Browse Listings in America > North America > North Pole
A new map of North America according to the newest observations..
A very fine map of North America, including the West Indies and northern South America.With Straits of Anian and Mozeemlek to north and Gulf of California to east., the B...
Place & Date: London 1745
Selling price: $300
Carte d' Amerique Dressee pour l'Usage Du Roy. . .
Detailed copper-engraved map of Northern and Central America. Shows North America with colonial divisions and a wide open Northwest. The English settlements are confined ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam c. 1745
Selling price: $1400
Sold in 2018
L'Amerique Septentrionale.
Interesting map of North America. In north eastern part of North America some interesting lakes and rivers are drawn, with a note: Terres vues par Tchirikow en 1741 . Tch...
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2017
Amérique Septentrionale.
2 x 2 joined sheets.
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2009
Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du Sang. . .
A large map of North America and the West Indies that was one of the best French maps of North America prior to the French & Indian War. This map provides good inform...
Place & Date: Paris, 1746
Selling price: $1100
Sold in 2019
Particular Draughts and Plans of Some of the Principal Towns and Harbours Belonging to the English, French, and Spaniards, in America and West Indies
An unusual copper engraving by E. Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Featuring 13 small maps of colonial towns and sea ports of North America and the West Indie...
Place & Date: London, 1747
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2010
A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with Part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries
Remarkable map of the British, Spanish & French Colonies in North America on the eve of the French & Indian War by E. Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'....
Place & Date: London, 1747
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2011
A NEW and Accurate Map of the North Pole, with all the Countries hitherto Discovered. . .
A spectacular Arctic and sub-Arctic map, showing excellent detail around Hudson Bay area, Greenland, Spitzbergen & the Northeast Coast of Europe & Asia. It depict...
Place & Date: London, 1748
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2021
Partie du Mexique ou de la Nouv.le Espagne ouse trouve..
Fine miniature map of California Peninsular, Mexico till the Gulf of Mexico. Found in his Atlas Portatif, universel et militaire, 1749-1799.
Place & Date: Paris 1749
Selling price: $300
L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE Dressée sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs. . .
Scarce first edition of De Vaugondy's large map of North America. The Coast of California still includes Nlle. Albion, Quiviera and the entrance discovered by Martin d'Au...
Place & Date: Paris, 1750
Selling price: $850
Sold in 2016
L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE Dressée sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs. . .
Scarce first edition of De Vaugondy's large map of North America. The Coast of California still includes Nlle. Albion, Quiviera and the entrance discovered by Martin d'Au...
Place & Date: Paris, 1750
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2008
Accurata delineatio celeberrimae Regionis Ludovicianae ...
Includes the area from the Great Lakes to the Caribbean, and the basin of the river Mississippi in the centre of the map. Part of Louisiana in the top left inset. A very ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1750
Selling price: $1900
Sold in 2013
L\'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE Dressée sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs. . .
North America with inset of the Northwest including Nouvelle Albion, Strait of Anian, and other various fantastic possibilities of a Northwest Passage (Partie Nord-Ouest ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1750
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2013
The Continent and Islands of America are divided and Possessed as follows. . .
A copper engraved map. Top half sheet of a 2-sheet map only. Printed in lower left corner is a key showing which regions and islands belong to the United States and Great...
Place & Date: London, ca 1750
Selling price: $395
Sold in 2021
Amerique Septentrionale par N. Sanson.
Small decorative map of the Americas with a very large CALIFORNIA AS AN ISLAND.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1752
Selling price: $250
North America, Performed under the Patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood. By the Sieur d'Anville. . .
A lovely copper engraved map from 'The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce (vols. 1 & 2)', by Malachy Postlethwayt / published by Paul Knapton, London, in 1755...
Place & Date: London, 1752
Selling price: $600
Sold in 2020
AMERICAE SEPTENTRIONALIS ad emendatiora Exemplaria adhuc edita jussu Aca. Reg. Scjent et. Pars I to IV.
Complete set of Euler's four-part map of North America, published in response to the maps of Mitchell and D'Anville. Part I covers the region from the Mississippi River ...
Place & Date: Berlin, 1753
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2017
A Map of the British American Plantations extending from Boston in New England to Georgia. . .
A nice example of this early map of the British Colonies, issued just one year prior to the seminal map of John Mitchell. The map is based largely upon the work of D'Anvi...
Place & Date: London, 1754
Selling price: $240
Sold in 2019
Canada et Louisiane..
Uncommon map showing eastern part of the United States and Canada coast. Boundaries colored according key, indicating French, Spanish and English possessions. Small inset...
Place & Date: Paris 1755
Selling price: $1225
Partie de l\'Amerique septentrionale.. le cours de L\'Ohio..
From the Atlas Universel , a detailed map extending the length of the east coast from Penobscot Bay to Cape Fear and, in an inset, from Cape Fear to Fort St.Georges. This...
Place & Date: Paris, 1755
Selling price: $1100
Sold in 2008
Partie de l'Amerique Septent. .
A fine copy of this map of New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the course of the St.Lawrence to Lake Ontario. An inset shows Bellini's famous and important map of the Great La...
Place & Date: Paris, 1755
Selling price: $950
Sold in 2014
Nieuwe kaart van de Grootbrittannische volkplantingen ..
A wonderful map of the situation in North America at the beginning of the French & Indian War. By the middle of the eighteenth century, the French, who claimed the en...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1755
Selling price: $700
Carte des possessions Angloises et Françoises du continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale. / Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche bezittingen . . .
A great French and Indian War map, with the states of Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massach...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1755
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2019
Partie de l\'Amerique septent? Qui comprend la nouvelle France. . .
A fine copy of this map of New Foundland, Nova Scotia and the course of the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario in a fourth state.An inset shows Bellini's famous and important m...
Place & Date: Paris, 1755
Selling price: $255
Sold in 2013
A Map of the British and French Settlements in North America.
An interesting and informative map highlighting (in green) the areas of dispute between England and France and the beginning of the French & Indian War. Explanatory n...
Place & Date: London, 1755
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2016
A Map of the British and French Settlements in North America.
An interesting and informative map highlighting the dispute (the shaded areas) between England and France at the beginning of the French & Indian War. Explanatory not...
Place & Date: London, 1755
Selling price: $215
Sold in 2019
Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises.
The two northern sheets of a four-sheet map featuring the Great Lakes, the upper Mississippi River and the Atlantic coast region. Large, decorative cartouche designed by ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1755
Selling price: $550
Sold in 2020
CARTE DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, Depuis le 28 Degre...[Sea of the West]
A large and rare map that covers nearly all of North America, especially the USA. An important map of North America, with interesting geographical features: * Incorperati...
Place & Date: Paris, 1755
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2021
Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Limites et Etablissements François et Anglois Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de 'Anglois..
First French edition of the famous John Mitchell map of the British and French Dominions in North America. Includes the word Limites in the title rather than Villages whi...
Place & Date: Paris 1756
Selling price: $10500
Carte des Possessions Françoises et Angloises dans le Canada et partie de la Lousiane. . .
First state, separately published. This map was published in 1756 to provide information on the French-Indian wars.
Place & Date: Paris, 1756
Selling price: $950
Sold in 2013
Carte des Possessions Françoises et Angloises dans le Canada et Partie de la Louisiana. . .
First state of this separately published map of the European Colonies in the New World east of the Mississippi River. This map was published in 1756 to provide informatio...
Place & Date: Paris, 1756
Selling price: $1000
Sold in 2021
Amérique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales..
A finely engraved map of North America, prepared by J.B.Nolin. The map is most notable for it's depiction of Mer de L'Quest or Sea of the West, a great sea, easily the si...
Place & Date: Paris c.1760
Selling price: $325
America Septentrionalis concinnata . . .
After the foundation map by de L'Isle published in 1700: which was the first map to reconnect California to the mainland and shows good detail for the Great Lakes and Hud...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
Selling price: $600
Mappa Geographica Americae Septentrionalis ad Emendatiora Exemplaria adhuc Edita . . .
Printed from 4 plates and showing the northern half continent with the Caribbean. Copper engraved map with original outline color, printed from 4 plates, after Leonhard E...
Place & Date: Berlin c. 1760
Selling price: $800
Sold in 2014
America Septentrionalis concinnata...
A copperplate colored map of the north east America, that shows California as an island, after the foundation map by de L'Isle published in 1700, which was the first map ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1760
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2017
America septentrionalis oder Mitternachtiger theil von America bestehend in Neu Brittania, Canada, Neu Engeland, Neu Schotland, Neu Jorck, Pensylvania, Carolina, Florida, Georgien. . .
A rare German map of the East Coast of North America. Shows the British Colonies at the end of the Franco-Indian War, and extends from Newfoundland until Florida, and wes...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca 1760
Selling price: $220
Sold in 2018
Theatrum belli in America Septentrionali. II. foliis comprehensum jussu Acad. Reg. Scient. et Eleg. Litt. exhibet I. C. Rhode Ac: Geogr.
Separately issued map of the northeastern part of the United States and Eastern Canada from the Mississippi Valley to the Atlantic Seaboard, published during the French a...
Place & Date: Berlin, 1761
Selling price: $6000
Sold in 2018
L'Amerique Septentrionale divisé en fes principaux.
A finely engraved map of North America, prepared by Janvier. The map is most notable for it's depiction of Mer de L'Quest or Sea of the West, a great sea, easily the size...
Place & Date: Paris 1762
Selling price: $750
L' AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE divisee en les principaux ETATS.[Great western sea, First State]
First state for this very important map. Engraved by Lattré. This map is most notable for it's depiction of Mer de L'Quest or Sea of the West, near modern-day Seattle. A...
Place & Date: Paris, 1762
Selling price: $300
Sold in 2019
Carte Générale de l' Amérique Séptentrionale ..
Uncommon 3rd version of Le Rouge's Popple key map by Crepy. This state 3 is a variant of state 2 (from the same plate) except: title at top now states: CARTE GÉNÉRALE D...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1763
Selling price: $1650
A New map of North America from the latest discoveries 1763.
From London magazine, January 1763.
Place & Date: London, c.1763
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2013
Veduta d'un palco, e della maniera colla quale si pesca acconcia e secca il Baccala in Terra nuova.
This is a view of a cod or fish drying station (stage) in New France or Newfoundland. Includes men fishing for cod, unloading catch from a boat, processing and fileting f...
Place & Date: Livorno, 1763
Selling price: $60
Sold in 2015
A New Map of North America from the Latest Discoveries.
A nice detailed map of the British Colonies in North America, published at the end of the French & Indian War. The claims of the Carolinas, Virginia and New England n...
Place & Date: London, 1763
Selling price: $110
Sold in 2020
A New & Accurate Map of North America, Including the British Acquisitions gain'd By the late War. 1763
Scarce map of the eastern part of North America from James Bay to the Gulf of Mexico in the year 1763. It shows boundaries, colonies, towns, cities, forts, and Indian tri...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1765
Selling price: $295
Sold in 2016
[North America].
Two sheets (nos 1 & 3) of a larger 4 sheet wall map of North America, published by Postlethwayt, from his "Dictionary of Trade and Commerce".The work is bas...
Place & Date: [London], ca. 1766
Selling price: $40
Sold in 2017
Carte Nouvelle d'Amerique..
Fine map of north and south America, engraved by J.E.T. Vallet and prepared by M.A.Moithey. In western part of North America a large "Mer de L' Quest" or Sea of...
Place & Date: Paris 1767
Selling price: $450
North America.
A nice general map of North America, published in London during the latter half of the eighteenth century. It mentions many Native American Indian Tribes, shows 'New Albi...
Place & Date: London, 1767
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2019
Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, De Landen aan de Hudson's-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-Amerika. . .
A decorative, interesting map of Canada and the Upper Midwest. It is centered on the Great Lakes and Hudson's Bay and was published by Issak Tirion. The map depicts the r...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1769
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2022
America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes..
This exemplar represents Lotter?s version of Delisle?s foundation map of North America, published in 1700. The Great Lakes are actually based on the Coronelli model, whic...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1770
Selling price: $1100
America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes..
This exemplar represents Lotter's version of Delisle's foundation map of North America, published in 1700. The Great Lakes are actually based on the Coronelli model, whic...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1770
Selling price: $650
Sold in 2011
Amérique Septentrionale.
25Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyc...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1770
Selling price: $170
N. America.
Uncommon map of North America, with unfinished coast north of California. Shows "Quivira" and "The supposed Str. of Annian". Locates Indian tribes.
Place & Date: London, ca. 1770
Selling price: $170
Sold in 2014
North America Drawn & Engraved from the best Maps & Charts.
Important early hand-colored, copper engraved map of the British Colonies and the whole of North America, shortly after the conclusion of the French & Indian War and ...
Place & Date: London, 1770
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2015
America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes..
This exemplar represents Lotter's version of Delisle's foundation map of North America, published in 1700. The Great Lakes are actually based on the Coronelli model, whic...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1770
Selling price: $525
Sold in 2018
Partie de la carte du Captaine Cluny..
From Diderot's Encyclopaedia . Based on Captain Cluny's map of 1769 published in London in American Traveller .
Place & Date: Paris 1771
Selling price: $430
Partie de la carte du Capitaine Cluny? publié en 1769.
A map of North America with a supposedly northwest passage.
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $180
Carte des parties nord est ouest de L'Amerique..
Map of North America, as well as Canada & Alaska. California & the Pacific Northwest coast to Alaska is still speculative, whereas the east coast is depicted from...
Place & Date: Paris 1772
Selling price: $150
Carte des parties nord et ouest de l' Amerique. . .
Map of North America, as well as Canada & Alaska. California & the Pacific Northwest coast to Alaska is still speculative, whereas the east coast is depicted from...
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $170
Sold in 2014
CARTE GENERALE DES DECOUVERTES de l'Amiral de Fonte, et autres navigateurs. . .
An extremely interesting map of the Northwest Coast, showing De L'Isle's conjectural northwest coast, based upon De Font and Russian Discoverers, including the Bay of the...
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $155
Sold in 2019
Carte des parties nord et ouest de L' Amerique. . .
An interesting map of North America, based upon an earlier map by Thomas Engel. His map of North America was issued in his 'Memoires Observations Geographique' in 1765, a...
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $95
Sold in 2020
Carte generale des Decouvertes de L'Amiral de Fonte. . .
An interesting map of the northwest coast, showing de L'Isle's conjectural northwest coast, based upon that of de Font and Russian Discoverers, including the Bay of the W...
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $80
Sold in 2020
General Map of the Discoveries of Admiral de Fonte representing the great probability of a Passage to the North West by Thomas Jefferys. . .
An attractive and interesting map issued in the supplement to Diderot's 'Encyclopedie' as part of the series of ten maps by de Vaugondy illustrating the then-current view...
Place & Date: Paris, 1772
Selling price: $70
Sold in 2020
Partie du Nord de l' Amerique Septentrionale.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1795), French cartographer. His maps are found in a.o. Atlas Moderne (1762), Raynal's Histoire Philos. du Commerce des Indes (1774) and Atlas Encyclo...
Place & Date: Paris, 1774
Selling price: $250
An Accurate Map of North America. Describing and Distinguishing the British and Spanish Dominions on this Great Continent. According to the Definitive Treaty Concluded at Paris 10th Feb. 1763.
The outstanding British map of North America created on the eve of the American Revolution, this is the desirable fourth Robert Sayer (1725-1794) issued 1775 edition of B...
Place & Date: London, Robert Sayer, 1775
Selling price: $1900
Sold in 2022
A map of the middle British colonies in North America.
A separately published copper engraving in one sheet. The map shows geography from the mouth of the Delaware to the eastern edge of New York; inland, it shows the Susqueh...
Place & Date: London, 1776
Selling price: $7225
The Parricide. A Sketch of Modern Patriotism. Westminster Magazine, vol. IV, 1st May 1776.
Britannia attacked by America and the British lion.Reaction against ministers who supported the American cause. Images include: John Wilkes (1725-1797); America as a woma...
Place & Date: London, 1776
Selling price: $85
Sold in 2018
Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Villages et Etablissements François et Anglois Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de l'Anglois ... Corigee en 1776 par M. Hawkins... Verbessert 1776
Second impression of third French edition of the famous John Mitchell map of the British and French Dominions in North America which was first published in 1755. Title in...
Place & Date: Paris, 1776
Selling price: $7000
Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise Contenant tout ce que les Anglois Possedent sur le Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale Savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, les Treize Provinces Unies...
This fine and large map was issued shortly before the outbreak of the American Revolution and was included in Lotter's Atlas Geographique. The map covers the region from ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1776
Selling price: $690
Sold in 2019
America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville..
The map is throughly annotated in German. Interesting map of the Colonies at the outset of the French & Indian War. Some of the interesting features include a truncat...
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1777
Selling price: $800
Cours de la rivière d'Hudson avec la communication avec le Canada par le Lac Champlain jusqu'au Fort Chambly par Sauthier a 4 Mmiles pour pouce anglois.
Le Rouge's version of this important large-scale map of Claude Sauthier's map of the course of the Hudson River. The map was the inset map of a 4 sheet map entitled "...
Place & Date: Paris, 1777
Selling price: $1400
Sold in 2008
Caroline Septentrionalr et Meridionale en 4 Feuilles . . .
Le Rouge\'s version of this important large scale map of North Carolina. One sheet of four from a very rare wall map. The lower right sheet only; showing the coastline ar...
Place & Date: Paris, 1777
Selling price: $2250
Sold in 2008
[Page from \"Caroline Septentrionalr et Meridionale en 4 Feuilles . . .\"]
One sheet of four from the Le Rouge\'s version of this important large scale map of North Carolina. The lower left sheet showing the coastline south of Charlestown and la...
Place & Date: Paris, 1777
Selling price: $2050
Sold in 2008
[Page from \"Caroline Septentrionalr et Meridionale en 4 Feuilles . . .\"]
One sheet of four from the Le Rouge\'s version of this important large scale map of North Carolina. The upper right sheet showing the coastline of Corolina with Pamticoe ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1777
Selling price: $1150
Sold in 2008
America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville. . .
The map is thoroughly annotated in German. Interesting map of the Colonies at the outset of the French & Indian War. Some of the interesting features include a trunca...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1777
Selling price: $1200
Sold in 2016
A new map of Mexico or New Spain in which the Motions of Cortes may be traced. . .
Map shows provinces of New Spain, [Baja] California, "New Albion." New Mexico and Louisiana are shown separated by "Great Space of Land unknown." Area...
Place & Date: London, Strahan, T.Cadell, ca. 1777
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2013
Amerique septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en miles, Villages et Etablissements François et Anglois. Par le Docteur Mitchel Traduit de l'Anglois ... Corigee en 1776 par M. Hawkins..
An engraved map in outline color. On eight sheets, each measuring approx. 68 x 46 cm (26¾ x 19¼"), if joined, would form a single large sheet 59 x 79 inches. Backe...
Place & Date: Paris, 1756 /1777
Selling price: $9000
Sold in 2019
Special Karte von den Mittleren Brittischen Colonien..
Uncommon German map of the east coast of North America. Engraved by T.A.Pingeling. From Bescheibung des brittischen Amerika by Christian Leiste.
Place & Date: Wolfenbüttel 1778
Selling price: $450
Amérique Septentrionale.
Interesting copper-engraved map of North America with Central America, the Caribbean, and parts of South America. Shows large unexplored blank parts in nowadays Western ...
Place & Date: Paris, c1778
Selling price: $75
Sold in 2010
CARTE DU CANADA ET DES ETATS-UNIS de l'Amérique Septentrionale Par le S.r ROBERT DE VAUGONDY Geog. Ord.du Roi. . .
A separate issue. This is an updated version of map 1753.2 and one of the first maps to name the United States (Etats-Unis) in the title. Covers Canada east of Lake Super...
Place & Date: Paris, 1778
Selling price: $2250
Sold in 2012
Il Canada Le Colonie Inglesi Con La Luigiana E Florida di nuouva Projezione...1778.
Map of East coast of America including the Great Lakes. The map makes mention of the upper and lower English Colonies in Louisiana. Ohio here called "Ohio ou alta Lu...
Place & Date: Venise, 1778
Selling price: $400
Sold in 2015