Browse Listings in Europe > Italy > Italy Cities

430 listings found. Showing results 1 to 80
Florencia. [Florence]

A very fine view of Florence. Verso showing the genealogy of the Syrian kings and priests.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Liber chronicarum or Nu...

$2500 / ≈ €2408
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $2500
Sold in 2011


Neapolis [Naples] Folium XLII

A imaginary view of Naples (19x22cm.), however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Liber chronicarum or N...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2014


Mediolanum [Milan] Folio LXXII

Panoramic view of Milan. An imaginary view: however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronic...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $300


Pisa. Folium XLV.

A imaginary view of Pisa: however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Page from the richest illustrated Incunabula, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle, published the...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2014


[Text page with a view of Wurzburg (Herbipolis) and Ferraria.] Sexta Etas Mundi. Foliu. CLIX.

On recto an imaginary of Ferrara (19x22cm.), however the earliest obtainable view of this period.On verso the left-half of a two page panoramic view of Wurzburg (Herbipo...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, Hartmann.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $300


Sena. Sexta Etas Mudi. Foliu LXXX. [Siena]

Including a fine half-page woodcut of Siena (190x225mm.) Verso: Two kings of Egypt and various Greek thinkers, including Menander, Demetrius & theophrastus.Page from ...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2011


Quita Etas Mundi. Papia. [ Pavia ] LXXIIII

A imaginary view of Pavia: however the earliest obtainable view of this period, centered on the church and the high walls.On verso, portraits of Hermes Apuleus, Plotinus ...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2009


Quarta Etas Mundi. Bononia. [Bologna] LXII

A very nice presentation and one of the earliest obtainable views of the city of Bologna. Verso, portraits of Merodach and Nabuchodonosor, kings of Babylon. On the lower ...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2009


Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXII

The Latin text page is illustrated with an imaginary of Milan, Italy. VERSO are portraits of poets and teachers.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: ...

$95 / ≈ €91
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $95
Sold in 2011


Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXX.

Including a fine half-page imaginary woodcut of Siena (190x225mm.)VERSO: Two kings of Egypt and various Greek thinkers, including Menander, Demetrius & Theophrastus....

$135 / ≈ €130
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $135
Sold in 2011


Quita Etas Mundi. Folium. LXXXIIII (Mantova)

The Latin text page is illustrated with an imaginary of Mantova, Italy. VERSO are portraits of poets and teachers.Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous...

Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $63
Sold in 2022


Neapolis - Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium. XLII [With view of Naples)

With an imaginary of Naples (19x22cm.), however the earliest obtainable view of this period. The Latin text page is illustrated with a depictions of Kings, Noble men and...

$155 / ≈ €149
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $155
Sold in 2016


Tercia Etas Mundi. Folium. XLV. Pisa.

With an imaginary town view of Pisa (198x222mm.), however the earliest obtainable view of this period. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg ...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2017


Quinta etas mudi Folio LXXXVII [Florencia]

Text page in latin on recto verso with a woodblock of Florence (248 x 500mm. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Chronicle Nuremberg Chronicle, publi...

$1700 / ≈ €1637
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $1700
Sold in 2016


Quarta etas mudi Folio LVIII [Rome]

Double text page in Latin with a woodblock town view of Rome (23x53cm.) While the illustration is less than accurate, the Castel de San Angelo, the Vatican, Colosseum, Pa...

$2500 / ≈ €2408
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $2500
Sold in 2020


Quarta Etas Mundi. Taruisium Folium.LI

The Latin text page is illustrated with imaginary views of Treviso (Taruisium) and Aquileia (Aquileia): however the earliest obtainable views of this period. Page from th...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $120


Quarta Etas Mundi. Folium. LXII. (with view of Bologna)

The Latin text page is illustrated with an imaginary view of Bologna (Bononia) of 197 x 223mm.VERSO : an view of Byzantium (178 x 166mm.) with portraits of Merodach, alle...

Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $77
Sold in 2022


Quita Etas Mundi. Folium.LXXIIII

The Latin text page is illustrated with a imaginary view of Pavia (Papia) of 140x223mm. On verso a depictions of Kings, Noble men and scientists. Page from the richest il...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2016


Tiburtina civitas. Sexta Etas Mudi. (San Lorenzo)

A imaginary view of Tiburtina, an ancient town along the road to Rome, now-a-days called San Lorenzo: however the earliest obtainable view of this period. Shows the castl...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2020


Mantua (Mantova).

This very rare woodcut depicting the Italian city of Mantova is from the reduced version of Hartman Schedel's 'Nuremberg Chronicle', sometimes called the 'mini-Schedel'.I...

Maker / Publisher: SCHONSPEGER J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1497
Selling price: $190
Sold in 2022


Der Statt Parma abcontrafactur nach Ihrer gelgenheit.

A large, early woodcut view of Parma by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. This interesting view of Parma depicts t...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, ca 1540
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2019


[Plan of Rome]

Page with an early representation of Rome. This text page with a fine wood block printed map is from the rare work "C. Iulii Solini Polyhistor, Rerum Toto Orbe Memor...

$142 / ≈ €137
Maker / Publisher: MELA, P. / SOLINUS, G.J.
Place & Date: Basle, Michael Isengrin, 1544
Selling price: $142
Sold in 2011


Die Stadt Florentz. [Florence].

Early wood block print of Florence. From his Geographia , that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge.The Cosmographia was one of the most successful and popular books...

$80 / ≈ €77
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S
Place & Date: Basle, ca. 1550
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2008


Contrafehtung der fürnemmen Statt Venedig, sampt den umbligenden Inseln.

A large, early woodcut view of Venice (Venezia) and the surrounding islands by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Two text cartouches providing additional inform...

$230 / ≈ €222
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $230
Sold in 2019


Der Koenigliche Statt Neapels abcontrafehtung.

A large, early woodcut view of the fortified city of Naples (Napoli) by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. The castle of San Martino is shown on the hill, as wel...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2020


Figur und gelegenheit der edlen und hoch berhümpten Statt Florentz.

An attractive woodblock view of the city of Florence surrounded in an elaborate Gothic border. The city is situated on both sides of the river Arno connected by four ston...

$195 / ≈ €188
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $195
Sold in 2019


Der Schönen und Weitberhümpten Statt Genua abcontrafactur.

A large, early woodcut view of Genoa (Genova) by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. The 'Cosmographia' is famous fo...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2019


Der Statt Rom in aller Welt bekant contrafehtung nach ietziger gelegenheit.

A large, early woodcut view of Rome (Roma) by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. On verso is a beautiful woodcut of the Sibylline Oracles (lat. Oracula Sibyllina...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2019


Der Schönen und Weitberhümpten Statt Genua abcontrafactur.

A large, early woodcut view of Genoa (Genova) by Sebastian Münster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. The 'Cosmographia' is famous f...

$175 / ≈ €169
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, H.Petri, ca. 1550
Selling price: $175


Der Statt Rom boden und circkel sampt thor vnnd porten, wie sie gestanden ist vor zeiten, do sie noch in ihrer herrlichkeit was.

Large format wood engraving by Sebastian Münster with a special map showing the underground of Rome: the hills, the water streams. The city is marked by the city walls a...

$100 / ≈ €96
Maker / Publisher: Münster, S. / Petri, H.
Place & Date: 1550
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2022


Figura theatri Veronensis.… [Verona]

A wood block printed early view of Verona Theatre. From the 1552 Latin text edition of Münster's Cosmographia, which is a short and complete summary of Renaissance knowl...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, 1552
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2022


Venetiarum amplissima & maritima urbs cum multis circumiacentibus insulis.

Early bird's-eye view of Venice from the 1552 Latin text edition of Münster's Cosmographia, which is a short and complete summary of Renaissance knowledge.Sebastian Mü...

Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, 1552
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2023


Antiquissimus Vulterrae regiae olim Thuscorum urbis typus ex monumentis et vestigiis antiquitatis desumptus.

Rare map representing the ancient town of Volterra, in Tuscany, which was one of the major centres of the Etruscan civilization.With an explanatory key index on the botto...

$530 / ≈ €510
Maker / Publisher: Vadorinius, D.
Place & Date: Pisa, ca.1560
Selling price: $530


La figure de la place ou fut jadiz la cité de Rome. . .

Interesting town-plan of ancient Rome. In lower left initials H.H. Heinrich Holzmüller was a famous woodblock cutter working with Sebastian Münster. French text on left...

$30 / ≈ €29
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basle, ca. 1560
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2010


Tantum aevi longinqua Valet mutare vetustas.

Bird's-eye view of Volterra after Dominicus Vadorinius Pomaranciensis, by Domenicus Vadorinius. With the title in a small banner at upper left, banner at upper right is b...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: VADORINIUS, D.
Place & Date: Pisa, ca. 1560
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2014



An early, fine bird's-eye view of the city of Venice. It comes from the famous Cosmographia, one of the most influential books of the XVI and XVII century, representing a...

$390 / ≈ €376
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basle, ca 1560
Selling price: $390
Sold in 2020


[Fano] Disegno uero della Citta et fortezza di Fano nella Marca d'ancona.

Extremely rare print of the town of Pesaro. Engraved by Paolo Furlani (active 1561-1577), his address was all'insegna della Colonna. (Thieme Becker, XII,599).One of the e...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $300


[Modena] A Lettori. Non solamente mi son contentato .. Della Mirandola ..

Extremely rare print of the town of Modena in Lombardia. The print is addressed and dated In Venetia l'anno M.D.LXVII. Alla libraria della Colonna. Orientated south-East ...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $700


[Siena] Il vero disegno et ritratto di Siena.

Scarce bird's-eye view of the town of Siena. An imaginary view. Showing a group of soldiers passing the town. Engraved by Paolo Furlani (active 1561-1577), his address wa...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $300


[Rome] Eluero sito di Roma, il quale dimostra li Monta, colli, et altre ..

Extremely rare bird's-eye view of the town of Rome. In the upper right part the Vatican is depicted. The print is dated In Venetia l'anno M.D.LXVII. Alla libraria della C...

$880 / ≈ €848
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $880


[Rome and Ostia.] Il nero disegno de forti fatti intorno ad Ostia dalli ..

Extremely rare map including the town of Ostia and the river Teverre from Rome till the Gulf of Tuscany.The print is addressed and dated Fernando Berteli exc. Ano 1566.. ...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: BERTELI,F. / ZALTIERI,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $400


Napoli - Castel S.Martin.

Extremely rare panoramic view of the town of Naples. With extensive shipping in foreground. In the back ground the castle St.Martin.Engraved by Paolo Furlani (active 1561...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $500


La nobile citta di Messina.

Extremely rare panoramic view of the town of Messina, with extensive shipping in foreground. In bottom part a numbered key 1-167 relating to important places in town.Engr...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $400



Extremely rare panoramic view of the town of Genoa, with extensive shipping in foreground. In bottom part a numbered key 1-25 relating to important places in town. Engrav...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $600



Extremely rare panoramic view showing the siege of the town of Parma. In bottom part : Il uero disegno e ritrato di Parma Citta nobilissima, et illustrissima in Lombardia...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $350


[Milan] Il uero disegno della pianta di Milano si come ueramente ogi di si rittoua.

Extremely rare bird's-eye fortification plan of the town of Milan. The print is addressed and dated In Venetia all' insegna della Colonna l'anno 1567.Engraved by Paolo Fu...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: FURLANI,P. / ZALTIRIE,B.
Place & Date: Venice 1568
Selling price: $600


Il vero disegno della pianta di Milano si come veramente oggi di' si ritrova 1567.

Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Milan, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze Pr...

$450 / ≈ €433
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $325
Sold in 2012


La Nobile Citta di Messina.

Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Messina, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze ...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2012


La Imperial Citta D´Augusta.

Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Augusta, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze ...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Perpignano, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortez...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Crescentino, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Forte...

$37 / ≈ €36
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $37
Sold in 2014



Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Piacenza, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2014



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Cevitella, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezz...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Vicovaro, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze...

$46 / ≈ €44
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $46
Sold in 2014



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Nettuno, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze ...

$55 / ≈ €53
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $55
Sold in 2014



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Siena, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze Pr...

$600 / ≈ €578
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Mirandola, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezz...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town plan of Fano, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze Pri...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2012



Rare Lafreri School town-plan of Parma, engraved by Paolo Forlani of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et Fortezze Pri...

$350 / ≈ €337
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $350
Sold in 2016



Splendid and rare Lafreri School town-plan of Naples, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, ...

$360 / ≈ €347
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $360
Sold in 2017



Rare Lafreri town-plan of seaport of OSTIA near Rome, engraved by Zenoi/Paolo Forlani, , of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, dated 1567, first published in "Il Primo...

$460 / ≈ €443
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $460
Sold in 2017



Rare Lafreri town-plan of Rome, engraved by Zenoi/Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, dated 1567, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, Et F...

$645 / ≈ €621
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1568
Selling price: $645
Sold in 2017


Genova (Genoa)

Splendid and rare Lafreri School town-plan of Genoa, with Jerusalem wind rose and index of 25 locations, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, fi...

$225 / ≈ €217
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1569
Selling price: $225
Sold in 2018


VENETIA [Venice]

Splendid and rare Lafreri School town plan of Venice, engraved by Paolo Forlani, of the Lafreri school of mapmakers, first published in "Il Primo Libro Delle Citta, ...

$700 / ≈ €674
Maker / Publisher: FORLANI, P. / BALLINO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, Zaltieri, (1567) 1569
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2016


MIRANDOLA. [Mirandola]

Rare bird's-eye view of the town of Mirandola. Engraved and published by Donato Bertelli.Some examples are found, in fact, in the work Le vere imagini et descritioni del...

Maker / Publisher: BERTELLI, D.
Place & Date: Venice, 1569
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2022


MESSINA. [Messina]

Rare bird's-eye view of the town of MessinaEngraved and published by Donato Bertelli.Underneath the town view a blank space.Some examples are found, in fact, in the work ...

Maker / Publisher: BERTELLI, D.
Place & Date: Venice, 1569
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2022


Der Statt Rom in Aller Welde Bekant Contrafehtung nach Jetziger Gelegenheit

An early plan view of Rome and the Vatican City. Many monuments of the ancient time, like the Coliseum, the Pantheon, Castello St. Angelo and the aqueducts are shown. Ger...

$240 / ≈ €231
Maker / Publisher: Sebastian Münster.
Place & Date: Basel, ca. 1570
Selling price: $240
Sold in 2017


Ancona civitas. (Port of Ancona in a first edition)

Fine first issue of one of this very attractive, early view of Ancona, one of the principal Italian ports on the Adriatic sea. The city’s distinctive harbor is shown te...

$150 / ≈ €144
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. & HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1572
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2018


Die Statt Rom boden und circkel sampt thor. . .

An early woodcut map of the ancient Rome by Sebastian Münster. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, titled Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller L...

$50 / ≈ €48
Maker / Publisher: MUNSTER, Sebastian.
Place & Date: Basle, 1574
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2020


[ Milan ]

On verso a woodcut representing a view of the city of Milan. On recto a portrait of an Emperor and a woodcut of a countryside with a village.From a French text edition of...

$20 / ≈ €19
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S. / DE BELLE-FOREST, F.
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1575
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2018


De la Cosmographie. Rauenne. Boloigne.

Text page with imaginary town views of Bologna and Ravenna.From a French text edition of his Cosmographia , that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge. In 1575 Sebast...

$10 / ≈ €10
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S
Place & Date: Basle, ca. 1575
Selling price: $10
Sold in 2012


La figure de la place ou sut iadiz la cite de Rome avec ses portes quand elie estoit en sa grand fleur.

Plan of ancient Rome. On recto a child coming out of a bull. From a French text edition of his Cosmographia , that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge. In 1575 Seba...

$10 / ≈ €10
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S
Place & Date: Basle, ca.1575
Selling price: $10
Sold in 2012


Urbis Romae situs que adhuc conspiuntur..

A bird's-eye view of Rome during the year 1570, 3 local figures lower right. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and written by Georg...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G./ HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1575
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2014


L'ampiissima marina città di Vinegia con molte idole, che lestano datorno. [Venice]

An early birds-eye view of the islands of Venice (Venezia) from Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia. All major churches are titled along with key landmarks such as the Arse...

$190 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: MÜNSTER, S
Place & Date: Basle, 1558 / 1575
Selling price: $190
Sold in 2019


Mediolanum Metropolis Insubrum, vulgo Milano . . .

Very desirable and early town plan of Milan. (Milano) "The plan view conveys an impressive picture of the city's distinctively regular layout. The old fortification...

$1500 / ≈ €1445
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2014


Genua Ligurum Domina [on sheet with] Florentia Urbs est Insignis Hetruariae, olim Fluentia Dicta.

Two very desirable and early town-views of Genoa and Florence in a second state. "GENOA (GENOVA): : "The trading port and city of Genoa is presented from an i...

$450 / ≈ €433
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2017



Very desirable and early town-plan of Rome in a first state. With a numbered key (1-101) in lower part.From the Civitates Orbis. "This engraving of Rome shows the ci...

$950 / ≈ €915
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $950
Sold in 2013


Ancona Civitas Piceni Celeberrima, ad Mare Adriaticum Posita . . .

Very desirable and early town-plan of Ancona with a numbered key (1-45) in bottom.. "Ancona is seen here from Adriatic in bird's-eye view.The curved natural harbour ...

$300 / ≈ €289
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2019


Haec est Nobilis, & Florens Illa Neapolis . . .

Very desirable and early town-plan of Naples with a numbered key (1-71) in bottom and in a first edition. "Naples is presented from a plan-like bird's-eye view. The ...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2019


Parma [on sheet with] Sena [and] Panhormus, Palermo vulgariter, ... [and] Drepanum (Trapani)

Four very desirable and early town-plans of Parma, Siena, Palermo and Trapani. "PARMA : "Parma is shown from an elevated viewpoint. The city is divided in half ...

$400 / ≈ €385
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, (1572) 1577
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2019