Browse Listings in East Meets West > China

14 listings found. Showing results 1 to 14
Naves Chinensibus usitatae velis arundineis & anchoris ligneis.

A Chinese vessel. Print taken from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fro...

$200 / ≈ €187
Maker / Publisher: DE BRY, Th.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599


La Chine Royaume. . .

An important and attractive French map of the whole of China, the northern tip of the Philippines, with a strangely curved Korea and an under-sized Taiwan here called &qu...

$2600 / ≈ €2433
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1656


Impery sino Tartarici Supremus Monarcha.

Decorative costume plate showing Kam Hi son of the Shunzhi Emperor of China [1638 - 1661?], the second emperor of the Manchu Qing dynasty, who apparently supported the fo...

$300 / ≈ €281
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1668


La Reine de la chine.

Very rare and decorative costume plate. In the background : Palais Royal Peking. Beneath the plate a descriptive text about the Queen of China.Bears the address : Se vend...

$500 / ≈ €468
Maker / Publisher: JOLLAIN, F.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1685


Paradigma XV Provinciarum et CLV Urbium Capitalium Sinensis Imperij Cum Templis quae Cruce X Signatur Et Domiciliis S.I.

First edition of this rare Jesuit map of China, published by Jean Baptiste Nolin in Paris and based on Philippe Couplet's map of 1686. The map shows China's 15 provinces ...

$2400 / ≈ €2246
Maker / Publisher: NOLIN, J.-B.
Place & Date: Paris, 1686


Kam Hi Fils de Chien chi Empereur des Tartares orientaux?.plusieurs titres d'honneur Ecrits de sa propre main.

Very rare and decorative costume plate. Underneath the plate a descriptive text in French. Bears the address AParis Chez Nolin rue St. Jacques à l'Enseigne de la Place d...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: NOLIN, J.B.
Place & Date: Paris ca. 1690


Collection of rubbings with portraits and biographies of famous Chinese philosophers, poets and legendary wise old men.

Collection of portraits and biographies of famous Chinese philosophers, poets and legendary wise old men. All portraits and text are original rubbings from stone tables d...

$15000 / ≈ €14036
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: China or Korea, c. 1701


De Stad Macao.

A fine view of the city of Macao from Lappa Island showing the defenses, the forts, churches and convents: including Fort de Baare, Bon Parto, Fort St Paulo (Monte Fort)....

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1724


Carte particulière de l'entrée de Canton - Plan de Quang-tcheou-fou vulgo Canton .

Beautiful detailed map of the entrance to the city of Canton, showing also the cities of Macao and Quanghai, as well as the islands of the bay, including the island of Sh...

$450 / ≈ €421
Maker / Publisher: ANVILLE, J.B.D'
Place & Date: Paris, P.G. Le Mercier, 1735


Observatoire de Peking.

The observatory of Mateo Rizzi in Peking, in which there are very large instruments, an Equinoctial Sphere, a Celestial Globe, a Zodiacal Sphere, Azimuthal Horizona, Quad...

$200 / ≈ €187
Maker / Publisher: DU HALDE, Jean Baptiste
Place & Date: Paris, GROSIER Jean-Baptiste, 1785



Early view of Macao after Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805-1875) and engraved in aquatint technique by Sigismond Himely (1801-1872). Published as plate 28 in Voyage autour du m...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: HIMELY, S.
Place & Date: Paris, Finot, 1835


Combat de Tchang-Ki-Ouang 18 septembre 1860.

Plate VI from "Atlas de l'expédition de Chine en 1860: rédigé au dépôt de la guerre d'après les documents officiels, étant directeur le général Blondel, sou...

$300 / ≈ €281
Place & Date: Paris, 1862


En Chine.

From the series "Caricatures du Prussien - Guerre des Duchés". Lithographed by Julés Pelcoq.

$200 / ≈ €187
Maker / Publisher: PELCOQ, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1864


Attaque & prise des forts du Pei-Ho Le 21 Août 1860, par les troupes Françaises et Anglaises.

In 1860, an Anglo-French force gathered at Hong Kong and then carried out a landing at Pei Tang on August 1, and a successful assault on the Taku Forts on August 21.This ...

$500 / ≈ €468
Maker / Publisher: LEMERCIER
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1865