Browse Listings in Prints / Drawings > Decorative prints > Botanical Prints
Aliae Formae Citrati Limonis Alios Includentis.
Decorative engraving representing a citrus fruit. Taken from the book "Hesperides sive de malorum aureorum" by Giovan Battista Ferrari (Italian botanist, 1584-1...
Place & Date: Rome, Scheus, 1646
Eadem Aurantia Dimidiata.
Decorative engraving representing a citrus fruit. Taken from the book "Hesperides sive de malorum aureorum" by Giovan Battista Ferrari (Italian botanist, 1584-1...
Place & Date: Rome, Scheus, 1646
Reine-Marguerite. Aster chinensis. L.
A bouquet of flowers. Engraved by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch-born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées d'aprè...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1800
Neflier cultivé. Mespilus germanica. L.
A bouquet of flowers. Engraved by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "
Place & Date: Paris, ca.1800
Chêne commun.
Engraved by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées d'après nature. . . receuil ...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1800
Seringat odorant. Philadelphus coronarius. L.
Bouquet of Seringats. A bouquet of flowers. Engraved by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fle...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1800
Grande Capucine Tropoeolum majus. L.
The true Nasturtium, stipple engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch-born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800
Mufle de veau. Antirrhinum majus L.
Bouquet of Common Snapdragons, engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessiné...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800
Digitale pourprée. Digitalis purpurea L.
The foxglove, engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées d'après natur...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800
Sceau de Salomon. Convallaria multiflora L.
King Solomon's Seal or David's Harp, engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs de...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800
Grande Capucine. Tropaeolum majus. L.
Indian cress or monks cress, engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800
Black, Dutch Red and White Current.
Color aquatint and stipple engraved plate of fruits by George Brookshaw (1751-1823) from his "Pomona Britannica; or, a Collection of the most esteemed fruits at pres...
Place & Date: London, Bensley and son, 1817
Color aquatint and stipple engraved plate of fruits by George Brookshaw (1751-1823) from his "Pomona Britannica; or, a Collection of the most esteemed fruits at pres...
Place & Date: London, Bensley and son, 1817
Color aquatint and stipple engraved plate of fruits by George Brookshaw (1751-1823) from his "Pomona Britannica; or, a Collection of the most esteemed fruits at pres...
Place & Date: London, Bensley and son, 1817
Nobiolo Canavesano, o uva Spanal.
Highly decorative stipple engraving with hand-colored details from a scarce work 'Pomona Italiana ossia Trattato Degli Alberi Fruttiferi' by Giorgio Gallesio. The series ...
Place & Date: Turin, 1832
ABIETUM phyllulae et pulvini.s. Tab. 137.
From his famous work 'Flora Japonica'. Von Siebold was born in Wurtzburg, in Germany, and worked for the Dutch government as a doctor in Java. In Japan, where Von Siebold...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1852