Search Listings matching "ukraine"

182 listings found. Showing results 1 to 80
Tabula III Asiae. [Caucass and Armenia.]

Ptolemaic map of the region south of the Caucasus Mountains and between the Caspian Sea as far south as the headwaters of the Tigris River in the south and the Black Sea,...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Lyons, M. Servetus, 1525


Tabula II Asiae.

A striking example of this wood-cut map depicts north of the Black Sea and west of the Caspian Sea (Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Armenia). Ptolemy collected his data arou...

$550 / ≈ â‚¬515
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Lyons, 1535


.[Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared by Martin Waldseemüller. Based on the slightly larger...

$2000 / ≈ â‚¬1871
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY,C ./ WALDSEEMÃœLLER, M. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


[Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine]

Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared L. Fries after Martin Waldseemüller.Based on the slightl...

$2000 / ≈ â‚¬1871
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY, C . / WALDSEEMÃœLLER, M. / FRIES, L.
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541


Tabula Asiae VII (Central Asia and Russia)

The first edition of Munster's map of the region north and east of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, extending to the Imaus Mountains, based upon Claudius Ptolemy which appe...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: MÃœNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, Heinrich Petri, 1545


Tabula Asiae II (Black Sea and Caspian Sea)

The first edition of Munster's map of Ukraine and the region north of the Black Sea, based upon Claudius Ptolemy which appeared in his "Geographia Universalis",...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: MÃœNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, Heinrich Petri, 1545


Tabula Asiae II (Black Sea and Caspian Sea).

The first edition of Münster's map of Ukraine and the region north of the Black Sea, based upon Claudius Ptolemy which appeared in his "Geographia Universalis"...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: MUNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basel, Heinrich Petri, 1545


Tabula Asiae II.

Scarce FIRST edition of this map of the ancient region of Asiatic Sarmatia - now Southern Russia and part of Ukraine, around the Azov seaGirolamo Ruscelli's edition of Pt...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: RUSCELLI, G.
Place & Date: Venice, 1561


Sarmatia Asie.

The map is showing the area of Armenia and Kazakhstan. From his Cosmographia, that great compendium of Renaissance knowledge. Sebastian Münster was born in Nierder-Ingel...

$90 / ≈ â‚¬84
Maker / Publisher: MÃœNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basle, 1550-1580


(Central Europe)

Map showing the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea with parts of Tartary and Kazakhstan, also the neighboring Armenia in the south.From a German text editio...

$80 / ≈ â‚¬75
Maker / Publisher: MÃœNSTER, S.
Place & Date: Basle, 1550-1590


Descrittione Dell'Imperio della MOSCOVIA IMPERIUM.

Uncommon map including Latvia, Livonia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, and northern Part of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan.Giovanni ...

$250 / ≈ â‚¬234
Maker / Publisher: MAGINI, G.A. / PORRO, G.
Place & Date: Venice, 1596


Tabula Asiae II.

A striking example of Magini's map of the Black Sea region from the 1597 edition of Magini's 'Geographia', based upon the work of Claudius Ptolemy. Latin text and tables ...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: PTOLEMY / MAGINI, G.A.
Place & Date: Venice, 1597


Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Prezecopsca, et Gazara dicitur.

Early and detailed map of the Ukraine, Russia with in the north Smolensk and Moscow and in the south the Black Sea. Shows ports, fortified cities and the mouths of the Da...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. / HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1625


Taurica Chersonesus . . .

An attractive, detailed and early map of the Ukraine, Russia and surrounding regions between the northern coast of the Black Sea and Moscow.Shows ports, fortified cities ...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. / CLOPPENBURGH, J.E.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630


Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Przecopsca, et Gazara dicitur.

Part of Russia with in the north Smolensk and Moscow and in the south the Black Sea.As Willem Blaeu died in 1638 most of his maps are actually published by his son Joan. ...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638


Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Przecopsca, et Gazara dicitur.

Part of Russia with in the north Smolensk and Moscow and in the south the Black Sea. More about Willem Blaeu. [+]

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644


Taurica Chersonesus.

One of the earliest detailed maps of the Crimea and Ukraine between the northern coast of the Black Sea and Moscow.With the engraved signature of Gerard Mercator in lower...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: MERCATOR, G. / HONDIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1639-1644


Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Przecopsca, et Gazara dicitur.

Detailed map of the Ukraine, Russia with in the north Smolensk and Moscow and in the south the Black Sea. Shows ports, fortified cities and the mouths of the Danube. Mino...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645


Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Prezecopsca, et Gazara dicitur.

Part of Russia with in the north Smolensk and including Moscow and in the south the Black Sea.More about Willem Blaeu. [+]Taurica, Tauric Chersonese, and Taurida were nam...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, W.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645


Sarmatia utraque europaea et asiatica. . .

Ancient map of the European part of Russia with the Ukraine. Dated 1654.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition ...

$200 / ≈ â‚¬187
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1654


Sarmatia utraque europaea et asiatica. . .

Ancient map of the European part of Russia with the Ukraine. Dated 1654.Nicolas Sanson was to bring about the rise of French cartography, although the fierce competition ...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: SANSON,N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1654


Germano-Sarmatia in qua Populi maiores Venedi et Aetiaei Peucini et Bastarnae in minores Populos divisi ad hodiernam locorum et Regionum

Fine map of ancient Poland and the whole of Eastern Europe, showing part of the Baltic and Gulf of Riga, including the modern countries of Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and ...

Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1655
Selling price: $425
Sold in 2013


Typus Generalis Ukrainae sive Palatinatuum Podoliae, Kioviensis et Braczlaviensis terras nova delineatione exhibens. . .

A key map engraved by Johannes Janssonius in about 1656 and based on Guillaume La Vasseur de Beauplan's map of the region published in "Description d'Ukraine". ...

$2000 / ≈ â‚¬1871
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1657


Vera Delineatio Provinciae Fertilissimae Kilan olim Hyrcaniae ad Mare Caspium Sitae.

Uncommon map prepared by Adam Olearius showing the region of Azerbaijan and Iran. The map is oriented with north to the upper left corner and adorned with an attractive t...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: OLEARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Jean Dupuis in Paris, 1659


Basse Podolie, Palatinat de Braclaw tiré de la grande Ukraine du Sieur le Vasseur de Beauplan / par le Sr. . .

Scarce and fine map of Ukraine after Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan (c. 1600 — December 6 1673), who was a French cartographer, engineer and architect. Beauplan serve...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N./ MARIETTE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1665


Illyricum Orientis In quo Partes II. Moesia et Thracia. Provinciae XI.

Attractive historical map of the area west of the Black Sea, today's Bulgaria, Rumania, etc. Based on the cartography of Nicolas Sanson and published by P.Mariette. With ...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N. / MARIETTE, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1666


Mer Noire ou Mer Maievre, . . .

Map of the Black Sea prepared by N.Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette.Published in an early edition of the small Sanson atlas L'Europe Dediée a Monseigneur . . . Le...

$200 / ≈ â‚¬187
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N.
Place & Date: Paris, P. Mariette, 1667


French composite atlas made up of rare maps published by Parisian editors from the 17th century , mainly by G. Jollain including scarce maps of America.

A rare French composite atlas including 90 maps, published by Parisian publishers from the 17th century, mainly by Gérard I Jollain, or by maps bought from Dutch publish...

$95000 / ≈ â‚¬88893
Maker / Publisher: JOLLAIN, G.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1675



Uncommon miniature map of Ukraine, from Pierre Duval's La Geographie Universeille dated 1676. Following his Cartes de geographie in 1657, Pierre Duval published this smal...

$200 / ≈ â‚¬187
Maker / Publisher: DU VAL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1676


Stati della Corona di Polonia Divisa nella sue Principali Provincie e Palatinati da Guglielmo Sansone. . .

Rare map of Poland, Lithuania and the Ukraine. Copies of his first edition of 'Mercurio Geografico', published in 1674, do not contain a map of Poland. Only added in late...

$1250 / ≈ â‚¬1170
Maker / Publisher: ROSSI,G. G.
Place & Date: Rome, 1678


Moscovia or Russia

A rare late seventeenth-century English map of Russia and the Crimea and southern Ukraine, with the northern coast of the Black Sea and its shores. A scarce little map ut...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: SELLER, John.
Place & Date: London, 1685


Lesser Tartaria.

A late seventeenth-century English map of the Crimea and southern Ukraine, with the whole of the Black Sea and its shores. A scarce little map utilized in various of the ...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: SELLER, John.
Place & Date: London, 1685


A unique composite atlas with updated Porro maps.

Unique composite atlas containing in total 84 maps - 82 maps engraved by Girolamo Porro and heavenly reworked around 1686 and 2 newly engraved maps; Piccola Tartaria (Cr...

$35000 / ≈ â‚¬32750
Maker / Publisher: PORRO, G./ MAGINI
Place & Date: Venice, 1686


L'Empire des Turcs en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique.

A nice map showing the Turkish Empire, including an inset map of kingdom of Alger. Extending from Italy and the Eastern Mediterranean in the west to the Caspian Sea and P...

$550 / ≈ â‚¬515
Maker / Publisher: DU VAL, P.
Place & Date: Paris, 1686


La Bulgaria ela Romania con Parte di Marcedonia. . .

Scarce map of the region along the Danube River and to the south. Extends to include part of the Sea of Azov and the northern extreme of the Aegean Sea. Elaborate militar...

$600 / ≈ â‚¬561
Maker / Publisher: ROSSI, G.G.
Place & Date: Rome, 1689


Tabula nova totius regni Poloniae. . .

Map of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine with decorative cartouche in the upper left corner.Published by Nicolaas Visscher after N. Sanson.

$900 / ≈ â‚¬842
Maker / Publisher: VISSCHER, N.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1690


Le Royaume de Hongrie.

Fine oversized map of Hungary, but including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Albania, European part of Turkey, and Ukraine. With a decorative title an...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: JAILLOT, H. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1692


Scythia et Tartaria Asiatica.

A decorative and interesting eighteenth century map of Tartary and Scythia from an atlas first published in Leiden in 1624. Philipp Clüverius (1580–1623) was virtually...

$125 / ≈ â‚¬117
Maker / Publisher: CLUVERIUS, P.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1697


(Mer Noire ou Maieure, Pont Euxin.)

Very rare and detailed map of the Black Sea area prepared by Placide de Sainte-Hélène (1648-1734). and engraved by Claude-Auguste Berey (1651-1732).The map is of partic...

$350 / ≈ â‚¬328
Maker / Publisher: PLACIDE, P. / BEREY, C-A.
Place & Date: Paris, 1703


Estats du Grand Duc de Moscovie.

Lovely small map of' Russia in Europe', extending from Poland and the Baltic in the west, Zembla in the frozen north, reaching down south to the Ukraine with Kiev and par...

$150 / ≈ â‚¬140
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1705


LA RUSSIE ROUGE ou POLONOISE qui Comprend les PROVINCES DE LA RUSSIE ROUGE de VOLHYNIE et de PODOLIE divisées en leurs Palatinats Vulgairement Connües sous le Nom D'VKRAINE ou PAYS DES COSAQUES.

A very rare Sanson map of Ukraine and so-called Russie Rouge, stretching from Lublin in the west to Kherson Oblast in the east (here called "Confin de La Petite Tart...

$2700 / ≈ â‚¬2526
Maker / Publisher: SANSON de ABBEVILLE, N.
Place & Date: Paris, 1706


Carte marine de la mer Caspienne avec toutes ses Bayes Rivieres et Havres, dressée sur les observations des plus habiles Navigateurs,. . .

Strikingly engraved and attractive map of the Caspian Sea, showing major towns, ports, etc. Large decorative cartouche and compass rose.

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: AA, P. VAN DER
Place & Date: Leiden, 1710


Assoph, Asow, oder Azak mit der Kleinen Tartarey dem Scwharzen Meer. . .

Scarce map showing the Black Sea region with Southern Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.

$100 / ≈ â‚¬94
Maker / Publisher: BODENEHR, G.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1715


Die Gegend Zwischen Pultava und Bender Mitt Angraenzenden Polnisch, Turckisch und Tartarischen Landschafften.

Scarce map showing central part of the Ukraine with Bjelaja-Zerkow, Poltawa between the Dniester and Dnieper rivers. Black Sea in lower right corner. Detailed with notes,...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: BODENEHR, G.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1715


Assoph, Asow, oder Azak mit der Kleinen Tartarey dem Scwharzen Meer. . .

Scarce map showing the Black Sea region with Southern Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: BODENEHR, G.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1715


To His Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary, and ye Black Sea &c. is most Humbly Dedicated by H. Moll Geographer

Magnificent large-scale, English map of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland and the Baltic Countries and extending south to the Black Sea and the Balkans, with an ornate ded...

$1500 / ≈ â‚¬1404
Maker / Publisher: MOLL, H.
Place & Date: London, 1716


Nova ac verissima Maris Caspii ante hac maximam fere partem nobis incogniti, ac Regionum adiacentium : Delineatio Iussu Invictissimi Principis Petri Alexii Fil. Magni Russorum Imperatoris / immenso labore et maximis sumptibus facta, atque ex ...

Covers portions of Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan. Relief is shown pictorially. Depth is shown by soundings. Oriented with north to the left. Rare.

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / WIDDOW J.OTTENS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Illyricum Orientis In quo Partes II. Moesia et Thracia. Provinciae XI.

Attractive historical map of the area west of the Black Sea, today's Bulgaria, Rumania, etc. Based on the cartography of Nicolas Sanson and published by Covens and Mortie...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: SANSON, N. / COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1720


Partie Meridionale de Moscovie. . .

Scarce map centered on Moscow including Azow and part of present-day Ukraine in the bottom part of the map. The map is based on Delisle's important map of the region with...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Seconde partie de la Crimee la Mer Noire. . .

The lower part of a set of two maps from the observations of Guillaume Delisle focuses on the Black Sea with wonderful detail of the surrounding regions. Includes Constan...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Seconde partie de la Crimee la Mer Noire. . .

The lower part of a set of two maps from the observations of Guillaume Delisle focusing on the Black Sea with wonderful detail of the surrounding regions. Includes Consta...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Tabula Geographica qua pars Russiae Magnae. . .

Homann's map is based upon Beauplan's general map of Ukraine but depicts the political changes of the preceding years. With decorative cartouches. Giving good detail alon...

$680 / ≈ â‚¬636
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Partie Meridionale de Moscovie. . .

Centered on Moscow including Azow and part of present-day Ukraine in the bottom part of the map. The map is based on Delisle's important map of the region with revisions ...

$200 / ≈ â‚¬187
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum. . .

Homann's map is based upon Beauplan's general map of Ukraine but depicts the political changes of the preceding years. The cartouche portrays Hetman Mazepa with his follo...

$1750 / ≈ â‚¬1638
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Das Caspische Meer / Das Land Kamtzadalie ...

Two maps on one sheet with the Caspian Sea on one side and northeastern Russia and Kamchatka on the other. The map of the Caspian Sea reflects the survey work of Russiaâ€...

$450 / ≈ â‚¬421
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN,J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Asia intra Maeotim Pontum et Mare Caspium. . .

Striking map the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions, featuring the geographical features known to the ancients and decorated with a vignette and 10 medallions.From "D...

$195 / ≈ â‚¬182
Maker / Publisher: WEIGEL, Chr.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache et Paludis Maeotidis. . .

A very detailed map showing the Black Sea, Azow and Rostow area.

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720


Tabula geographica Russiae Magnae pontus euxinus seu mare nigrum et tauriae regnum. . .

Decorative map of the Black Sea Region, with a large decorative cartouche. Shows Constantinople. Extends north to Moscow and Smolensko.

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache et Paludis Maeotidis. . .

A very detailed map showing the Black Sea, Azow and Rostow area. With a decorative allegorical cartouche, showing the costumes of the indigenous people of the region.

$900 / ≈ â‚¬842
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1720


Carte des Pays Voisins de la Mer Caspiene dressee pour l' usage du Roy. . .

Detailed and attractive map focusing on Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. It depicts roads, forts, cities, villages, topography and is filled with notations.Prepared by th...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: DE L'ISLE, G.
Place & Date: Paris, 1723


Regni Poloniae, ducatus Mazoviae et province Cujaviae / descriptio emendata per R. & I. Ottens

Very rare map of Poland Lithuania and Ukraine, etc. Engraved by A. Schut.Joachim Ottens (1663 - 1719) and his sons Renier and Joshua were prominent Dutch booksellers and ...

$1500 / ≈ â‚¬1404
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1725
Selling price: $1500
Sold in 2017


Carte Marine De La Mer Caspiene levée suivant les ordres de S.M.Cz. En 1719, 1720 et 1721.

Detailed of the Caspian Sea, prepared by Karl van Verden in 1722. Van Verden was a Russian sailor and the Czar's Special Commander, who produced the first accurate map of...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: VERDEN, VAN K.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1725


Moruma ville de la Tartarie Moscovite.

Decorative view of the town of Moruma, Russian city near the northern shore of the Caspian sea as seen from across the river Oka. This well executed engraving was publish...

$300 / ≈ â‚¬281
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P. / OLEARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719-1727


Imperii Moscovitici pars Australis.

A detailed map of the region around Moscow. Including the Ukraine and Cossack regions, to the west is Russian Poland and Lithuania, to the east Russian Tartary and Siberi...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730


Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie et la Mer Noire, montrant les Frontieres de l'Impératrice de Russie et de l'Empereur des Turcs, tant en Europe qu'en Asie, Dessigné selon la proposition de G. De L'Isle et d'autres Auteurs.

The Ukraine and the Black Sea in a fine impression with original 18th-c. hand-coloring.

$1250 / ≈ â‚¬1170
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. & J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1730


Geographica Nova ex Oriente gratiosissima, duabus tabulis specialissimis contenta, quarum una Mare Caspium..

Map of the Caspian Sea and the peninsula of Kamchatka (Jedso) in northeast Asia on one sheet.Separated by an attractive panel with figurative title cartouche, cherubs, an...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1730


Nova Mappa Geographica Maris Assoviensis Vel De Zabache Et Paludis Maeotidis accurate aeri incis et in luce edita . . .

Striking map of the Sea of Azov with adjacent countries and the Strait of Kerch, with a decorative allegorical cartouche, showing the costumes of the indigenous people of...

$400 / ≈ â‚¬374
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730


The Caspian Sea Drawn by the Czar's special command By Carl van Verden in the year 1719. 1720 and 1721. . .

Hand col. engraved map with 3 inset views. Includes geographical notes.With views of "Terky", "Derbent" and "Astracan"

Maker / Publisher: MOLL, H.
Place & Date: London, 1732
Selling price: $375
Sold in 2011


Nieuwe kaart van de Crim de Zwarte Zee en omleggende. . .

Showing the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea with Istanbul. Published in the rare first edition of Kleyne en Beknopte Atlas, of Tooneel des Oorlogs in Europa...The atlas wa...

Maker / Publisher: RATELBAND, Heirs
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1735
Selling price: $450
Sold in 2013


Poloniae Regnum ut et Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae . . .

Detailed map of Poland and the Baltic regions, extending in the south to Ukraine and northern Hungary.Here in its second state, now with added letters to the border scale...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1735


Nieuwe kaart van Muskovien door M. de l'Isle.

This lovely little map of the area surrounding Moscow is based on Delisle's map of the region. The map is bounded by Lake Ilmen in the north, the Volga River to the east,...

$100 / ≈ â‚¬94
Maker / Publisher: RATELBAND, J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1735


Ichnographia munitissimae Arcis Otzakoff quae Ao. 1737, die 3 Iulÿ auspicÿs Supremi Campi Mareschalli Comitis de Münnich ab exercitu Russorum vi occupata . . .

A striking image of this fortified Russian outpost on the Black Sea at Otzakoff, northeast of Odessa.

$1250 / ≈ â‚¬1170
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1737


An exact map of the CRIM (Formely Taurica Chersonesus) Part of Lesser Tartary, the Sea of Asoph, and the adjacent Country of the Kuban Tartars. . .

Detailed and handsome wood block printed map centered on the Sea of Azov detailing the ongoing war between the Russians and Turks. The map is filled troop locations and b...

Maker / Publisher: GENTLE MAN'S MAGAZINE.
Place & Date: London, 1739
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2010


Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus adjacentium item Regionem itinerisq ab Exercitu Ruthemo Ao MDCCXXXVI et MDCCXXXVII adversus Tattaros Susceptis . . .

Map of the environs of the Crimea, showing the route of the Russian Army in its expedition against the Tartars in 1736 and 1737. Showing detailed movements, including enc...

Maker / Publisher: FRAUENDORFF, Carl von.
Place & Date: St Petersburg, Academy of Sciences, 1740
Selling price: $700
Sold in 2015


Moscoviae seu Russiae Magnae Generalis Tabula. . .

A scarce and attractive, wide-ranging map of incorporating Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, parts of Germany and Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Nor...

$1500 / ≈ â‚¬1404
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740


Nova et accuratissima Maris Caspii. . .

Original hand colored copper engraving of Matthaeus Seutter. Showing the Caspian Sea with the large Volga Delta in east orientation. Main towns / countries around the Cas...

$750 / ≈ â‚¬702
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740


Die Europaeische oder kleine Tartarey, nebst den angraentzenden Laendern. . .

Showing the Black Sea region. Uncommon map from the "Atlas Selectus" by the German cartographer Johann Georg Schreiber (1676-1750). Schreiber followed in the fo...

$450 / ≈ â‚¬421
Maker / Publisher: SCHREIBER, J.G.
Place & Date: Leipzig, 1741


[2 maps and one text sheet] Theatrum Belli A° MDCCXXXVII. . . / Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus adjacentium item Regionem itinerisq ab Exercitu Ruthemo...

[2 maps and one text sheet] Theatrum Belli A° MDCCXXXVII. . . / Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus adjacentium item Regionem itinerisq ab Exercitu Ruthemo A...

$1100 / ≈ â‚¬1029
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1744


Carte de L'Asie Mineure ou de la Natolie et du Pont Euxin

Johann Baptist Homann's well-engraved map of Asia Minor, the Black Sea ( Ponti Euxin), Crimea and a part of Greece. Depicts Turkey and the area surrounding the Black Sea ...

$500 / ≈ â‚¬468
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN HEIRS.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca. 1748


Charte der Kriegs Operationen am Donn u: Dnieper Ihro Russisch Kayserl Majestaet Glorieusen Armeen A: 1736.

Very rare separately published map of the southern part of Ukraine, with an explanatory key A-N in the lower right. The map is surrounded by letterpress German text givin...

$900 / ≈ â‚¬842
Maker / Publisher: SEUTTER, M.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1750