Browse Listings

1473 listings found. Showing results 561 to 640
Over deese grietenije.. Eerste van Wester Goo..

Very decorative map centered on Menaam, Marsum and Boxum from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With decorative title cartouche lower righ...

$450 / ≈ €421
Maker / Publisher: SCHOTANUS, B.
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718


Paldobundo Province.

Woodblock printed map of Jeolla Province which was one of the historical Eight Provinces of Korea during the Kingdom of The map is drawn in "Paldo Bundo," styl...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: Paldobundo Province.
Place & Date: 1710-1718


Donger deel.. derde grietenije van Ooster Goo. . .

Very decorative map of the area north of Dokkum from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With decorative title cartouche lower right mention...

$450 / ≈ €421
Maker / Publisher: SCHOTANUS, B.
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718


Kollumer land En het Nieuw Kruys land de vijfde gritenije van Oostergoo . . .

Very detailed map of "Kollumer land En het Nieuw Kruys land de vijfde gritenije van Oostergoo" in Friesland prepared by Bernardus Schotanus Steringa. Centered o...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: SCHOTANUS, B.
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F. Halma, 1718


Henna ardera deel. De vijfde Grietenije van de Wester goo. . .

Very detailed map of "Henna ardera deel. De vijfde Grietenije van de Wester goo" in Friesland prepared by Bernardus Schotanus Steringa. With decorative title ca...

$225 / ≈ €211
Maker / Publisher: SCHOTANUS, B.
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, 1718


Carte du Golfe de Bengale, Mer de Indes, et Riviere du Gange, Avec les Pais et Iles d'alentour, Savoir les Cotes de Malabar, Cormandel, Ile de Ceylon, Les Maldives . . .

Detailed map of the Southern part of India with Ceylon. Good detail along the coasts of Malabar, Coromandel, the Maldives islands and the Kingdoms of Visipour, Golconda, ...

$275 / ≈ €257
Maker / Publisher: VANDER AA, P.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719


Division du Globe Terrestre par zones.. - Correspondance du Globe Terrestre avec la situation des habitants du monde.

A charming representation of various planetary models and systems according to the latest mathematical and scientific schemes of the day.From Le Nouveau et Curieux Atlas ...

$60 / ≈ €56
Maker / Publisher: CHIQUET, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1719


Saba, ville en Perse.

Decorative view of Sabā / Dakān Sorkh) which is a village in Vahdatiyeh Rural District in present-day Iran.In the foreground are camels and horses. This well-executed e...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P. / OLEARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719



Decorative view of Riga. This well executed engraving was published in 1729 and 1727 by Pieter van der AA, in Leiden in "Les Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renommez fa...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P.VAN DER AA, P. / OLEARIUS, A.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719


Carte du Golfe de Bengale, mer des Indes et rivieres du Gange . . .

Detailed scare map of the Southern part of India with Ceylon. Good detail along the coasts of Malabar, Coromandel, the Maldives islands and the Kingdoms of Visipour, Golc...

$500 / ≈ €468
Maker / Publisher: Van der AA, P.
Place & Date: Leide, 1719


Le Nouveau et Curieux Atlas Geographique et historique, ou Le Divertissement des Empereurs, Roys, et Princes. Tant dans la Guerre que dans la Paix. Dédié A Son A.R. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans Regent du Roîaume de France.

Charming world atlas with double hemisphere world and the North American map feature the Island of California. In Asia and the Pacific, Australia is incompletely mapped a...

$2300 / ≈ €2152
Maker / Publisher: CHIQUET, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1719


Amsterdam Capitale de la Hollande.

A panoramic of Amsterdam seen from 't IJ. Set within a decorative border, printed from a separate plate. Rare.

$400 / ≈ €374
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1720


A new map of the English Empire in America. . .

This fine English map of eastern North America including Canada engraved by John Harris and first published by Robert Morden. John Senex acquired and made minor alteratio...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: SENEX, J.
Place & Date: London, 1720


Nouvelle carte du Roiaume D'Alger divisée en toutes ses provinces, avec une partie due cotes D'Espagne . . .

Rare and detailed map of the coast of Algeria. Large inset map of the Bay of Alger (El-Jazir). Shows a coastline of Spain around Alicante. Two compass roses in the Medite...

$700 / ≈ €655
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Waare afbeelding van den vermaarden Heer Quinquenpoix. [True portrait of the renowed Mr. Quinquenpoix]

Page taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlan...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Riga metropolis Livoniae.

A spectacular panoramic of Riga, with legends numbered from a-z and 1-16 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) ...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720



A spectacular panoramic town-plan of Nuremberg, with legends numbered from 1-39 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720


Nouvelle Carte des dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas.

Map of the 17 provinces of the Netherlands. In an inset upper left corner 17 coats of arms of each province and vignettes. The Channel is filled with Naval battles fought...

$100 / ≈ €94
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720


Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gespleegt in den Jaare MDCCXX...

AN EARLY ISSUE of this biting and vulgar satire on the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles and an extraordinary visual record with 78 plates of the first banking crash, sho...

$9000 / ≈ €8421
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Spiegel der Reden Voor de Wanhopende Actionisten. [Mirror for the reason of the despairing stockbrokers. ]

Text page with copper engraving (150 x 100mm.) taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnego...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: [ANONYMOUS].
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Vue et description des principales villes de l'Armenie et de la Georgie avec les habillements des femmes du pays, et ceux des prêtres et religieux armeniens. . .Tom: V N° 11 Pag: 28

View and description of the principal Armenian and Georgian cities with illustrations of Armenian women's garments as well as priests' and monks' clothing. The views are ...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1720


Arabiae Felicis, petrae et desertae.

A very striking map with a finely decorated title cartouche, published by Valk & Schenk, utilizing Jansson's original plate. Interestingly, this map uses the names th...

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK, P./ VALK, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi..

Derived from de Fer's 1718 map, from west of the Mississippi it contains a mass of inland detail with notes and vignettes of the indigenous peoples and fauna of North Ame...

$2300 / ≈ €2152
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Japonia Regnum.

It is the first map to correctly show Korea as a peninsula. The rare Covens and Mortier issue of this important map of Japan and Korea, originally published by Blaeu. Thi...

$2200 / ≈ €2059
Maker / Publisher: BLAEU, J. / DE WIT, F. / COVENS, J. / MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1655 - 1720


Carte des pavillons accompagnée d'observations pour en faire comprendre le blazon et les différentes devises aussy bien que d'une table alphabétique pour les trouver facilement.?

Map of 88 marine flags, including Malta, Turkey, Middelburg, Amsterdam, Portugal, Monaco, Tuscany, China, Nanking, the French Royal flag, French admiralty flag and mercha...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Genehoa Jaloffi et Sierraliones regna.

Decorative and detailed map of the West African Coast, from Senegal to Sierra Leone. In the center the river Gambia to the mouth in the Atlantic. Upper left a dedication ...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK, P. / VALK, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1670 / 1720


Imperii Sinarum nova descriptio.

Schenk and Valk's rare early 18th century issue of Janssonius milestone map of China, Korea and Japan after Martino Martini. Engraved by Johannes van Loon. The overall ba...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: JANSSONIUS, J./ VALK, G. / SCHENK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720


Carte de l'Ile de Java.

An inset plan of Batavia and clearly indicated rice fields, mountains, forests, towns in profile and even elephants suggest the wealth of detail found on this map. Modele...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum. . .

Homann's map is based upon Beauplan's general map of Ukraine but depicts the political changes of the preceding years. The cartouche portrays Hetman Mazepa with his follo...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720


Uitlegginge der tytelplaat voor Arlequyn actionist.

Decorative print. Harlequin stockholder. The engraving (230x180mm.) depicts a kneeling conjuror with cups, balls and cards, Harlequin and Scaramouche drawing back curtain...

$250 / ≈ €234
Maker / Publisher: [ANONYMOUS].
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Nostre Dame de Lorette.

A very RARE panoramic of Lorette and the church, including a numbered legend in both lower corners.The plate is numbered in black pencil in upper right corner.Published ...

$250 / ≈ €234
Maker / Publisher: CHÉREAU, F. & J.
Place & Date: Paris c.1720


De kornet van vuil gewin of wortel en besse postiljon op zyn mager, doch niewlyks gemest varken uitschreewende de kompany is vol.

Page taken from "Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Ne...

$200 / ≈ €187
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Bronwater of geneesmiddel voor de zieke actionisten.

Springwater or potion for the sick shareholder, taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windneg...

$175 / ≈ €164
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Het Oost Indisch Huys op de Suyd hock..

A decorative print of the East Indian House , the headquarters of the V.O.C., a place for meeting, trading and storage of spices and ship equipment.The maps and charts we...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: SCHENCK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Huquang, Kiangsi, Chekiang ac Fokien.

A reissue of Janssonius' map of south east China, with wash color and uncolored cartouches.The map is based on the maps of Martin Martini, themselves based on Chinese sou...

$900 / ≈ €842
Maker / Publisher: VALK, G. / SCHENK, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Vue et Description de Quelques-Uns des Principaux Forts des Hollandois dans les Indes .

Interesting sheet with seven detailed views illustrating the most important Dutch V.O.C. trading outposts and fortified colonial possessions in the East Indies, including...

$225 / ≈ €211
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


D' Admiralyteyts Huys - La maison de l'Amirauté.

Decorative print of the Admiralty House of the V.O.C., now-a-days Maritime Museum in Amsterdam.

$80 / ≈ €75
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1720


Stoel des Oorlogs in America Waar in Vertoont Werden Alle Desself Voornaamste Eylande . . .

Large impressive map of the West Indies with the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. The map shows prominently in the center Cuba, Haiti, the Bahamas and Florida, which is here m...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. and J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1720


Harlekin en Bombario en den rouw.

Harlequin and Bombario in mourning, taken from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid : vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vra...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Carte nouvelle de Moscovie represente la partie Septentrionale dressée par G.De L'Isle. . .

Uncommon map covering the area north of Moscow, including Lapland. Prepared by G. de L'Isle.Joachim Ottens (1663 - 1719) and his sons Renier and Joshua were prominent Dut...

$400 / ≈ €374
Maker / Publisher: OTTENS, R. / J.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Carte des Principales Ports de Mer Bancs de sable &c: qui sont dans la Mer Rouge..

Some cities existed along the western coast of the Arabian peninsula, where they served as entrepots for transcontinental trade between Europe and Asia. Mecca, founded by...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: MORTIER, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720


Waere Affbeeldinge Wegens het Casteel ende Stadt BATAVIA Gelegen opt Groot Eylant Java.

A good impression of this finely engraved and detailed plan of Batavia, present-day Jakarta, the Dutch center of trading activities in the East Indies. Copied after Cleme...

$2500 / ≈ €2339
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1721


Carte historique de la France, et l'Angleterre depuis la naissance de Jésus-Christ jusqu'à l'an 1700, qui contient en abrégé les événements ...

A rare wall map showing a chronological tree of French and English historical events from the year of the birth of Christ until 1700. The map is prepared by Jérôme Andr...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: MARTIGNONI, J. A.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1721


A New Map of Asia from the latest Observations Most Humbly Inscrib'd to the Right Honbl. George Earl of Warrington &c.

Fine map of Asia, with decorative title cartouche flanked by two figures in Asian dress, along with flora and fauna of the continent., based on the work of Guillaume De L...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: SENEX, J.
Place & Date: London, 1721


Very rare share in the Ostend Company.

Upper left hand corner share number 2305 in manuscript. In top emblem of the Ostend Company in copper engraving. Text: De Directeurs van de generale Keijserlijche- Indisc...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: OSTEND COMPANY
Place & Date: Antwerp / Ostend, 1723


Plan de la ville de Malthe ses Forts, ses Nouvelles Fortiffications. . .

Detailed plan of Valletta. In upper right corner a key (A-Z & 1-32) to the principal places in town. Prepared by Fer and re-issued by Danet.

$3000 / ≈ €2807
Maker / Publisher: DE FER, N. / DANET
Place & Date: Paris, 1723


Very rare share in the Ostend Company. (4527)

Upper left hand corner share number 4527 in manuscript. In top emblem of the Ostend Company in copper engraving. Text: De Directeurs van de generale Keijserlijche- Indisc...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: OSTEND COMPANY
Place & Date: Antwerp / Ostend 1723


Very rare share in the Ostend Company. (299)

Upper left hand corner share number "299" in manuscript. In top emblem of the Company in copper engraving. Text: " De Directeurs van de generale Keijserlij...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: OSTEND COMPANY
Place & Date: Antwerp / Ostend, 1723


Carte Marine De La Mer Caspiene levée suivant les ordres de S.M.Cz. En 1719, 1720 et 1721.

Detailed of the Caspian Sea, prepared by Karl van Verden in 1722. Van Verden was a Russian sailor and the Czar's Special Commander, who produced the first accurate map of...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: VERDEN, VAN K.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1725


Nieuwe Kaart van het Eyland Sumatra..

Fine chart depicting the Island of Sumatra and the southern coasts of Malaysia from Quedo to Johore. North is orientated to the left of the page. Singapore is probably id...

$1750 / ≈ €1638
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726


Die Insel Formosa neu abgemessen auf Befehl Kaysers Kamhi.

One of the earliest obtainable printed map of Taiwan or Formosa Island. It was issued around 1726 to illustrate Joseph Stöcklein's [Stoecklein] compellation of Jesuit mi...

$1200 / ≈ €1123
Maker / Publisher: STOCKLEIN, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1726


Beschrijving van Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. Vervattende een Naukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands Mogentheyd [...] met meer dan thien honderd en vyftig Prentverbeeldingen verrykt...

"The most comprehensive work on Asia published in Europe during the early colonial period" (Landwehr). The first book to give a comprehensive account in text an...

$25000 / ≈ €23393
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN,
Place & Date: Dordrecht /Amsterdam, 1724-1726


Nieuwe Caart der Eylanden van Banda.

Decorative map of the Banda Islands.François Valentijn (1666-1727), a missionary, worked at Amboina from 1684 to 1694 and 1705 to 1713 and travelled extensively in the V...

$250 / ≈ €234
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726


Nieuwe kaart van 't Koninckryk Bengale. . .

Rare map Bangladesh with the Ganges delta, including Calcutta. Giving great detail with trade routes, European trade settlements, etc. Prepared by Joh. Van Leenen who was...

$900 / ≈ €842
Maker / Publisher: VALENTIJN, F.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1726


Carte qui contient..Iles & Terres..L'Amerique..Jamaique..

Eight maps on one sheet. From Chatelain's Atlas Historique et Méthodique . Including maps of Bermuda, Jamaica, New England with Long Island, Carolina, Chesapeake and Del...

$500 / ≈ €468
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728


[Printed on silk] Nieuw Wassende Graaden Paskaart Vertoonende alle de bekende Zeekusten en Landen op den geheelen Aard Boodem of Werelt door Gerard van Keulen. . .

A very scarce and beautiful chart on Mercator's projection printed on silk. With the name of Gerard van Keulen and the privilege. The map shows great interior detail, inc...

$20000 / ≈ €18714
Maker / Publisher: VAN KEULEN, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728


Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terra Firmae & Reg: Amazonum, Secundum relationes de Herrera, de Laet & PP d Acuña & M. Rodriguez . . .

A good and clean copy of Homann's map of the northern part of South America. The map is on the Valley of the Amazon and delineates the Amazon and its labyrinth of tributa...

$400 / ≈ €374
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN HEIRS.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1728


Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais..

This impressive engraving is a wonderful example of Chatelain’s elegant plates.Divided in 3 panels, showing examples of costumes of Chinese ladies and those of the king...

$150 / ≈ €140
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1728


Carte du Gouvernement de Provence, suivant les nouvelles observations...

Fine copper engraved and decorative map of the Provence region in the south of France. It includes the cities of Nimes, Viviers, Avignon, Aix and Nice. The pictorial cart...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: AA, P. van der
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728


Carte nouvelle des Terres de Cucan..

Prepared by H.Reland (1676-1718) a professor active in Utrecht and specialized in Asian languages, geography and religions. His first map was a map of Japan copied after ...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: The Hague, 1728


L'Inde de la le Gange, suivant les nouvelles observations...

Uncommon edition of this map of Malaysia, Thailand, Indo China and the Northern parts of the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Singapore marked as Sincapour. With decorative...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: AA, P. van der
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728


L'Asie suivant les nouvelles observations...

Uncommon edition of this map of Asia.  From Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde, ou la Geographie Royale.The map is of interest for the use of Mer Orientale, the sea between Kor...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: AA, P. van der
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1728


Florentia Pulcherrima et Ruriae Civitas.

Detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Florence in Tuscany region, first published in Frederick de Wit's rare town book. With two keys 1-17 and 1-228 to important spots ...

$2800 / ≈ €2620
Maker / Publisher: DE WIT, F / VAN DER AA, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Leiden, 1697 / 1729


Mappe-Monde pour connoitre les progres & les conquestes..

Unusual double hemisphere map with California as an Island. Dutch text describes the expeditions and colonial possessions of the Dutch East India Company. The map origina...

$650 / ≈ €608
Maker / Publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1729


Histoire Naturelle, Civile, Et Ecclésiastique..'

First French edition, published by P. Gosse, J. Neaulme and B. Lakeman. The basic work on Japan from the second half of the 17th century when it was still forbidden for f...

$7000 / ≈ €6550
Maker / Publisher: KAEMPFER, E.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1729


Lutece conquise par les François sur les Romains ou second plan de la ville de Paris [...] par M.L.C.D.L.M.

Engraved plan of Paris, published in "Traité de la police de Nicolas de Lamare". Oriented to the North with a compass rose and equipped with a double scale (40...

$75 / ≈ €70
Maker / Publisher: DE LA MARE,
Place & Date: Paris, 1729


Virginie, Grande Region l'Amerique Septentrionale...

Pierre van der Aa used the old copper plate of Meurs and re-did the engraving, changed the large pictorial cartouche, a new scale of German and French leagues is provided...

$1500 / ≈ €1404
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1729


Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontières de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie.

Detailed map of Poland and Prussia. Published by Pieter van der Aa who published a.o. "Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen", a seri...

$600 / ≈ €561
Maker / Publisher: VAN DER AA, P.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729


Plan de la Ville et Port d'Antibes.

An attractive chart centered on the Mediterranean. With a scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des...

$350 / ≈ €328
Maker / Publisher: MICHELOT, H. / BREMOND, L.
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730


Cazal. (Casale Monferrato)

A rare panoramic of Casale Monferrato in the Piedmont region. Engraved by Pierre Aveline (Paris, c.1656 - 23 May 1722). He was also a print-publisher and print-seller. H...

$125 / ≈ €117
Maker / Publisher: AVELINE, P. / CREPY
Place & Date: Paris, 1690-1730


Rare collection of costume plates.

Rare collection of costume plates published in Augsburg by the famous publishers Martin Engelbrecht, Ioh. Georg Hertel and the Jeremias Wolff Heirs.Composition :2 plates ...

$9500 / ≈ €8889
Maker / Publisher: WOLFF, Jeremias (heirs) / ENGELBRECHT, Mart
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1730


Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France.

A later edition of Guillaume De l'Isle's map. It still includes the fictitious discoveries of Baron de Lahoutan: the legendary River Longue etc. The northwest corner of H...

$1100 / ≈ €1029
Maker / Publisher: COVENS, J. / MORTIER, C.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1730


Insularum Moluccarum Nova description.

Exquisite map of the famous Spice Islands based on the islands described by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. This map was the first large-scale map of the region and depicts t...

$750 / ≈ €702
Maker / Publisher: SCHENK, P. / VALK, G.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1730



Detailed and rare plan of Danzig with extensive key in German.

$250 / ≈ €234
Maker / Publisher: BODENEHR, G.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730


Plan de la Baye de Ville Franche et de celle de St. Souspir.

An attractive chart centered on the Mediterranean. With scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des p...

$300 / ≈ €281
Maker / Publisher: MICHELOT, H. / BREMOND, L.
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730


Colossus Monarchic. Statua Danielis

Fantastic double page allegorical map of a colossus figure representing the great world empires as Daniel interpreted in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The warrior stands stolid...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: BAECK, E.
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1730


Vorstellung der Evangelisch-Ostindischen Kirche Augsburger Protestanten.

It is a very decorative and rare print to commemorate the 200-year Confession of the Augsburg Protestant Confession. Engraved by J. Kleinschmidt after a design of E. Ridi...

$2000 / ≈ €1871
Maker / Publisher: RIDINGER, J.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1732


[St Peter's Square].

View of St Peter's Square and Vatican probably featuring a solemn blessing. The square is crowdy, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is present. A beautifully colored lithography...

$1000 / ≈ €936
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS.
Place & Date: Italy ?, 1732


Oriens, Persia, India etc.

Uncommon map of Persia, Armenia, Arabian Peninsular and part of India. Prepared by Christoph Cellarius (1638-1707). From Geographia Antiqua...

$90 / ≈ €84
Maker / Publisher: CELLARIUS, Chr.
Place & Date: Leipzig, Gledisch, 1732


[Title page for ] Atlas Novus Terrarum orbis Imperia.

Title page from Atlas Novus printed by Johann Ernst Udelbulner. Large elaborately engraved sheet with numerous allegorical figures. A large globe, showing the Eastern Hem...

$450 / ≈ €421
Maker / Publisher: HOMANN, J.B.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1732