Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .
Uncommon "carte à figures"- map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). The map shows the part of west...
$2000 / ≈ €1834
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
(Index sheet) General Tableau zur Karte von Alt Ost und West Preussen nebst dem aufgenommenen Trigonometrischen Netz. . .
Index sheet of this important multi sheet map of Prussia, Lithuania and Poland.Section XXIV of the rare first edition of this important 25-sheet map prepared by Friedrich...
$100 / ≈ €92
Place & Date: Berlin, 1802-1810
Carte von West=Gallizien welche auf allerhöchsten Befehl Seiner Kaiserlich oesterreichischen und Königlich apostolischen Majestät in den Jahren 1801 bis 1804. . .
Important early map of Western Galicia, as given to Austria by the third Partition of Poland (1795). Due to its long development period, a rare map rich in detail shows t...
$2500 / ≈ €2293
Place & Date: Vienna, (1808) after 1811