Browse Listings in Prints / Drawings > Decorative prints > Decorative Prints
Geometria, from The Seven Liberal Arts.
A female figure with a castle on her head measures a globe with a compass; representing geometry. Engraving by Johann Sadeler I after M. de Vos.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1570 - 1600
Lusus Lucrum Temporis Iactura.
Copper-plate engraving showing a group of fashionably dressed men and women playing cards. "Paulus Decker inv. et del.; Ioh. Christoph Steudner sculp.; Mart. Engelbr...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1700
[Concert at time of Handel] Dulcissimum Melos Bona Fama.
Copper-plate engraving of the rehearsal of a chamber cantata by Johann Christoph Steudner, after Paul Decker the elder, in the Handel-Haus, Halle. (Musikgeschichte in Bil...
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1700
Moris Beneficio Comendatus Tabaci usus. Der durch die Mode beliebt gemachteTaback
Copper-plate engraving showing a group of fashionably dressed men and women smoking long-stemmed pipes around a table in front of a garden hedge. "Paulus Decker inv....
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1700
Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio. . .
Stunning engraving of Homann's terrestrial and celestial globes and armillary sphere, all with highly ornamented stands. Brief explanatory text.Johann Baptist Homann born...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1740
Per telecopium exhibitio partis inferioris armamentarii. / Representation en perspective de la partie inferieure d'un arsenal. . .
RARE. Engraved optical print by Georg Balthasar Probst of a arsenal.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1750
Réjouissances du Peuple près de la Pyramide d'Illumination, élévée sur l'Esplanade de la Porte de Mars et Distribution de Vivres, fontaines de Vin , sous les Ordres de Mrs. Du Conseil de la Ville, à Reims le 27 Aoust 1765.
Engraved by Varin after Moreau Jr. The print shows a lightning spectacle held in Reims on 27 August 1765.
Place & Date: Paris, 1771
Caricature anti-cholérique La peur du mal donne le mal de la peur. (pl 1)
Caricature on hypochondria and protective measures against cholera. An overweight man seated in a chair surrounded by pitchers and bowls. In 1832, there was a devastating...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1830
Caricature anti-cholérique.
Lithography with underneath the illustration "Moi je traite le choléra par le champagne, c’est le système Mayeux, nom de D... ! "In 1832, there was a devast...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1832
Toujours des sangsues!
Lithograph depicting a corpulent physician diagnoses more leeches for a young woman, who lies drained. In 1832, there was a devastating cholera epidemic in Paris.Publishe...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1832
Actualites. [News]
A lithographic cartoon showing two tradesmen conversing. One says to the other: "Eh! Well jocker you're not working anymore!" "I have colic!" says the...
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1840
Visiting The Sick. (319).
Caricature by J. Gillray. Charles James Fox, dangerously ill, visited by an entourage of interesting factions: representing the social and ministerial conflict surroundin...
Place & Date: Henry G. Bohn, London, 1840