Search Listings matching "town-plan" in Europe > Spain > Spain Cities

2 listings found. Showing results 1 to 2
Plan de la ville de Roses avec les attaques.

Very rare and beautiful plan engraved by Pierre Lepautre, of the city of Roses in Catalonia, and celebrating the victory and capture of the city by Louis XIV in June 1693...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: LEPAUTRE, P
Place & Date: Paris, 1700


Madrid por el Teniente Coronel, Capítan de Ingenieros D. Francisco Coello. Las notas estadisticas é historicas han sido escritas por D. Pascual Madoz. Madrid 1853.

Second edition of this important and very detailed map of the region of Madrid prepared by Francisco Coello (1822 - 1898) and improved by Pascual Madoz (1806 - 1870). Eng...

$400 / ≈ €374
Maker / Publisher: COELLO, F. / MADOZ, P.
Place & Date: Madrid, 1853