Browse Listings in Posters & Publicity

146 listings found. Showing results 81 to 146
Untitled wartime propaganda map poster depicting Roosevelt & Churchill stuggling between each other over the African Continent.

This powerful image shows US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a tug-of-war over Africa. This original war poster was created by ...

$2750 / ≈ €2522
Maker / Publisher: FORT, Jean
Place & Date: Paris, Bedos et Cie, 1942-1943


Après l'Algérie et la Corse Demain se sera la France.

Anti-Communist propaganda poster, realised by the French Vichy Government and the Germans in January 1944. Propaganda hostile to the liberators playing on the fears of th...

$1000 / ≈ €917
Maker / Publisher: ORAFF
Place & Date: Paris, 1944


Indie moet vrij vecht ervoor.

War propaganda poster by Patrick (Pat) Cokayne Keely, distributed in the liberated South of the Netherlands, this poster concerned the Japanese occupation of Indonesia an...

$2500 / ≈ €2293
Maker / Publisher: KEELEY, P.
Place & Date: London, J.Haworth / Brother Ltd, 1944


ADSEC in Action from Thames to Rhine.

A pictorial map showing the allied movement from London on 14 March 1944 thru the conquest of Germany. Showing the track from London along Bristol, crossing the British C...

$175 / ≈ €161
Maker / Publisher: ADSEC Engineers Section
Place & Date: London, 1945


MG Militair Gezag. De schakel tusschen de Geallieerden en Nederland.

Poster on the Allied military cooperation published by the Dutch Military Government. The poster has three colorful linked rings against a dark black and blue background....

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: HENRION, F. H. K.
Place & Date: London, James Haworth & Brother LTD, 1944 - 1945


Één doel - Één wil. (Koninklijke Marine)

Poster on the Allied military cooperation published by the Dutch Military Government. ¨Poster with stylised portraits of an infantryman, airman and sailor, turned in pro...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: HENRION, F. H. K.
Place & Date: London, James Haworth & Brother LTD, 1944 - 1945


De Pen Gun Weekblad voor de Nederlandsche Strijdkrachten.

Poster designed by Willem Anthonie Oepts (1904 - 1988), published by the Dutch Military Government for "De Pen gun".The designer Willem Anthonie Oepts (1904 - 1...

$175 / ≈ €161
Maker / Publisher: OEPTS, W. A.
Place & Date: Weert, Smeets, 1945


By the Dawn's Early Light.

Original 1940's WW II American liberation poster by Natacha Carlu, published by the French Press & Information Service, New York, N. Y.The poster shows a torch-bearin...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: CARLU, N.
Place & Date: New York, French press and information service, 1945


Kaart van Palestina voor oud- en nieuw testament behorend bij de weg met en naar Christus door Fr. M. Bellarminus.

Original vintage illustrated map wall map sized poster (166 x 118cm) of Palestine in the time of Christ featuring a map of the old and new testament of the Bible from The...

$500 / ≈ €459
Maker / Publisher: VAN ZEIJST, A. M. E.
Place & Date: Utrecht, Sint Gregoriushuis, 1948


Du sang à l'aube.

Original lithographed poster for the Spanish movie "Blood at dawn" (1948) directed by Rafael Gil, based on the novel by Blasco Ibanez. Poster designed by Duccio...

$130 / ≈ €119
Place & Date: Paris, 1948


Prosperity - The Fruit of Cooperation.

NATO poster for European Cooperation by Brian E. Dear. On the poster the slogan "Prosperity the fruit of cooperation". The poster is showing a hand holding an a...

$500 / ≈ €459
Maker / Publisher: DEAR, B.
Place & Date: Kühn & Zoon Rotterdam, 1950



Danish poster depicting a child sitting on a globe, threatened by a black snake. Designed by Aage Sikker Hansen and printed Andreasen & Lachmann in Copenhagen, Denmar...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: HANSEN, A. S.
Place & Date: Copenhagen, ca. 1950


Marshall Hjälpen.

Marshall Plan poster made by Gusta Aberg, showing barbed wire cut by pliers with slogan on pliers: Marshall Hjälpen This is one of the 25 finalists in the 1950 “Intra-...

$230 / ≈ €211
Maker / Publisher: ABERG, G.
Place & Date: Kühn & Zoon Rotterdam, 1950


French Line First Class Bagages de Cale.

French Line First Class Bagages de Cale sticker for the journey Havre- Southhamptons New-York. It used to be stuck on luggage. The Compagnie Générale Transatlantique is...

$75 / ≈ €69
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1950


Réseau aérien mondial.

"Sur les ailes d'Air France, découvrez le monde à votre tour" lithograph poster from AIR France. A great mid-century design by Air France advertising poster b...

$1600 / ≈ €1468
Maker / Publisher: PLAQUET. / AIR FRANCE
Place & Date: Imprimerie Perceval Paris, ca. 1940-1950


Messageries Maritimes, sur tous les océans, pour tous les continents.

Original lithographed poster from the 1950s by Jean Desaleux. The poster has a blue background and a map of the continents and oceans. France is in the colors of the Mari...

$700 / ≈ €642
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1950


AIR France - Réseau Aérien Mondial.

Original pictorial lithograph advertising planisphere poster from AIR France. The poster has a black background. In the lower right below the border '016/P/AF Printed in ...

$2000 / ≈ €1834
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Imprimerie Perceval, Paris, ca. 1950


Renault Savane 1951 L. La nouvelle voiture mixte 6 / 7 places 800 kg moteur

Original advertising poster for the French car brand Renault, printed by Barreau.Read more about Poster History [+]

$900 / ≈ €826
Maker / Publisher: MORIN. L
Place & Date: Paris, 1951


Air France dans tous les ciels.

Original lithograph advertising poster for Air France, by Badia Vilato Xavier. Signed in the upper right corner. The poster has always occupied a special place in Air Fra...

$2500 / ≈ €2293
Maker / Publisher: BADIA VILATO, X.
Place & Date: Imprimerie Perceval, Paris, 1951


AIR France - Sur les ailes d'Air France découvrez le monde à votre tour.

Promotional poster of a double hemisphere world map designed by Lucien Boucher for AIR France. The map depicts the entire world in rich blues and burgundies with gold hig...

$2400 / ≈ €2201
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Perceval, Paris, 1952


AIR France - Comet De Havilland

Promotional poster attributed to Lucien Boucher showing the Comet de Havilland on a Mercator projection world map. The map depicts a pictorial map of the entire world in ...

$1900 / ≈ €1743
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Perceval, Paris, 1953


AIR France - Super constellation, Lockhead L - 10 - 49.

Promotional poster attributed to Lucien Boucher showing of a Lockhead L - 10 - 49 on a Mercator projection world map. The map depicts a pictorial map of the entire world ...

$1600 / ≈ €1468
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Perceval, Paris, 1953


Les Messageries Maritimes font le tour du monde.

Original lithographed mini poster (570 x 400mm.) created by the artist Robert Louis Antral for Les Messageries Maritimes, showing a boat and a globe. Les Messageries Mari...

$400 / ≈ €367
Place & Date: Paris, 1955



Original vintage travel advertising issued by the Indonesian Council for Tourism featuring a colorful pictorial map marking the islands and oceans with images of local pe...

$1500 / ≈ €1376
Place & Date: Jakarta, ca. 1955


AIR France - Le plus grand réseau du monde.

Created in 1959 by the artist Lucien Boucher, showing all of the DC-7 Air France Routes. The Blue Pink Poster is one of a series of eight posters commissioned by Air Fran...

$2750 / ≈ €2522
Maker / Publisher: BOUCHER, L.
Place & Date: Imprimerie Perceval, Paris, 1959


Ses Amputations se Poursuivent Methodiquement.

Propaganda map, produced under the NAZI collaborating Vichy French regime and designed to inspire revulsion and hatred of the English among the French, while frequently d...

$950 / ≈ €871
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1941 / ca. 1960


[TAI travel poster]

A whimsical travel poster for "Transport Aeriens Intercontinentaux" (TAI), published in Paris in 1960, design by François Lesourt (Périgueux, 1913 - 1997). Th...

$950 / ≈ €871
Maker / Publisher: LESOURT, F.
Place & Date: Paris, Hubert Baille & Cie Paris, 1960


Fly TWA (Miami).

This Miami poster was created in the early 1960's by David Klein (1918 -2005) for TWA. It depicts “hotel row” along Collins Avenue leading to the corridor of South Be...

$1100 / ≈ €1009
Maker / Publisher: KLEIN, D.
Place & Date: 1965



Decorative poster advertising flights to India made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Britain,...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: MATHIEU, G. / AIR France
Place & Date: Paris, 1967


Japan (poster signed by Georges Mathieu)

Dedicated "Pour Benijs Boulanger" and signed "Georges Mathieu", in black marker. Decorative poster advertising flights to Japan made by Georges Mathie...

$1750 / ≈ €1605
Maker / Publisher: MATHIEU, G. / AIR France
Place & Date: Paris, 1967



Decorative poster advertising flights to Israel made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Britai...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: MATHIEU, G. / AIR France
Place & Date: Paris, 1967



Decorative poster advertising flights to Canada made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Britai...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: MATHIEU, G. / AIR France
Place & Date: Paris, 1967


Hong Kong.

Decorative poster advertising flights to Hong Kong made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Bri...

$950 / ≈ €871
Maker / Publisher: MATHIEU, G. / AIR France
Place & Date: Paris, 1967


CCCP/USA, 1966

Original 1968 Cold War Superman Style Poster by Roman Cieslewicz (1930-1996).  Published by Georges Fall, Paris. Printed by Serg, Paris.In 1968 the Parisian left-wing ar...

$600 / ≈ €550
Maker / Publisher: CIESLEWICZ, R.
Place & Date: Serg, Paris, 1968


Sabena (USA - NYC).

Sabena Belgian World Airlines poster showing the skyline of New York in abstract style. Published by Rali Brisart in Belgium.La Sabena, acronym for Societé Anonyme Belg...

$900 / ≈ €826
Maker / Publisher: VANDEN EYNDE, G.
Place & Date: Brussels, ca. 1970


Bal du Moulin Rouge Paris - Femmes Femmes Femmes.

Poster designed by René Gruau for Bal du Moulin Rouge Paris - Festival fantaisie de rêve avec les 40 Doris Girls. Signed in the upper right-hand corner with Monogram G....

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: GRUAU, R.
Place & Date: Paris, Artis SA Paris, 1973


[Anti capitalism Soviet Union propaganda poster]

Propaganda mini anti-capitalism poster published in Russia during The Cold War. By the 1960’s and 1970’s, outrageous practices in Soviet bureaucracy flourished. Poor ...

$100 / ≈ €92
Place & Date: Leningrad, 1974


[Anti capitalism Soviet Union propaganda poster]

Propaganda mini anti-capitalism poster published in Russia during The Cold War. By the 1960’s and 1970’s, outrageous practices in Soviet bureaucracy flourished. Poor ...

$80 / ≈ €73
Place & Date: Leningrad, 1974


Large 13-person library (from Huxian Farmers' painting Exhibition)

A library with students with a western world map at the wall. Published by Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出&#29...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Shanghai, September, 1974 / Janury 1975


The Soviet Political Poster. - a portfolio collection of 32, full-color posters.

An attractive large portfolio set of 32 reproductions published in Leningrad in 1976 by Aurora Art Publishers, containing various Soviet Union political posters from 1919...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: G. PAVLOV
Place & Date: Leningrad, Aurora Art Publishers, 1976


Нам знания станут опорой в труде (= Nam znaniia stanut oporoi v trude = Knowledge will become a support in our workforce).

Original vintage Soviet motivational poster by Y. Tupitsyn, with in top Нам знания станут опорой в труде (= Nam znaniia stanut oporoi v trude) ...

$90 / ≈ €83
Maker / Publisher: Ю. Тупицын (IU. TUPITSYN)
Place & Date: Moscow, 1977


Folies Bergere - Folies de Paris. La revue de Hélène Martin . . .

Original advertising poster for Les Folies Bergère cabaret in Paris. The Théâtre des Folies Bergère is a famous Parisian performance hall inaugurated on May 2, 1869 a...

$350 / ≈ €321
Maker / Publisher: ASLAN.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1977


U.R.S.S. Energie Eléctrique. (5)

Map of Russia. Publicity poster for Russia's electrical production. Text in French. Editions de l'Agence de presse Novosti".More about War Maps & Propaganda maps...

$75 / ≈ €69
Place & Date: USSR, 1978


Thé Ceylan, Darjeeling, Darceyta, Chine.

Ceylon tea, Darjeeling, Darceyta, China. Advertising cardboard. Lithograph enhanced with gouache. Printed in France. King René's Illuminator.Jean Adrien Mercier, born Au...

$200 / ≈ €183
Maker / Publisher: MERCIER J. A.
Place & Date: Paris, ca 1980


Venice Simplon Orient-Express. London-Paris-Venice.

Vintage poster by Pierre Fix Masseau for the restoration of the mythic "Orient-Express" in 1981.Pierre Fix-Masseau (1905-1994) is a French poster artist, son of...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: FIX MASSEAU, P.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1981


AIR France - Gastronomie

An atypical Air France poster designed by Roger Bezombes in 1980 that turns traditional Air France poster art on its head: if the goal of an advertising poster is to crea...

$700 / ≈ €642
Maker / Publisher: BEZOMBES, R.
Place & Date: Murlot, Paris, 1981


[Title in Russian; translated to : Who the death bears, that's himself in the end I'm sure I'll stretch my legs. (Google translation) ]

Propaganda mini poster published in Russia during The Cold War (1979–1985). The time refers to the phase of a deterioration in relations between the Soviet Union and th...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: MITROFANOV, V.
Place & Date: Russia, 1982


[Title in Russian; translated to : Believe in the power of a nuclear trucheon - It's up to you to celebrate a wake. ]

Propaganda mini poster published in Russia during The Cold War (1979–1985). The time refers to the phase of a deterioration in relations between the Soviet Union and th...

$115 / ≈ €105
Maker / Publisher: KIUNNAP, V.
Place & Date: Russia, 1982


[Too big for their bite].

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Too big for their bite - featuring a cartoon style illustration of two men with large drooling mouths and teeth trying to cons...

$1400 / ≈ €1284
Maker / Publisher: ABRAMOV, M.
Place & Date: Russia, 1982


[Improve the work of all lines of the transport Conveyor.]

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster from Kommunar Publishing, located south of Moscow in Tula at 150 Friedrich Engels Street. The publishing house also issued the Kommunar ...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1984


[Russian poster] CCCP Homeland cosmonautics

Russian propaganda poster about Russian supremacy in space, designed by the artists M. Gornyak and N. Shubina. Text upper left corner translation: "The Cosmos for sc...

$750 / ≈ €688
Place & Date: Moscow, 1985


Het! (Nyet! No!).

Original vintage Soviet propaganda poster - Het! (Nyet! No!) - featuring a great illustration of a US space shuttle circling the earth and leaving a trail in the shape of...

$800 / ≈ €734
Maker / Publisher: DEEV, A.
Place & Date: Russia, 1985


[Stop race of nuclear weapons.]

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$150 / ≈ €138
Place & Date: Moscow, 1986


Everything that the party has designed, we will do. 12 and five years of specific action.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster published during the early years of the Perestroika & Glasnost period (1985 - 1991) by Plakat (All-Union Poster), Moscow — П...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1986
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2024


USRR initiatives.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster published during the early years of the Perestroika & Glasnost period (1985 - 1991) by Plakat (All-Union Poster), Moscow — Пла...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1986
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2024


Save means to increase.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster published during the early years of the Perestroika & Glasnost period (1985 - 1991) by Plakat (All-Union Poster), Moscow — П...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1986
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2024


1917. Enlightened century

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster published during the early years of the Perestroika & Glasnost period (1985 - 1991) by Plakat (All-Union...

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1987
Selling price: $160
Sold in 2024


Lenin October.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1987


[Russian Agitprop propaganda poster for 9 May]

Soviet propaganda poster celebrating Victory Day (Thursday 9 May). Showing a star with USA, English, French flags partly overlapped with Soviet flag and inscription in Ru...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Moskow, 1988


Ministry of health warned . . .

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster against tobacco consumption.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1988


Protect the globe!, 1989.

USSR propaganda poster, with the slogan "protect de globe". A child holding a globe with flowers and birds.

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: ANONYMOUS
Place & Date: Russia, 1989


Save (the) world for us.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster. Text translates to : Save (the) world for us.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1989


Proletarians of all countries, connect.

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster.Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1989


Our land is our life...

Uncommon Soviet propaganda poster. "Our land is our life. Lost one means lose other."Read more about the Soviet propaganda poster. [+]

$200 / ≈ €183
Place & Date: Moscow, 1989


[A collection of 100 Soviet propaganda poster published in the 1980's]

A collection of 100 Soviet propaganda posters published during the early years of the Perestroika & Glasnost period. Most posters are made by Plakat (All-Union Poster...

$3500 / ≈ €3210
Place & Date: Moscow, ca. 1980-1989


Russian Perestroika Ballet Poster.

Wonderful and delicate Russian Perestroika poster depicting a ballerina. On the frills of her skirt, there are several messages written down, which mean « a coupon for s...

$750 / ≈ €688
Maker / Publisher: VIANOV, K.
Place & Date: Russia, 1990