23 listings found. Showing results 1 to 23
Sexta Etas Mudi. Folio CCLV. (With portret of Johannes Müller alias Regiomontanus holding a Astrolabe.

A very fine presentation of the astronomer Johannes Müller alias Regiomontanus holding a Astrolabe. A village-scene (Dim. H : 150 mm W : 223 mm) is depicted on the lower...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: SCHEDEL, H.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493


N°3. Horologium Horizontale Horas a meridie et media nocte Numeratas continens ad latitudinem XLIX GR XXIII Minut ec.

This beautiful engraving is a horological diagram with a 32-point wind rose at the bottom, signed underneath "M:Franciscus Ritter N fac A° 1640."It is remarkab...

$750 / ≈ €723
Maker / Publisher: RITTER, F.
Place & Date: Nuremberg 1640


Montaigne de Ca.

In the foreground, a couple of which the man is holding a quadrant with a verse in two languages underneath the picture.The poet and topographer from Comothau, Daniel Mei...

$85 / ≈ €82
Maker / Publisher: MEISNER, D.
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1623-1678



A fine 17th-century depiction of a floor globe with a turned wooden leg base, the globe displaying an enormous southern continent. Atop this is a wonderful miniature tabl...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683



Appealing print focused on an armillary sphere. The latter is surmounted by a cartouche containing some angles in a circle.From the French text edition of Description d'U...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: MALLET,A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683



Appealing print depicting an armillary sphere.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well tra...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683


De la Sphere. Figure XI.

Appealing print of three armillary spheres.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travel...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683


De la Sphere. Figure IX.

Appealing print of a armillary sphere.From the French text edition of Description d'Univers.. (5 volumes), 1683. By Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travelled m...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683



Appealing print centered on an armillary sphere. The latter sits atop a map of the world which clearly shows California as an island. In addition to this curious feature,...

$200 / ≈ €193
Maker / Publisher: MALLET, A.M.
Place & Date: Paris, 1683


Jean De Sacro Busto. [Johannes de Sacro Bosco]

Portrait of Johannes de Sacro Bosco c. 1195 – c. 1256), a scholar, monk and astronomer who was a teacher at the University of Paris. He wrote a short astronomy textbook...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: France, ca. 1700


Globe Terrestre. / Globe Celeste.

A very decorative depiction of a terrestrial and celestial globe on a decorative base. The page is filled with seven diagrams.

$175 / ≈ €169
Maker / Publisher: CHIQUET, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1719


Sphaera Artificialium Typica repraesentatio.

Stunning engraving of terrestrial and celestial globes and armillary sphere, all with highly ornamented stands. Brief explanatory text. The plate was based on a design by...

$1000 / ≈ €964
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730


Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio. . .

Stunning engraving of Homann's terrestrial and celestial globes and armillary sphere, all with highly ornamented stands. Brief explanatory text.Johann Baptist Homann born...

$900 / ≈ €867
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1740


Introduction a la géographie carte des diverses positions de la sphere..

A charming and large print showing a terrestrial, celestial and an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe ...

$1000 / ≈ €964
Maker / Publisher: BASSET
Place & Date: Paris 1750


GLOBUS TERRESTRIS ad sphaeram obliquam delineatus. and the GLOBUS COELESTIS cum Astrodictico artificiali iunctus.

A very handsome, large copper engraving of a pair of globes. Ribbon style titles and German text panel at bottom.

$1250 / ≈ €1204
Maker / Publisher: LOTTER, T.C.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1774


Analytique des différentes positions de la Sphère, des différens systemes, des révolutions et des distances des Planètes, &c

Containing "Globe Celeste", "Sphere de Copernic", "Globe Terrestre", "Systeme de Ptolomee" ; including diagrams of the solar syste...

$500 / ≈ €482
Maker / Publisher: DELAMARCHE, C.F.
Place & Date: Paris, 1780


De la Sphère. . .

Scarce print of armillary sphere, surrounded by several diagrams of the sun, moon, and planets after Cassini. In lower part 9 blocks of text with explanations.Published b...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: MONDHARE, L.J. / NOLIN, J.B.
Place & Date: Paris, 1783


Two sheets for constructing an armillary sphere.

Two sheets for constructing an armillary sphere. Cassini was a geographer and cartographer, but also perspective and architecture carver - one of Giovanni Battista Pirane...

$2700 / ≈ €2601
Maker / Publisher: CASSINI, G.M.
Place & Date: Rome, 1795


Sphere (No title)

Rare Italian print of a sphere. Paper size 350x225mm. From his "Atlante della geografia antica e moderna".

$120 / ≈ €116
Maker / Publisher: BARBIELLINI, C.A.
Place & Date: Milan, 1807


Phisique. [plate XL]

Some scientific instruments for measuring the sea temperature at some depth. From Voyage de découvertes aux terres Australes by François Péron, 1824.The French expedit...

$40 / ≈ €39
Maker / Publisher: LESUEUR, C-A. / PERON, F.
Place & Date: Paris, 1824


Systémes Planétaires

A charming print showing an armillary globe with smaller circular diagrams illustrating the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe, etc. Published by Alexandre Emile Lapi...

$150 / ≈ €145
Maker / Publisher: LAPIE, E.
Place & Date: Paris, 1830


[Macaire] Pensionnat Robert-Macaire. Mr le professeur. . . (Plate 4)

Macaire personified the clever businessman, who was willing at any time to throw moral and ethical principles overboard for a quick buck. His personality fitted exactly t...

$250 / ≈ €241
Maker / Publisher: DAUMIER, H.
Place & Date: Paris, 1864


La Lune à un Mètre (Mini poster for Paris Exposition Universelle)

Original chromo-lithograph mini poster for "Paris Exposition Universelle" held between April and November, 1900, which received 50 million visitors. In 1899, ...

$900 / ≈ €867
Maker / Publisher: TRUCHET, A.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1900