Search Listings matching "town-plan"
Grundriss von Goa.
A beautifully detailed and engraved town-plan of the Portuguese colony of Goa in India, with a number key (1-29) to the city's major monuments and sites, enclosed in a de...
- $450 / ≈ €421
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1752
Plan de Hanover.
Town-plan of Hanover, with the new town of St Aegidien built in 1747. Decorated with a title cartouche and accompanied by a numbered key (1-79) of the main streets and bu...
- $200 / ≈ €187
Place & Date: Paris, 1757
Plan du port et de la ville de Nangasaki.
This plan originates from Charlevoix's work Histoire et description Générele du Japon . His first in 1715 published work was the Histoire de l'etablissement du christia...
- $600 / ≈ €561
Place & Date: Paris, 1760
Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae. . .
Detailed map centered on St.Petersburg. With imposing title cartouche and panoramic town-view of St.Petersburg. The map was drawn shortly after the conclusion of the Grea...
- $750 / ≈ €702
Place & Date: Nurenberg, 1780
(Manuscript map of Narva und Ivangorod.)
An early manuscript very finely executed watercolor town-plan of the town of Narva, located at the eastern tip of Estonia, on the Russian border.With a key in lower left ...
- $1000 / ≈ €936
Place & Date: Germany?, c. 1790
Grundriss von der Stadt und dem Schlosse Batavia.
Uncommon plan of the town and fortress of Batavia. The plan is based on the earlier, much larger map of Batavia published by Clement de Jonghe in 1650. From 'Algemeine We...
- $175 / ≈ €164
Place & Date: Halle, 1763-1792
Charming little town-plan of Moscow engraved by Tardieu. Separately issued and also included in "l’Histoire de la Russie" by Leclerc. This plan is decorated w...
- $750 / ≈ €702
Place & Date: Paris, 1794
Plan de la ville de Rome, d'après celui publié par J.B. Nolli . . .
Beautiful town-plan of Rome, drawn up after the famous plan of Rome, executed by Giambattista Nolli in 1748. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche topped by the coat...
- $1000 / ≈ €936
Place & Date: Paris, Jean, 1801
Plan von Venedig.
An uncommon and finely rendered town-plan of Venice. The work is highly detailed and provides a 133 point legend identifying the town's key sites and places of import.
Place & Date: Weimar, 1807
Plan nouveau de la ville de Cambrai.
Nice town-plan of Cambrai, with its fortifications and the citadel, decorated with the cathedral in lower right corner. The borders contain a historical description of th...
Place & Date: Cambrai, 1814
Pianta della Citta di Napoli e de' soui contorni.
Uncommon large scale town-plan of Naples. Drawn and engraved by the "Reale officio topografico".
- $1500 / ≈ €1404
Place & Date: Naples, 1828
Vue du Port de Boston. View of the Port of Boston.
Superb aquatint of Boston harbor. Painted by L. Garneray and engraved by Himely. Published by Hocquart in Paris and Bailly Ward and Co. of New York.Second state with the...
- $2200 / ≈ €2059
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1834
Vue de Nangasaki.
Steel engraved of Nagasaki from the water, identifying clearly Deshima, the V.O.C. trading post and the Dutch flag. Japanese and Chinese sloops in the fore ground. Engra...
- $125 / ≈ €117
Place & Date: Paris, 1842
Pianta della citta di Palermo e dei suoi contorni.
Published in Atlante Geografico dell' Italia . Uncommon and decorative town-plan of Palermo. With a numbered key.Engraved by P. Manzoni.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845
Pianta della citta di Napoli.
Published in Atlante Geografico dell' Italia. Uncommon and decorative town-plan of Naples. With a numbered key.Engraved by P.Manzoni.
Place & Date: Florence, 1845
Selling price: $500
Sold in 2008
Madrid por el Teniente Coronel, Capítan de Ingenieros D. Francisco Coello. Las notas estadisticas é historicas han sido escritas por D. Pascual Madoz. Madrid 1853.
Second edition of this important and very detailed map of the region of Madrid prepared by Francisco Coello (1822 - 1898) and improved by Pascual Madoz (1806 - 1870). Eng...
- $400 / ≈ €374
Place & Date: Madrid, 1853
Parti ved Frederikssted (St. Croix).
Early town-views of the small town of Frederiksted on the island of St. Croix. This view shows much of the harbor and a portion of the town's waterfront. one of a series ...
- $950 / ≈ €889
Place & Date: Copenhagen, Baerentzen / Co, 1856
Plan général des environs de Sébastopol avec indication de la disposition générale de l'armée alliée au 24 octobre / 5 novembre 1854 et du mouvement du prince Gortchakow vers le mont Sapoune.
A very rare panoramic town-plan of the siege of Sebastopol. In lower margin : "Gravé au Dépôt topographique de la Guerre". From "Défense de Sébastopol...
Place & Date: Saint-Pétersbourg / Paris, 1863-1874
Selling price: $750
Sold in 2014