I Europa / Das dritteil der Welt.
Very early wood cut printed map of Europe with South to the top. In the lower-left corner we see Poland, Livonia and parts of England and Ireland in the lower right corne...
$4000 / ≈ €3743
Place & Date: Zurich, Christoffel Froschover, 1548,1552-1566
( II Germania) / Tütschland.
Very early wood cut printed map of Germany, Poland, The Low Countries, Alsace and part Europe with of Switzerland, Croatia. Originally engraved in 1548. Included in "...
$2500 / ≈ €2339
Place & Date: Zurich, Christoffel Froschover, 1548,1552-1566
III. Gallia. Franckrych.
Very early wood cut printed map of France, North of river Rhine, Northern Italy. Coast of England from Dover to Cornwall. A ship, sea monsters and coats of arms are filli...
$1750 / ≈ €1638
Place & Date: Zurich, Christoffel Froschover, 1548,1552-1566