90


Sigismundus III. D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithauniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus III".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-162...

$95 / ≈ €91
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $95


Sigismundus I. D. G. Poloniae Rex Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus I".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621....

$106 / ≈ €102
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $106



Small map of Poland, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : W...

$145 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $145



Small map of Poland, surrounded by text in Dutch. Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-1621.Included in the rare book : W...

Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2023


Sigismundus I. D. G. Poloniae Rex Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Sigismund I of Poland (1467 – 1548), member of the Jagiellon dynasty, who reigned as King of Poland and also as the...

$130 / ≈ €125
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $130
Sold in 2018


Sigismundus Augustus II. D. G. Rex Poloniae, Magn.-Dux Lituaniae. etc.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Sigismund II Augustus (1 August 1520 – 7 July 1572) who was the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the onl...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2017


Henricus III. D. G. Galliae Et Poloniae Rex Christianiss.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of Henry III (1551-1589) of France and Poland.Henry III is facing left, wearing a hat adorned with a brooch, a pear-shap...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2018


Sigismundus III. D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithauniae. Russ. Prus. etc. Dux.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Sigismundus III".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-162...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019


Stephanus Bathorus, D. G. Poloniae Rex. Magnus-Dux Lithuaniae etc.

The engraving depicts a half length oval portrait of "Stephanus Bathorus".Nicolaes de Clerck (de Klerc) was active as engraver and publisher in Delft from 1599-...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: DE CLERCK, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019


A Newe mape of Poland ...

From Speed's Prospect of the most famous parts of the world . A decorative carte à figures , with side panels depicting costumes of a Polonian Gentleman and Gentlewoman ...

$1610 / ≈ €1551
Maker / Publisher: SPEED,J.
Place & Date: London 1626
Selling price: $1610


Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabula. Auctore Eilhardo Lubino.

Extremely rare first edition of which Peter van der Krogt list only 5 other copies in his updated Atlantes Neerlandici of this important map of present day eastern German...

$1900 / ≈ €1830
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1629
Selling price: $1900


Nova Poloniae delineatio.

First state. A finely engraved carte à figures . The side panels depict local costume figures, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniatu...

$4850 / ≈ €4671
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606-1630
Selling price: $4850
Sold in 2009


Nova Poloniae delineatio.

A finely engraved carte à figures . The side panels depict local costume figures, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniature town prospects, amon...

$6200 / ≈ €5971
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606-1630
Selling price: $6200
Sold in 2014


Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .

Uncommon map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). Showing the part of western Poland and the German areas of B...

Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N. J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Selling price: $720
Sold in 2023


Tabula nova Poloniae et Silesiae.

A finely engraved carte á figures with cartouche representing in the four corners of the map : Kings ( on the left side Sigismundus II and III , and on the right side St...

$2500 / ≈ €2408
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Selling price: $2500
Sold in 2017



An early map of northern Poland from the "Atlas Minor" (Gerhard Mercator / Jodocus Hondius). Extends from Memel to Torun and the Narew River. With two sailing s...

$12 / ≈ €12
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1630
Selling price: $12
Sold in 2018


Nova Poloniae delineatio.

A finely engraved carte à figures . The side panels depict local costume figures, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniature town prospects, amon...

$2600 / ≈ €2504
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606-1630
Selling price: $2600
Sold in 2018


Nova Poloniae delineatio.

First state. A finely engraved carte à figures. The side panels depict local costume figures, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniature town pro...

$3500 / ≈ €3371
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606-1630
Selling price: $3500
Sold in 2020



An early copper engraved map of Prussia, with coasts of the Baltic Sea, northern Poland including Gdańsk, Kaliningrad, and parts of Lithuania. A very decorative ...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. & HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1630
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2020



Early map of Lithuania. No text on verso. Engraved by Petrus Kaerius.

$270 / ≈ €260
Maker / Publisher: CLOPPENBURGH,J.E.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1632
Selling price: $270
Sold in 2009



Early map of Poland. With Latin text on verso.

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: CLOPPENBURGH, J.E.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1632
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009


Polonia et Silesia.

Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Leuven under Gemma Frisius, Dutch writer, astronomer and mathematician. The excellence of his work brought him ...

$210 / ≈ €202
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR,G./ HONDIUS,J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1633
Selling price: $210


Polonia et Silesia.

Fine and important map of Poland, including Warsaw, Krakow, Oppeln, Breslau, Gnezna, Graudenz, Lublin etc.Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Leuve...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. / HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1633
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2014


Polonia et Silesia.

Fine and important map of Poland, including Warsaw, Krakow, Oppeln, Breslau, Gnezna, Graudenz, Lublin etc.Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders and studied in Leuve...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. / HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1633
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2017


Prussiae nova tabula.

The map features a bold title cartouche, a ship, compass rose and a sea monster in the Baltic Sea. As indicated in the title cartouche, the map was prepared by the German...

Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1634
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2015


Polonia regnum et Silesia ducatus

Very decorative map of Poland embellished with two cartouches and two coats of arms surmounted by cherubs and female figures.

$550 / ≈ €530
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU,W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1635
Selling price: $550


Silesia Ducatus.

Willem Blaeu, founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his first atlas, 'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630, followed by his "Th...

$275 / ≈ €265
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU,W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1635
Selling price: $275


Mare Bal Ticum. Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabula Auctore Eilharo Lubino

This handsome decorative map by Willem Blaeu depicts the region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea called Pomerania, which is Poland’s entire Baltic coast and Germany...

Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1635
Selling price: $125
Sold in 2023


Silesiae Ducatus Accurata et vera delineatio. . .

A standard map of south western Poland, Centered on Wroclaw (Breslau), including the cities of Dresden, Prague, Krakow, Frankfurt, etc. The map is dedicated to the Silesi...

$425 / ≈ €409
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1636
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2010


Silesia Ducatus..

Centered on Breslau.As Willem Blaeu died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joan. This maps was actually published in volume II of a French editio...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2010


Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabula. Auctore Eilhardo Lubino.

Poland with eastern Germany.As Willem Blaeu died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joan. This maps carries his (engraved) signature and was actua...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2013


Polonia regnum et Silesia ducatus.

Very decorative map of Poland embellished with two cartouches and two coats of arms surmounted by cherubs and female figures. Showing the region from the Oder east to Pod...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2010


Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabula. Amstelodami, Guiljelm Blaeuw excudit.

This attractive map shows all of the area of Pomerania, in present day eastern Germany and Poland with considerable detail. An elaborate coat of arms of Pomerania is at ...

$625 / ≈ €602
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, Willem Jansz.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, (1630) 1635-1638
Selling price: $625
Sold in 2012


Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniæ et Mekelenburgi.

Decorative map of part of Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Rugia and part of present Poland with excellent detail of forests, rivers, towns and villages. Ornamented with two compa...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2016


Poloniae Nova et Acurata Descriptio.

A good example of a scarce map of Poland extending from Stettin and Crossen to Cracow, to Lublin and Warsaw and north to the Baltic. Imposing figures support the title pi...

$750 / ≈ €722
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2012


Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniæ et Mekelenburgi.

Decorative map of part of Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Rugia and part of present Poland with excellent detail of forests, rivers, towns and villages. Ornamented with two compa...

$170 / ≈ €164
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $170
Sold in 2015


Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniae et Meklenburgi.

Very Decorative map of part of Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Rugia and part of present Poland with excellent detail of forests, rivers, towns and villages. Ornamented with two ...

$210 / ≈ €202
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $210
Sold in 2016


Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabula.

A detailed map of the Duchy of Pomerania, that between Poland and Germany. The map is highly decorated, including a title cartouche with five figures, fruit, a scale wit...

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2018


Comitatus Glatz.

Centered on Görlitz. The cartographer of this map was Bartholomeus Scultetus (1540-1614), active in Görlitz.. The title cartouche at bottom right shows ...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS,H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1639
Selling price: $200


Lublinum [Lublin].

Extremely rare and detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Lublin by Giacomo Lauro (active about 1584-1637), taken from "Heroico Splendore delle Città del Mondo&quo...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: LAURO, G.
Place & Date: Rome, 1628 or 1639
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2019


Novum Zamoscium. [Zamosc]

Extremely rare and detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Zamosc by Giacomo Lauro (active about 1584-1637), taken from "Heroico Splendore delle Città del Mondo&quo...

$900 / ≈ €867
Maker / Publisher: LAURO, G.
Place & Date: Rome, 1628 or 1639
Selling price: $900


Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatione

Beautiful full old colored example of Blaeu's map of Glogau in Lower Silesia Province in Poland. From a Spanish edition of "Atlas Maior".

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: Blaeu, W.J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2009


Silesiae Ducatus . . .

Centered on Breslau. Including the towns of Dresden, Cracow, Prague, Olmitz, etc.Decorative map prepared by Jonas Scultetus, a Silesian cartographer (1603-1664).French te...

$240 / ≈ €231
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Selling price: $240
Sold in 2010


A Newe mape of Poland Done into English by I.Speede.

A wonderful map of Poland. Incorporated into Speed's 'Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The World.' Includes birds-eye views of Cracow, Dantzick, Posna, Crossen, Sando...

$3500 / ≈ €3371
Maker / Publisher: SPEED,J./ HUMBLE, G.
Place & Date: London, 1640
Selling price: $3500
Sold in 2017


Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio . . .

Decorative regional map of Silesia, centered on Breslau. Extends from Cracow to Glogau and Gorlitz. Two cartouches, each with a large coat of arms. French text on verso.

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2015


Nova illustri simi ducatus Pomeraniae..

Very beautiful and detailed map of northern Poland. The map is surmounted by an enormous coat of arms surrounded by two figures. In the left upper part, a circular cartou...

$290 / ≈ €279
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
Selling price: $290
Sold in 2019


Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniæ et Mekelenburgi.

A highly decorative map of parts of Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Rugia and parts of present day Poland - all with excellent detail of forests, rivers, cities, towns (highlight...

$60 / ≈ €58
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1640
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2019


Prussia accurate descriptia a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi.

Prussia and the Baltic Region, with two large decorative cartouches, coat of arms, and three sailing ships. As indicated in the title cartouche, the map was prepared by t...

Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2017


Polonia regnum et Silesia ducatus.

Very decorative map of Poland embellished with two cartouches and two coats of arms surmounted by cherubs and female figures. Showing the region from the Oder east to Pod...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2019


Silesia Ducatus . . .

Map centered on Breslau.As Willem Blaeu died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joan.More about Willem Blaeu. [+]

$550 / ≈ €530
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $480


Pomeraniae ducatus Tabula.

Finely engraved map of Pomerania, geographical region today divided between northern Poland and Germany on the south coasts of the Baltic Sea. With decorative title carto...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2017


Brandeburgum Marchionatuscum Ducatibus.

A decorative map that is a part of Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Rugia and part of present Poland, with excellent detail of forests, rivers, towns and villages.Ornamented with ...

$65 / ≈ €63
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Selling price: $65
Sold in 2018


Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae..

Detailed map of Poland and part of Russia up to the River Dnepr.

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS,J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $200


Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae..

Highly detailed map of Poland and part of Russia up to the River Dnepr. No text on the verso.Sailing ship, cartouche and coat of arms, plus an elaborate mounted battle sc...

$825 / ≈ €795
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS,J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1645
Selling price: $825


Lusatia Superior . . .

Attractive map of the region straddling present-day southwestern Poland, Saxony and the Czech Republic.Old city names including Lieba, Gorlitz, Dresden, Pirnaw, and Prybu...

$90 / ≈ €87
Maker / Publisher: HONDIUS, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1645
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2015


Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae. . . (with) Campus Inter Bohum et Borystenem.. .

This is the famous Radvilas (or Radziwill) map which occupies a very prominent position among works of European cartography from the end of the 16th and the beginning of ...

$4400 / ≈ €4238
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $4400
Sold in 2012


Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae. . . (with) Campus Inter Bohum et Borystenem.. .

This is the famous Radvilas (or Radziwill) map which occupies a very prominent position among works of European cartography from the end of the 16th and the beginning of ...

$5200 / ≈ €5008
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Selling price: $5200
Sold in 2014


Estats de la Couronne de Pologne.

Map of Poland, from the first edition of the atlas L'Europe.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition of the Dutch...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1647
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2012


Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae ...

Decorative map of Poland and part of Russia up to the River Dnepr. Sailing ship, cartouche and coat of arms, plus a small mounted battle scene east of Brackaw and a secon...

$870 / ≈ €838
Maker / Publisher: JANSSON, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Selling price: $870
Sold in 2012


Poloniae Nova et Acurata Descriptio.

Decorative map of Poland, from Ioannis Ianssonni Novus Atlas, Sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : In quo Tabulae & Descriptiones omnium Regionum totius Universi accuratiss...

$750 / ≈ €722
Maker / Publisher: JANSSON, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2012


Silesia inferior, ...

Decorative map of Silesia, from Ioannis Ianssonni Novus Atlas, Sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : In quo Tabulae & Descriptiones omnium Regionum totius Universi accuratis...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2012


Silesiae Ducatus ...

Decorative map of Silesia, from Ioannis Ianssonni Novus Atlas, Sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : In quo Tabulae & Descriptiones omnium Regionum totius Universi accuratis...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2012


Lusatia Superior.

An attractive map of the region of present-day southwestern Poland, at the border with Germany and the Czech Republic. Old city names include Prybus, Lieba, Gorlitz, Dres...

$42 / ≈ €40
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Selling price: $42
Sold in 2018


Silesia Inferior.

Johannes Janssonius, the great rival of Willem Blaeu, was the son-in-law of Jodocus Hondius. Together with Jodocus' son Hendrick, he continued to publish the successive e...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: Janssonius, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2009


Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio. Iona Sculteta Sprotta.

Johannes Janssonius, the great rival of Willem Blaeu, was the son-in-law of Jodocus Hondius. Together with Jodocus' son Hendrick, he continued to publish the successive e...

$275 / ≈ €265
Maker / Publisher: Janssonius, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649
Selling price: $275
Sold in 2009