Browse Listings in Europe > Eastern Europe > Czech Republic / Moravia
Verebel / Giszing. (Vrable and Cüssing)
Magnificent bird's eye- of Vrable and Cüssing in Western Slovakia. Etched by Gaspar Bouttats (1640-1695).The Antwerp based publisher Jacques Peeters published ca. 1690 a...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1690
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2011
Marcomania Hoggidi Marchesato de Moravia Detto Volgarmente Marnhem. . .
A lovely map of Moravia centered on Brno and filled with well-engraved mountains, forests, coats of arms and cities. The map is dedicated to Andrea Bragadin within the el...
Place & Date: VENICE, 1690
Selling price: $395
Sold in 2021
Estats de la couronne de Boheme qui comprennent le Royaume de Boheme..
Decorative map of Czech Republic with a nice title cartouche. Engraved by Cordier and prepared by N. Sanson. With the address "les grands Augustins, aux a globes&quo...
Place & Date: Paris 1704
Selling price: $200
Estats de la Couronne de Boheme qui comprennent le Royaume de Boheme, le Duché de Silesie?
Centered on Prague. Engraved by Cordier.
Place & Date: Paris, 1704
Selling price: $220
Estats de la couronne de Boheme qui comprennent le Royaume de Boheme..
Decorative map of Czech Republic, southwestern part of Poland and eastern parts of Germany with a nice title cartouche.Engraved by Cordier and prepared by N. Sanson. With...
Place & Date: Paris 1704
Selling price: $140
Estats de la Couronne de Boheme. . .
A large decorative map of Bohemia, with Silesia, Lusatia and Moravia. (currently the Czech Republic) centered on Prague, with an elaborate title cartouche featuring two h...
Place & Date: Paris, 1704
Selling price: $45
Sold in 2018
Etats de la Couronne de Boheme qui comprennent le Royaume de Boheme . . .
Extensive map centered on the rivers Elbe and Oder with Prague, including the eastern part of Germany and a part of Poland. The map is fully and richly engraved. Large an...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1705
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2023
Moraviae Nova et post omnes priores accuratissima delineatio.
The cartographer of this map was Johan Amos Comenius (1592-1670), Czech cartographer and priest. In the upper part four views of Polna, Olmuts, Brin and Znaim.The sixth s...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, between 1680 and 1713
Selling price: $1250
Sold in 2021
Carte du Royaume de Boheme. La chronologie de ses Rois..
Map centered on today Czech Republic, including part of Poland with a key table to the towns on both sides.Zacharie Chatelain (d.1723) was the father of Henri Abraham (16...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Selling price: $190
Bohemia Regnum juxta XII. Circulos divisum, cum Comitatu Glacensi et ditione Egrana, nec non confinibus Provinciis in mappa Geographica accurati¯ime delineatum per Matthaeum Seutter
Large original old colored map of Bohemia by M. Seutter. With two decorative cartouches and a city view of Carlsbad. Centered around Prague (Praha).
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2009
Bohemia Regnum juxta XII. Circulos divisum, cum Comitatu Glacensi et ditione Egrana, nec non confinibus Provinciis in mappa Geographica accuratissime delineatum per Matthaeum Seutter.
Decorative and uncommon map of Bohemia by M. Seutter. With two decorative cartouches and a city view of Carlsbad, with a numbered key. Centered around Prague.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2010
Marchionatus Moraviae Circuli Znoymensis et Iglaviensis
Marchionatus Moraviae Circuli Znoymensis et Iglaviensis quos mandato caesareo accuratè emensus hac Mappa delineatos exhibit. (1720)cartographer: Johann Christoph Mülle...
Place & Date: Nürnberg, 1720
Selling price: $120
Sold in 2023
Königreich Boehmen mit seinen..
Uncommon map of Bohemia. The originally colored title cartouche has a coat-of-arms. From Atlas Portatif.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1724
Selling price: $40
La Bohême, suivant les nouvelles observations..
Uncommon edition of this map of Czech Republic. With decorative title cartouche upper right corner.This example is unusual in having the additional separately engraved de...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Selling price: $140
Moravia marchionatus in sex circulos divisus . . .
Map of the county of Moravia, boarded by Bohemia, Silesia, Hungary and Austria, with engraved detailed hand colored map. Includes decorative cartouche. Shows cities and t...
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1730
Selling price: $57
Sold in 2018
Marchionatus Moraviae Tabula.
Scarce map of Moravia, Czech Republic. Includes numerous towns, including the cities of Jihlava, Brno, Olomouc, and Uherské Hradiště. Extends to the borders of...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1735
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2016
Regni Bohemiae Ducatus Silesiae..
"Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map of the Czechoslovakia and southern part of Poland. With fine decorative title cartouche. Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724)...
Place & Date: Nurnberg 1737
Selling price: $150
Das Marggrafthum Maehren.
Striking very detailed map of Moravia in the Czech Republic showing Brno, Austerlitz, Olomouc, Ostrava etc..It has two fancy cartouches, one with hunting and fishing scen...
Place & Date: Leipzig, 1740
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2015
Marchionatus Moraviae circulus brunnensis. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map has a large decorative cartouche. Detailed map centered on Bruenn in Moravia. Prepared by Johann Chr. Mueller. Very decorative t...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1740
Selling price: $26
Sold in 2020
Mappa Geographica Regnum Bohemiae Cum Adiunctis Ducatu Silesiae, . . .
Map of part of Germany, Czech Republic and Poland, with engraved detailed hand colored map. Includes decorative cartouche. Shows cities and towns, place names, rivers, fo...
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1741
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2018
Nouveau Plan de la Ville de Prague Et de ses Environs, Capiltale de Bohème
A rare separately issued battle plan of Prague by Baillieul and Jombert. Showing the Siege of Prague in 1742 with deployment of troops. With one mileage scale, text carto...
Place & Date: Paris, 1742
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2011
Plan de Prague.
Rare and separately published plan of Prague published by Joan Baptista Nolin with the address à l'enseigne de la Place des Victoires et chez le Sr. Humblot rue St. Jacq...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1742
Carte Particuliere de la Moravie Divisée en six Cercles . . .
Detailed map of former Czechoslovakia now part of the province of Moravia and Silesia. From the original survey by Mr. Muller with inset plans of Olmutz, Iglaw, Neustatt ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1742
Selling price: $210
Sold in 2023
Le Royaume de Boheme. Carte reduite sur celle de 25 feuilles faite a Prague, par Müller, a Paris. Par et chez le sieur leRouge Ingr. Géographe du Roy . . .
Uncommon general map of the Czech Republic, centered on Prague. Prepared after the 25 sheet wall map of Muller, and published by Le Rouge. Folio maps by Le Rouge are quit...
Place & Date: Paris, 1742
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2010
Carte D'Allemagne Et D'Italie Contenant La Succession de l'Empereur Charles VI. Ou sont marqués les Etats presents des Princes de l'Empire
Uncommon map showing the territories after the reign of Charles VI, who was emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, which he ruled from 1711 until 1740). Charles VI's was fathe...
Place & Date: Paris, 1742
Selling price: $101
Sold in 2012
Plan de Prague.
Rare and separately published plan of Prague published by Joan Baptista Nolin with the address à l'enseigne de la Place des Victoires et chez le Sr. Humblot rue St. Jaqu...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1742
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2012
A Plan of the City of Prague, with the French and Austrian Camps.
An interesting plan showing the Battle of Prague (1742) with a pair of attractive birds-eye views of Prague and Egra, plus an engraving of the Queen of Hungary, Maria Ter...
Place & Date: London, ca 1742
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2019
Marchionatus Moraviae circulus brunnensis..
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map has a large decorative cartouche. Detailed map centered on Brunnensis, showing the main cities. Very decorative title cartouche ...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1744
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2008
Le Royaume de Boheme Divisée en ses douze Cercles.
Highly detailed copper-engraved map of Bohemia centered on Prague. Ornated with decorative cartouches at the 4 corners of the map representing respectively a view of Prag...
Place & Date: Amsterdam c. 1744
Selling price: $450
Le Royaume de Boheme Divisée en ses douze Cercles.
Highly detailed copper-engraved map of Bohemia centered on Prague. Ornated with decorative cartouches at the 4 corners of the map representing respectively a view of Prag...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1744
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2009
Carte Générale du Marquisat de Moravie Divisée en six Cercles dressée sur les mémoires les plus nouveaux.
Detailed copper-engraved map representing Moravia divided in districts. With decorative title cartouche and legend cartouche on upper left and lower right corners. Shows ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1744
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2009
Carte particulière de la Moravie Divisée en six Cercles avec les Principaux Postes de ce Marquisat, pour l'intelligence de la Guerre présente . . .
Fine map of Moravia which occupies most of the eastern part of the Czech Republic, including the South Moravian Region, the Zlín Region, vast majority of the Olomouc Reg...
Place & Date: Paris, 1744
Selling price: $90
Sold in 2016
Le royaume de Boheme divisée en ses douzes cercles. . .
Highly detailed copper-engraved map of Bohemia centered on Prague, which is a reduced version of the 25 sheets map by Johann Christoph Müller (1673-1721).Ornated with de...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1744
Selling price: $310
Sold in 2017
Tabula Generalis Marchionatus Moraviae..
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map has a large decorative cartouche. Detailed map of the present-day Jihormoravsky region centred on Brno.Johann Baptist Homann (16...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1744
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2018
Carte Générale du Marquisat de Moravie Divisée en six Cercles
Detailed copper-engraved map representing Moravia divided in districts. With decorative title cartouche and legend cartouche on upper left and lower right corners. Shows ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam c. 1745
Selling price: $210
..Bohemen tHertogdom Silesien..Moravien en Lusatien.
Detailed map of Czech Republic. Including the towns of Berlin, Vienna, Regensburg. Isaac Tirion was born in Utrecht ca. 1705. He came to Amsterdam ca. 1725. Tirion publis...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1747
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2015
Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map including the towns of Prague, Poznan/ Loda, Wroclaw, etc.Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher,...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1748
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2013
Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map including the towns of Prague, Poznan/ Loda, Wroclaw, etc.Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher,...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1748
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2010
Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map including the towns of Prague, Poznan/ Loda, Wroclaw, etc.This example was printed from plate B (2nd of 3), which can be identif...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1748
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2018
Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map including the towns of Prague, Poznan/ Loda, Wroclaw, etc.Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher,...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1748
Selling price: $21
Sold in 2018
Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae. . .
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map including the towns of Prague, Poznan/ Loda, Wroclaw, etc.Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724) was a German engraver and publisher,...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1748
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2020
Reise Charte durch das Konigreich Bohmen Hertzogthum Schlesien.
A hand colored map showing the region which is now southern Poland and the Czech Republic with the cities of Prague, Olmutz (Olomouc), and Breslaw (Wroclaw). Includes exp...
Place & Date: Leipzeg, 1749
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2018
Circuli Olomucensis pars Borealis.
Beautiful decorative cartouche upper right with the legend and very beautiful figurative scene upper left corner.
Place & Date: Nurimberg, c.1750
Selling price: $72
Mappa Geographica Totius Regni Bohemiae In XII Circulos divisae annexisComitatuGlacensi et Districtu Egerano . . .
Uncommon map of the Czech Republic, centered on Prague. Includes four ornate cartouches, coat of arms and a birdseye view of the Bridge across the Moldau River in Prague.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1750
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2020
Le royaume de Boheme, le Duché de Silésie..
Covering Czech Republic, embellished with decorative title cartouche.
Place & Date: Paris, 1751
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2008
Le Royaume de Boheme.
Fine map of Bohemia, with title cartouche and two decorative cartouches on upper right and lower left corners. George Louis Le Rouge was active from 1740- till 1780 as a ...
Place & Date: Paris 1756
Selling price: $30
Le Marquisat de Moravie.
Fine map of Moravia, with decorative title cartouche and another cartouche on lower left corner. George Louis Le Rouge was active from 1740- till 1780 as a publisher, and...
Place & Date: Paris 1756
Selling price: $40
Map depicting the South/East part of Czech republic, showing Brno and Olomouc and two insets of these cities lower corners.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1758
Selling price: $275
Plan de Prag. [Manuscript plan of Prague - Praha]
Very nice manuscript plan of Prague and the castle. Not dated or signed. In upper left a numbered key 1-36 referring to the ramparts of the town and a scale (of 1:700 aul...
Place & Date: [France] ca. 1760
Selling price: $2300
Regno di Boemia Ducato di Slesia, Marchesato de moravia, c Lusazia.
Fine copper engraved map os Czechoslovachia, Poland and Hungary. Two block type cartouches.Giambattista Albrizzi (1698-1777) was a Venetian publisher and journalist. Amo...
Place & Date: Venice from 1740-1762
Selling price: $35
Sold in 2016
Etats de Bohême divisés..
Detailed map centered on Prague.
Place & Date: Paris, 1766
Selling price: $50
[No title] Carte générale d'Allemagne divisée et numérotée...des postes et autres routes de cet empire.
Map centered on Czechoslovakia, with Prague, including, Krakow, Vienna, Leipzig, etc.A so called post road mapspost route map.Desnos, born in a small village close to Bea...
Place & Date: Paris, 1766
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2011
[No tittle]
Map of Czech Republic and Hungary.
Place & Date: Paris, 1766
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2014
Tabula Almae Dioecesis Amplissimi Episcopatus Olomucensis.
Homann Heirs (of Johann Baptist and Johann Christof) published: Grosser Atlas, 1731, 1737. Geogr. Maior, 1759, Atlas Homannianus, 1762.An attractive, large and very detai...
Place & Date: Nürnberg, 1767
Selling price: $800
Le Royaume De Boheme, Le Duche De Silesie, et Les Marquisats De Moravie et Lusace. . . 1751
Map of Bohemia, Silesia, Poland, Moravia and Lusatia embellished with decorative title cartouche from his "Atlas Universel".Shows Prague, Breslau, Glogau, Oppel...
Place & Date: Paris, 1768
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2018
Circuli Brunnensis Pars Meridionalis.
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved and detailed map of the present-day South Moravia region centered on Brno, with decorative cartouche at the bottom.Johann Baptist Ho...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1770 - 1774
Selling price: $250
Sold in 2008
Circuli Brunnensis Pars Meridionalis.
Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved and detailed map of the present-day South Moravia region centred on Brno, with decorative cartouche at the bottom.Johann Baptist Hom...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1770 - 1774
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2020
Regni Bohemiae Circulus Rakonicensis . .
A nice large-scale map of the Rakovnik region, north and west of Prague in the Czech republic. Published by Homann Heirs in the mid-eighteenth century in Nuremberg. From ...
Place & Date: Nuremburg, 1776
Selling price: $20
Sold in 2021
La Moravia Divisa Ne Suoi Circoli. . .
A handsome map of Moravia that is part of the present-day Czech Republic. The map is focused roughly on Wischau and is filled with details of roads, towns and pictorial t...
Place & Date: Venice, 1779
Selling price: $32
Sold in 2021
Carte des Etats de Boheme . . .
Louis Brion de la Tour map of Bohemia (Czech Republic), city of Prague is in the center of the map.
Place & Date: Paris, 1781
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2010
Le Royaume de Boheme.. Moravie et Lusace.
Finely and crisply engraved map of Czechoslovakia, including Pilsen.Venetian edition of Giles Didier Robert De Vaugondy's map from Atlas Universel printed in 1776-84.Orna...
Place & Date: Venice, 1777 - 1784
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2023
[2 maps] Parte Occidentale del Regno di Boemia Di Nuova Projezione.. / Parte Occidentale del Regno di Boemia Di Nuova Projezione..
Depicting what is now the Czech Republic as far East as Prague. Embellished with a title vignette lower left corner.Engraved by G. Zuliani after the drawing by G. Pitteri...
Place & Date: Venice 1785
Selling price: $135
Dei Markfraftschaft Maehren, Nro. 114.
Hand-colored copper engraved map of Moravia. Interesting cartouche with three hunting dogs and a rifle. Joseph von Reilly (1766 – 1820) was a Viennese art dealer who t...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1793
Selling price: $17
Sold in 2016
Royaume de Boheme divise en douze cercles. . .
Uncommon general map of the Czech Republic, centered on Prague. Prepared after a map of Johann Christoph Müller (1673-1721), who was a Austrian cartographer.Uncommon lat...
Place & Date: Paris, dated 1805
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2014
Bohémienne / Bohémien de Prague. (2 prints)
Two originally hand-colored mezzotints of citizens of Prague engraved by Félix Mixelle and Lachaussée Jeune after Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.As an etcher, drawer ...
Place & Date: Paris,1801-1806
Selling price: $30
Sold in 2016
A New Map of Bohemia and Moravia from the Latest Authorities.
Attractive example of John Cary's 1811 map of Bohemia and Moravia. Covers the territory claimed by the modern day Czech Republic. Offers a great deal of detail and has p...
Place & Date: London, 1811
Selling price: $6
Sold in 2017
Karte des Euler Bezirkes im Prager Kreise zusammengestellt nach den neuesten und verlässchsten Quellen. . . / Mapa Okresu Jilovského v Prazskem kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Jilovského region. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by J.Wagner. Decorative inset upper right of the Ringhoffer Ku...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013
Karte des Pürglitzer bezirkes im Prager- Kreise. . . / Mapa Okresu Krivoklatského v Prazkém kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Krivoklatského region. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by Jan Ed. Wagner. Decorative inset upper right with a ret...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2011
Karte des Welwarner Bezirkes im Prager Kreise zusammengestellt nach den neuesten und verlässchsten Quellen. . . / Mapa Okresu Velvarského v Prazskem kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Velvarského region. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by J.Wagner. Decorative inset upper right of people harvestin...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2011
Karte des Brandeiser Bezirkes im Prager Kreise zusammengestellt nach den neuesten und verlässchsten Quellen. . . / Mapa Okresu Brandýského v Prazskem kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Brandýského region. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by J.Wagner. Decorative landscape upper right and key in low...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013
Karte des Böhmisch-Broder bezirkes im Prager- Kreise. . . / Mapa Okresu Cesko-Brodského v Prazkém kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Brodského region. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by J.E.Wagner. Decorative landscape upper left with a hunting s...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2011
Karte des Melniker bezirkes im Prager- Kreise. . . / Mapa Okresu Mélnického v Prazkém kraji. . .
Uncommon folding map of Mélnického region with the rivers Moldova and the Elbe at Melník. Printed in color lithography by J.Habel in Prague. Lithographed by Jan Ed. Wa...
Place & Date: Prague, J.Habel, c 1845
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2011 et domino domino [...] Viennam Austriae ...
Rare separately issued circular bird's eye view of Vienna, published by Heinrich Schmidt and Albert Camesina in in Vienna. Showing a rounded view of the area outside of V...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1864
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2021
Behemer Koenigreich. . .
Münsters first map [of 2] of Bohemia, published in Basel, circa 1550. An early woodcut map of Bohemia, (Czech Republic) by Sebastian Münster oriented to the South. The ...
Place & Date: Basel, ca 1550
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2021
Plan de la bataille d'Austerlitz gagnée par la gde armée française commandée par l'empereur Napoléon sur l'armée austro-russe commandée par les empereurs de Russie et d'Allemagne en personnes le 11 frimaire XIV.
Map of the Battle of Austerlitz of 1805. With a color-key to the French, Russian and Austrian armies. Explicative key for the battle in lower right: A-Q and a -d. prepare...
Place & Date: Paris, 18056
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2013