Search Listings matching "town-plan" in Map Types > Views & City Plans

12 listings found. Showing results 1 to 12
Calechut Celeberri mum Indiae Emporium/ Ormus/ Canonor, St.Georgii.

Four panoramic town-views on one sheet: The upper approximately two-thirds of this double page sheet contains a fine panoramic view of Calicut which is on the west coast ...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F.
Place & Date: Cologne, 1580


Copenhague ville capitale du royaume de Dannemarq et séjour ordinaire du Roy . . .

Separately published town-plan of Copenhagen, also published in de Fer's "Curious Atlas". Engraved by C.Inselin. Plan is dated 1700 in lower right corner. With ...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: FER, (Nicolas de)
Place & Date: Paris, 1700


Plan de la ville de Roses avec les attaques.

Very rare and beautiful plan engraved by Pierre Lepautre, of the city of Roses in Catalonia, and celebrating the victory and capture of the city by Louis XIV in June 1693...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: LEPAUTRE, P
Place & Date: Paris, 1700


Plaisance ou Piacensa, ville de la Lombardie, capitale du duché de Plaisance.

Rare and beautiful bird's-eye plan of the town of Plaisance in Lombardy, accompanied by 120 key to the most important points in town. Second state with " XIX" i...

$400 / ≈ €374
Maker / Publisher: MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1704


Nouveau plan de Dieppe, ville et port de mer de la Normandie.

Beautiful plan showing the fortified town of Dieppe and the suburbs of Barre and Pollet, engraved by Inselin. Beautiful example.

$230 / ≈ €215
Maker / Publisher: DE BEAURAIN, J
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1730


Accurata recens delineata ichnographia celeberrimæ liberæ Imperii civitatis ac Sueviæ metropolis Agustæ Vindelicorum -Neu verfertigt accurater ... Haupt Stadt Augspurg.

Superb plan of the fortified town of Augsburg, brilliantly colored at the time, with title in Latin and German. The plan was designed by Johann Thomas Kraus, engraver, ar...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER,M.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca. 1740


La ville et citadelle d'Anvers. [Antwerp]

A town-plan of the fortified enclosure of Antwerp with its citadel, showing the extensions made between 1201 and 1701, when the fortifications were enlarged by Philippe V...

$225 / ≈ €211
Maker / Publisher: LE ROUGE, G-L.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750


[OSTENDE] A new and exact Plan of the city and port of Ostend.

Nice plan of the city of Ostend and Fort Philippe, engraved by R. Benning. In upper left corner "A map of part of Flanders shewing the country and sands about Ostend...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: MARTEL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1750


Plan de Hanover.

Town-plan of Hanover, with the new town of St Aegidien built in 1747. Decorated with a title cartouche and accompanied by a numbered key (1-79) of the main streets and bu...

$200 / ≈ €187
Maker / Publisher: LE ROUGE, G-L
Place & Date: Paris, 1757


Grundriss von der Stadt und dem Schlosse Batavia.

Uncommon plan of the town and fortress of Batavia. The plan is based on the earlier, much larger map of Batavia published by Clement de Jonghe in 1650. From 'Algemeine We...

$175 / ≈ €164
Maker / Publisher: BAUMGARTEN, S.J. SEMLER, J.S.
Place & Date: Halle, 1763-1792



Charming little town-plan of Moscow engraved by Tardieu. Separately issued and also included in "l’Histoire de la Russie" by Leclerc. This plan is decorated w...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: TARDIEU, P.F.
Place & Date: Paris, 1794


Plan de la ville de Rome, d'après celui publié par J.B. Nolli . . .

Beautiful town-plan of Rome, drawn up after the famous plan of Rome, executed by Giambattista Nolli in 1748. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche topped by the coat...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: LATTRÉ, J.
Place & Date: Paris, Jean, 1801