Browse Listings in Europe > Eastern Europe > Donau
Danubius, fluvius Europae maximus, a fontibus ad Ostia, cum omnibus Fluminibus. . .
A striking large-format map of the course of the river Danube on two sheets. Nicely embellished with two large cartouches, a title cartouche with on one side the Kaiser o...
$430 / ≈ €402
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1645
Selling price: $430
Sold in 2022
Ungarn, Siebenbürgen, Wallach, Moldau. . .
Rare map of the Danube River. Surrounded by panoramic views of Vienna, Istanbul, Raab, Hermanstat, Temeswar, Gran, etc. Including Istria, and the coast of former Yugoslav...
$3500 / ≈ €3275
Place & Date: Nurenberg, c. 1680
Selling price: $3500
Sold in 2020