Browse Listings in Europe > Italy > Italy Cities
Map of the city of Naples.From De Fer's Atlas Curieux.
Place & Date: Paris, 1705-1717
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2012
Le Mont Cassin ...
Engraving of Monte Cassino, near the town of Cassino between Rome and Naples.From De Fer's Atlas Curieux.
Place & Date: Paris, 1705-1717
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2014
Plan de la Ville et Chateau de Melazo,...
Very rare map of the city and bay of Milazzo in Sicily. Shows the town during the attacks through the Spanish during 1718 and 1719. Illustrates the town and fortification...
Place & Date: Paris, 1719
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2016
Carte du Gouvernement Militaire de la Republique du Venise...
Very decorative folio sheet with five engraved views in Venice: "Vue de la Palace de St. Marc" (Piazza San Marco), a birds-eye map of "L'Arcenal", &qu...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1719
Selling price: $25
Sold in 2016
Plan Des Antiquitez De Rome Representes Et Distingues Suivant La Situation De Chacun De Ses Anciens Monuments.
Copper engraved plan of Ancient Rome, identifying over 100 a hundred buildings, bridges, churches, fountains. Taken from Chatelain's monumental 7 volume Atlas Historique,...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1719
Selling price: $177
Sold in 2017
Celeberrima Urbs Venetiae. (Venice)
Precise, beautiful bird's-eye view of Venice and neighboring islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello and Mazorbo), clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. The surr...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1720
Selling price: $3000
Mantoue Ville de la Lombardie Transalpine.
A very RARE panoramic view of the city of Mantua, including a numbered legend in the lower part.Published by the brothers Chéreau, active in Paris at rue st.Jacques au G...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1720
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2010
Rare view of Venice by Pieter Schenk.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $510
Sold in 2018
Venetia - Venedig
Beautiful colored birdeye view of Venice by Gabriel Bodenehr. Showing the important buildings, several sailing ships and German description on both sides. Printed from tw...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2010
Ariminum Vulgo Rimini.
A splendid view of Rimini, Italy done by Pierre Mortier in the early 18th century.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $310
Sold in 2010
Vue et représentation de la bataille de Hochstedt donnée le 13 d\'aoust 1704. . .
Extremely fine and detailed engraving by Huchtenburg depicting the siege of Hochstedt (Germany) by Price Eugene on August 13th 1704.From Jean Dumont's, "Batailles ga...
Place & Date: The Hague, Pierre Husson, 1720
Selling price: $46
Sold in 2011
Plan de la Ville de Rome.
Unusual bird's-eye plan of Rome, by Peter van der Aa, probably after De Fer. A detailed view of the city, its expansive walls and the surrounding fields. Shows streets a...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1720
Selling price: $115
Sold in 2011
Vue et représentation de la Bataille de Chiari donnée le 1 septebre 1703. . .
Extremely fine and detailed engraving by Huchtenburg depicting the siege of Chiari (Italy) by Price Eugene on September 1st 1703.From Jean Dumont's, "Batailles gagnÃ...
Place & Date: The Hague, Pierre Husson, 1720
Selling price: $330
Sold in 2014
L'idée geneale du conclave de l'exaltation des papes, de leur pompe funebre et des differentes juridictions de la cour de Rome.
A fascinating decorative chart showing the assemblies in the Vatican, a view of St Peters, six interior views, a plan of the Vatican and military and papal musters. Henri...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2018
Nouveau Plan De La Ville De Rome Tire Pare Ordre Du Pape Par Mateo Gregoria De Romans Tres Utille Pour Les Voiageurs . . .
Fine plan of Rome with extensive key to principal buildings in town, with inset views of 10 major churches and structures, including St. Peters and the Vatican. Atlas His...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2017
A fine example of George Balthasar Probst's panoramic bird's-eye-view of Turin, the capital city of Piedmont in northwest Italy. The river Poo, fortified walls, building...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2023
Urbis Romae Veteris ac Modernae Accurata Delineatio. . .
A wonderful 'bird's eye' view of the 'Eternal City' of Rome by Homann, although published in the first quarter of the eighteen century, the map portrays the city at the e...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca 1720
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2023
Veduta interiore.. Gran Basilica di S.Pietro in Vaticano.
A beautifully engraved and richly decorated architectural print of the interior of St.Pieter Church in Rome. With a key (a-z) in lower corners.Joan Blaeu published during...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1663/1704/1724
Selling price: $160
Folding panoramic view showing in great detail the harbour and city of Venice.Engraved in 1670 by Julius Milheuser but it was never used in an atlas and only a few copies...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1704-1724
Selling price: $5200
Sold in 2015
Felsina Sive Bononia Antiqua...
A very detailed copper engraved plan of ancient Bologna, from Johannes Blaeu's scarce series of Italy town books. Published by Pierre Mortier. Willem Janszoon Blaeu (157...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1663-1724
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2023
An exceptional, finely-engraved view of the Sicilian City and Port of Syracuse. Sailing vessels and a decorative cartouche. Rare.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1725
Selling price: $540
Sold in 2016
A superb town plan of Gattinara, a village in the Piedmont region in Italy, between Torino, Vercelli and Lago Maggiore. It is situated near the Sesia river. Published in ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1668-1725
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2020
Manta Salutiarum March Oppidum
Beautifully engraved view of Manta in Piemonte. Shows the town with detailed buildings, roads, and fields. The title banner and the coat of arms are held by putti. From ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2023
Carte du plan de Venise..
Extremely detailed bird's-eye view of Venice with scores of ships and gondolas shown throughout. The text panels list monasteries, churches, palaces, bridges, and the nam...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Selling price: $500
Carte du Gouvernement Civil et Politique de la Republique de Venise..
This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain?s elegant plates. It provides a detailed description of the infrastructure of the Venetian government. Ornam...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Selling price: $130
Carte du plan de Venise, l'état de sa noblesse, et ses differens degrez a ec quelques autres remarques curieuses sur cette superbe ville. Tome 2 N° 4.
Extremely detailed bird's-eye view of Venice with scores of ships and gondolas shown throughout. The text panels list monasteries, churches, palaces, bridges, and the nam...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2008
Carte du plan de Venise, l'état de sa noblesse, et ses differens degrez a ec quelques autres remarques curieuses sur cette superbe ville. Tome 2 N° 74.
Extremely detailed bird's-eye view of Venice with scores of ships and gondolas shown throughout. The text panels list monasteries, churches, palaces, bridges, and the nam...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Selling price: $900
Carte du plan de Venise, l'état de sa noblesse, et ses differens degrez a ec quelques autres remarques curieuses sur cette superbe ville. Tome 2 N° 4.
Extremely detailed bird's-eye view of Venice with scores of ships and gondolas shown throughout. The text panels list monasteries, churches, palaces, bridges, and the nam...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2018
Prospectus Palatii Oratoris Hispaniarum, et fori Hispanici. . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing Piazza di Spagna in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "Naaukeurige versameling der ged...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2009
Prospectus pontiss Mariae . . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing a destroyed Santa Maria Bridge in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "Naaukeurige versa...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
Conspectvs basilicae d. Petri, Porticvs . . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing St. Peter Basilica in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "Naaukeurige versameling der g...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2011
Prospectus Castelli Sancti Angeli . . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing Santa Maria degli Angeli and St. Peter Basilica in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
Prospectus Pontis Sixti in Locorvmq adjecentivm . . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing canal in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "Naaukeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigs...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
Prospectus Fori Romani. . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing Forum Romanum in Rome. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published a.o. "Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
Prospectus Pontis Sixti in Locorvmq adjecentivm . . .
Three plates on one sheet. Upper one showing Coliseum in Rome, in lower part St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. Pieter van der Aa was a prolific publisher. He published...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2009
MEYLAND. F. B. Werner delin. Haered. Ieremiae Wolff excud.
A spectacular panoramic view of Milan designed by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776). With the title in a banderol at the head, flanked on the right by the crowned cit...
Place & Date: Augsbourg , ca. 1730
Selling price: $2800
Milazzo olim Mylae, munitissimum Siciliae castellum.
Exceptional plan and view of the city of Milazzo, in Sicily. One of the most beautiful and sought after views from Seutter. A few imperfections, exceptional old colors, p...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2013
Plan de la Ville et Port de Livourne.
An attractive chart centered on Livorno. With scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des ports et ra...
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2016
Roma Victrix
A small map of ancient Rome, showing a few buildings and streets, plus it names several gates (Porta) of the Aurelian Walls!
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca 1730
Selling price: $37
Sold in 2016
Veteris et Modernaeurbis Romae Ichnograpphia..
A striking city plan of Rome with vibrant original color. The plan is beautifully embellished with allegorical scenes. In the lower right a vignette portraying the tribut...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1730
Selling price: $1150
Sold in 2017
Milano, la Citta Principale et Fortezza Reale del Ducato medsino in Italia . . .
Fine example of Seutter's decorative and highly detailed plan of Milan, with a striking panoramic view of the City below. Matthaus Seutter the elder first published his &...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2017
Venetia potentissima e la più magnifica fiorentissimae la più ricca città capitale della Serenissima repubblica . . .
Birds-eye plan view of Venice, depicting the city's architectural landmarks. Below Saint Marco square.Matthaus Seutter the elder first published his "Atlas Geographi...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2018
Milano, la Citta Principale et Fortezza Reale del Ducato medsino in Italia . . .
Fine example of Seutter's decorative and highly detailed plan of Milan, with a striking panoramic view of the City below. Matthaus Seutter the elder first published his &...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2023
FLORENZ, FIRENZA la Capitale di Toscana etc. . .
A fine antique copper engraved map, a detailed plan with a fascinating panoramic view by Matthias Seutter, in Augsburg ca 1730. With two keys to the plan [numbers and let...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca 1730
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2020
A panoramic bird's-eye-view of Genoa, Italy, printed on two sheets joined at the center. The work shows the harbor, city walls, buildings, churches, and hilly landscape i...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2023
Pianta della città di Firenze nelle sue vere misure colla descrizione dei luoghi più notabili di ciascun quartiere.
First edition of the plan of the city of Florence by Ferdinando Ruggieri. Decorated with a title cartridge, a dedication cartouche decorated with the coat of arms of the ...
Place & Date: Florence, 1731
Selling price: $800
Sold in 2017
Plan du Port et de la Baye de Tarante
Nautical chart of the Gulf and Port of Taranto in Italy. Imposing large compass rose. Little is known about Jacques Ayrouard and he only published this single book on the...
Place & Date: Paris, 1732
Selling price: $102
Sold in 2016
Plan du Mole de Naples, Veue en Plan de la Rade.
Four plans on one page of harbors on the Tyrrhenian Seacoast of Italy. Includes the harbors of Naples & Pozzuoli. The fortifications and buildings are well shown. Eac...
Place & Date: Paris, 1732
Selling price: $51
Sold in 2014
Rome Ancienne et Moderne.
Fine plan of ancient Rome with extensive key to principal buildings in town, from the most remarkable Atlas Historique et Méthodique published by L'Honore & Chatelai...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705-1739
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2020
GENUA - Pallais Villamena a Gene avec son agreable Prospecte.
A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular speciality establishments in Paris, ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2014
Vue du Place grande a Neaple vers Orient.
So called optical print from "Collection des Prospects" hand-colored at publication. A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. In the e...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Selling price: $39
Sold in 2015
Lust-Hoff und prospect des meeres zu Livorno / L'Hotellerie de plaisance et vuë vers la mer a Livorne.
So called optical print from "Collection des Prospects" hand-colored at publication. A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. Engraved...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Selling price: $28
Sold in 2015
Prospect von Livorno gegen das Meer. Vuë de Livorne du Cote de la Mer.
So called optical print from "Collection des Prospects" hand-colored at publication. A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. Engraved...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Selling price: $33
Sold in 2015
Gross Herzoglicher Lust=Hoff, zu Livorno. Pallais de Plaisance du Grand Duc de Toscane a Livorne.
So called optical print from "Collection des Prospects" hand-colored at publication. A well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Augsburg. Engraved...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Selling price: $27
Sold in 2015
Messina mitt der Neuen Cittadell.
An old birds-eye view of Messina in Sicily. Shows the city from the seaside, with its harbour, fortifications and city walls. Several towers and buildings are shown. With...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1740
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2017
Platea ac Templum D: D: Joannis et Pauli et proxime magnum Sodalitium D. . .
Very fine etching with engraving by Michele Giovanni Marieschi (1696-1743), from the book "Magnificentiores selectioresque urbis Venetiarum prospectus".Michele ...
Place & Date: Venice, 1741
Selling price: $101
Sold in 2014
Plan of Turin as besieged in 1706. . .
An interesting copper engraved plan of the Fortification of Turin in Italy, with an attractive rococo bordered key. Nicholas Tindal (1687-1774) / Paul de Rapin (1661-1725...
Place & Date: London, 1743
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2021
Plan de Genes
A rare plan of Genoa by Le Rouge. Showing the fortified city with the adjacent streets, title on top, key on the right. Decorated with a compass rose.
Place & Date: Paris, 1745
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2011
A Prospect of the City of Genoa.
A highly detailed birds-eye view of Genoa. Withy numerous buildings and landmarks of the surrounding area shown. The harbour is filled with sailing ships. A key below nam...
Place & Date: London, ca 1746
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2022
Vue perspective de la Cathedrale de Milan.
An optical view of the Dome of Milan.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1750
Selling price: $180
Florence. Florence Ville d'Tialie, capitale de Toscane. . .
A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Florence, in Tuscany. Including a 4-line text in lower part. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by A...
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750
Selling price: $2200
Sold in 2016
Genes. Ville Capitale de la Republique de meme nom seituée sur la mer méditerranée en Italie.
A very decorative and extremely rare of Genoa, including a numbered key ( 1-30 ) in lower part. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and fir...
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1750
Selling price: $3500
Sold in 2012
Vue de la Place de S.Marc à Venise.
Showing the St.Marco Square in Venice. Mondhard was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Martin in Paris. In the eighteenth and nineteenth cent...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009
Venise vue du côté du g(rann)d canal.
Showing the Grand Canal in Venice. Likely published by Mondhard, a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Martin in Paris. In the eighteenth and ni...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2009
Palais du Doge à Venise.
Showing the Doge's Palace in Venice. Likely published by Mondhard, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Martin in Paris. In the eightee...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2012
Eglise S.Théodore et entrée du grand canal de Venise.
Showing the entrance of the Grand Canal in Venice. Likely published by Mondhard, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Martin in Paris. ...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013
Intérieur de l'Eglise St.Marc à Venise.
Showing the interior of Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques.In the eighteenth and nineteen...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2013
Port de Constantinople.
Showing a fanciful presentation of the harbor of Constantinople (Istanbul). J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques.In the eigh...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2009
Ile de Malte, du côté du fort.
Showing to the right part of Fort St. Elmo at Valletta, with a lively foreground and a sea battle in the bay. The mirror-image title reads "Vue de Malthe du côté d...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2009
Grande rue de Naples.
Showing a street scene in Naples. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques.In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2016
Vaisseau en feu dans le port de Messine.
Showing a fanciful depiction of the harbor of Messina on the island of Sicily and a burning vessel. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, ru...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2010
Intérieur de la Basilique de Saint Pierre.
Showing the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, officially known in Italian as the Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano in Rome. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical pri...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013
Basilique de St.Pierre et Palais du Vatican à Rome.
Showing the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, and the Papal Palace in Vatican in Rome. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques.In ...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2013
Grande place, Basilique S. Pierre et Palais du Vatican.
Showing the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, and its square in the Vatican in Rome. J. Chereau was a publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques.In th...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2013
Nice engraved bird's-eye plan view of ancient Rome with great detail of the buildings, streets, and monuments... Very decorative engraving by P. Philip. Rare to appear o...
Place & Date: ca. 1750
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2010
Carte Géometrique de la Ville et des Environs de Gene, ou on voit l'Expedition des Imperiaux et Piemontois contre les Genois et leurs alliez, avec les differents Postes, Retranchements, attaques, déffenses, et Mouvements des deux Parties, le tout desine s
RARE and unidentified map of the area around Genoa (Genova) in Italy. Large map, superbly engraved. With an extensive key to the right, identifying numerous fortification...
Place & Date: ca. 1750
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2011
Venetia Potentissima e la più Magnifica...
Striking hand-colored bird's town-plan of Venice with two views of St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco), one showing the famous "Gondolas". The detailed plan in...
Place & Date: Augsburg, c.1750
Selling price: $770
Sold in 2011
Vue perspective du pont Elian, du château St Ange, et d'une partie de la ville de Rome.
A view of the Castle of St.Angelo and Elian Bridge, with part of the city of Rome. Published by Jacques Chereau, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, establi...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2016
Vue de la ville de Naples. . .
A decorative view of Naples with a busy harbour, published by Basset, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St. Jacques in Paris. In the ei...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750
Selling price: $180
Sold in 2014
Cony, a strong City of Piedmont in the States of Savoy.
A detailed 'bird's eye view of the Italian city of Cony (Cuneo) and surrounding fields, farmland rivers and terrain.Houses and public buildings are shown in great detail,...
Place & Date: London, ca 1750
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2017