Browse Listings in Europe > Russia / Baltic / Black Sea region
.[Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Georgia (Republic), Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared by Martin Waldseemüller. Based on the slightly larger...
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541
[Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Europe, Eastern, Sarmatia, Ukraine prepared L. Fries after Martin Waldseemüller.Based on the slightl...
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541
Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio.
Engraved by Frans Hogenberg from an original of 1562 by Anthony Jenkinson of the English Muscovy Company. The many vignettes are based on the reports of Marco Polo's expl...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Russiae vulgo Moscovia dictae, Partes Septentrionalis et orientalis.
In the north the Murmansk Sea. Including the western coast of Nova Zembla. Title cartouche and two cartouches, the bottom right one showing two hunters, bears, stags etc....
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1647
Moscovia urbs Metropolis totius Russiae Albae.
Detailed bird's-eye town-plan of Moscow from Janssonius' rare townbook. With a key (1-20) to important spots in town. The verso has French text and originates from Jansso...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1657
Nova Zemla.
The Dutch were the most persistent searchers after the north-east Passage, whether to the north of Novaya Zemlya (whose west coast is shown in detail) or through what the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1659
Insula que a Joanne Mayen nomen sortita est.
Jan Mayen is an isolated island in the northern Atlantic, lying between 70-72° North and 8-9° West, about 550 kilometers northeast of Iceland and 500 kilometers east of...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1659
Die Stadt Narva. . .
An early of the town of Narva, located at the eastern tip of Estonia, on the Russian border.From the uncommon Hamburg edition "Viel Vermehrte Moscowitische und Pers...
Place & Date: Hamburg, 1696
LA RUSSIE ROUGE ou POLONOISE qui Comprend les PROVINCES DE LA RUSSIE ROUGE de VOLHYNIE et de PODOLIE divisées en leurs Palatinats Vulgairement Connües sous le Nom D'VKRAINE ou PAYS DES COSAQUES.
A very rare Sanson map of Ukraine and so-called Russie Rouge, stretching from Lublin in the west to Kherson Oblast in the east (here called "Confin de La Petite Tart...
Place & Date: Paris, 1706
.Paskaart van de Mont van de Witte Zee,. Beginnende van Tiepena tot Pelitza, als mede van C. Cindenoes tot Catsnoes.
Fine sea chart of the southern part of the Barents Sea, oriented to the West. With five inset maps: - Swetenoes, de Kust van Laplandt, Lombascho, 'T Vaste Landt van Lapla...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1710
Decorative view of Riga. This well executed engraving was published in 1729 and 1727 by Pieter van der AA, in Leiden in "Les Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renommez fa...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719
Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum. . .
Homann's map is based upon Beauplan's general map of Ukraine but depicts the political changes of the preceding years. The cartouche portrays Hetman Mazepa with his follo...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720
Riga metropolis Livoniae.
A spectacular panoramic of Riga, with legends numbered from a-z and 1-16 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720
Carte nouvelle de Moscovie represente la partie Septentrionale dressée par G.De L'Isle. . .
Uncommon map covering the area north of Moscow, including Lapland. Prepared by G. de L'Isle.Joachim Ottens (1663 - 1719) and his sons Renier and Joshua were prominent Dut...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Carte Marine De La Mer Caspiene levée suivant les ordres de S.M.Cz. En 1719, 1720 et 1721.
Detailed of the Caspian Sea, prepared by Karl van Verden in 1722. Van Verden was a Russian sailor and the Czar's Special Commander, who produced the first accurate map of...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1725
Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendum Regio nutu...
Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendu...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1735
Carte particulière des environs de St Peters-bourg. . . / Plan de la ville faubourg et environs de St Petersbourg. . . / Carte pour l'intelligence de la guerre de Moscovie et de Suede. . .
A scarce and unusual plan of Saint Petersburg shown at a large scale and also, in a separate compartment, shown in its geographical context between the Gulf of Finland an...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1741
IWAN ALEXEJEWITSCH - Ioann Alexejewitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice).Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare print of Czar Ivan Alexejewitsch, who was the brother of Peter the Great.Johann Stenglin was a well known engraver, born at Augsburg in 1715, he studied un...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743
ALEXEI I. - Alexei Michailowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Alexei Michailowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Alexei Michailowicz..Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov ( 9 March 1629 (O.S.) – 29 January 1676 was the Tsar of Russia during some ...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
FJODOR JOANNOWITSCH - Feodor Ioannowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Feodor Ioannowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Fyodor I Ivanovich (31 May 1557 – 16/17 January 1598) was the last Rurikid Tsar of Russia (1584 - 1598), son of Ivan the Terr...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743
ELISABETH I. - Elisabet imperatriza wseros sinskaja petra welikago dscherj (rossice). Elisabetha imperatrix. Omnium Russiarum Petri. Magni. Filia.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Elizaveta Petrovna (29 December [O.S. 18 December] 1709 – 5 January 1762 [O.S. 25 December 1761] ), also known as Yelisavet and El...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
ANNA IWANOVNA - Anna Ioannovna imperatricea i camoderschiza wserossinskaja (rossice). Anna Joannowna imperatrix totius Russiae
Extremely rare half portrait print of Anna Ivanovna (7 February [O.S. 28 January] 1693, Moscow – 28 October [O.S. 17 October] 1740) reigned as Duchess of Courland from ...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
Imperii Russici et Tartariae Universae tabula novissima.
Decorative and rare map covering Russia, Tibet, China, Tartary, Korea, Taiwan and Japan prepared by J. M. Hasius. The sea between Japan and Korea is mentioned Mare Orient...
Place & Date: Utrecht, 1743
ATLAS RUSSICUS mappa una generali et undeviginti specialibus vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus regionibus [repeated in French].
After an unnumbered general map of Russia there are 13 numbered maps that cover European Russia (scale 1, 1.527.000). The other (last) 6 maps cover Asian Russia (Siberia,...
Place & Date: St Peterburg, Akademie von Wissenschaften. 1745
Russie Européenne . . .
Detailed map of European part of Russia, including Finland and Lapland.Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688–1766), also known as Le Sieur or Monsieur Robert, and his son, Di...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1753
Vuë de l'ancien Palais d'hiver de sa Majesté Imperiale et du Canal qui Joint la Moika avec la Neva, a St. Petersburg.
So-called optical print illustrating a perspective view of St. Petersburg, namely the ancient Winter Palace and the canal which joins the Moika to the Neva.In the eightee...
Place & Date: Paris, 1760
Nouveau théâtre de la guerre entre les Russes les turcs et les polonois confédérés.
A very rare separately published map of Crime region. With a large title cartouche lower left "Nouveau theâtre de la guerre entre les russes, les turcs et les polon...
Place & Date: Paris, 1769
(upper sheets only) Asia According to the Sieur D'Anville Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms and States Showing the European Settlements in the East Indies and all the New Discoveries . . . 1772
Highly detailed map of Russia, including Turkey, China and Korea. Based on the cartography of the famous French cartographer Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Anville. Only th...
Place & Date: London, 1772
[Crimea]. Carte de la Cromée.
Mapmaker, Captain Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735-1819). Published by H. Friesman in 1787. This map first appeared in 1776 and was the first Russian map of the newly ann...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, H. Frieseman, 1787
Imperium Russicum, cum regionibus adiacentibus duabus Tabulis ex optima quae A. 1784 tribus foliis comparavit Mappa geographica, aliisque subsidiis delineatum a C. Mannert, Tabula Ima. . .
A detailed map of the European part of the Russian Empire. Scarce map. Copper etching by C. Mannert and edited by Adam Gottlieb Schneider and Johann Christoph Weigel. Man...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1794
A Map of the Environs of Constantinople Drawn from a great number of accurate astronomical & geographical manuscripts and printed documents, by A. Arrowsmith 1801 and 1804.
Arrowsmith’s large and detailed map of the Ottoman Empire and the Black Sea, with Cyprus, Crete and the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Albania, Bosnia and Herz...
Place & Date: London, No.10 Soho Square, 4th September 1804
(Sheet X with Puk Bay from) General Tableau zur Karte von Alt Ost und West Preussen nebst dem aufgenommenen Trigonometrischen Netz. . .
Sheet IV with Zalew Wislany and the towns of Elblag, Paslek, Braniewo, etc of this important multi sheet map of Prussia, Lithuania and Poland.The rare first edition of th...
Place & Date: Berlin, 1802-1810
Carte des routes de poste de la Russie européenne, exécutée par ordre de S.E.M. le duc de Feltre ministre de la Guerre, ...
Post-route map on a scale of 1:2 500 000 made during the French campaign in Russia, which began June 24, 1812. With a table of the conventional signs and a table of conve...
Place & Date: Paris, Dépôt Général de la Guerre 1812
Saint Petersbourg. Maison de bienfaisance, appartenant à Mr Anatole de Demidoff. . .
Beautiful lithography showing the house of Anatole de Demidoff in Saint Petersburg.
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1850
The Crimea, chiefly from surveys made by order of the Russian government. . .
Map of Crimea and the Sea of Azov. In lower right corner two inset maps showing Sebastopol inlet and harbour and a second one with the Black Sea. This second maps shows t...
Place & Date: London, 1854
The town & harbour of Sevastopol with the batteries & approaches. . .
Rare colored linen backed map showing the harbour and town of Sevastopol, with soundings. In upper left corner a inset map (65x150mm) of the Black Sea. In bottom part a l...
Place & Date: London, March 27th, 1854
The Crimea by James Wyld Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert.
Fourth edition of this folding map of the Crimea. In upper right corner an inset map of the areas around the Black Sea; "The Town & Harbor of Sevastopol with the...
Place & Date: London, 1855
Military map of the countries between Odessa & Perekop with the stations of the Russian forces.
Rare colored linen-backed map showing Russian troop positions and Odessa Batteries. On the inside of the cover a list of "Wyld's list of recent publications : seat o...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1855
L'escadre alliée bombarde les forts extérieurs de Sébastopol. (18 octobre 1854)
Beautiful Crimean War lithography by Becquet after a painting by Louis Le Breton. The print illustrates the ships "Fort Constantin", "la ville de Paris&quo...
Place & Date: Paris, 1860
Russia & Poland.
Charming, folding map of Russia and Poland, giving a detailed overview of Europe from Baltic to Caspian Sea. Railways and rivers prominently delineated.In lower left a ke...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1890
Map of Russia and Poland.
Charming, folding map of Russia, Poland and Baltic States, still in its original publisher's blind stamped linen wrapper with yellow label. With yellow advertisements at ...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1894
Excelsiori (Rana N. 28 - Cent. 20).
"After so many wars and so many troubles, young Russia, in a more serene glaze all the beautiful sun of freedom you will enjoy ... ". Fascinating allegorical sa...
Place & Date: Bologna, 1905
U.R.S.S. Energie Eléctrique. (5)
Map of Russia. Publicity poster for Russia's electrical production. Text in French. Editions de l'Agence de presse Novosti".More about War Maps & Propaganda maps...
Place & Date: USSR, 1978