.[Germany and Poland]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Germany, Poland, The Low Countries, Austria and Switzerland prepared by Martin Waldseemüller. Based ...
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541
A Newe mape of Poland Done into English by I.Speede.
A wonderful map of Poland. Incorporated into Speed's 'Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The World.' Includes birds-eye views of Cracow, Dantzick, Posna, Crossen, Sando...
Place & Date: London, 1627
A Newe mape of Poland Done into English by I.Speede.
A wonderful map of Poland. Incorporated into Speed's 'Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The World'. Includes birds-eye views of Cracow, Dantzick, Posna, Crossen, Sando...
Place & Date: London, 1627
Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .
Uncommon "carte à figures"- map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). The map shows the part of west...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Tabula nova Poloniae et Silesiae.
Second state, dated 1630 underneath the title. A finely engraved carte á figures with cartouche representing in the four corners of the map : Kings ( on the left side Si...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Polonia regnum et Silesia ducatus.
Very decorative map of Poland embellished with two cartouches and two coats of arms surmounted by cherubs and female figures. Showing the region from the Oder east to Pod...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Le Cours de l'Elbe et de l'Oder où sont les Electorats de Saxe et de Brandebourg, les Duchés de Mekelbourg et de Pomeranie. . .
A detailed and scarce map showing the rivers Elbe and Oder in Germany and Poland. Dark engraving.This is one sheet of the four sheet wall map by Pierre Du Val entitled: &...
Place & Date: Paris, 1684
Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontières de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie.
Detailed map of Poland and Prussia. Published by Pieter van der Aa who published a.o. "Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen", a seri...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Detailed and rare plan of Danzig with extensive key in German.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
La Pologne Dressée sur ce qu'en ot donné Starovolsk, Beauplan, Hartnoch. . .
Large map of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and part of Ukraine. The map is filled with detail and decorated with a title cartouche flanked by mythological figures.According ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1773 - 1780
(Index sheet) General Tableau zur Karte von Alt Ost und West Preussen nebst dem aufgenommenen Trigonometrischen Netz. . .
Index sheet of this important multi sheet map of Prussia, Lithuania and Poland.Section XXIV of the rare first edition of this important 25-sheet map prepared by Friedrich...
Place & Date: Berlin, 1802-1810
Carte von West=Gallizien welche auf allerhöchsten Befehl Seiner Kaiserlich oesterreichischen und Königlich apostolischen Majestät in den Jahren 1801 bis 1804. . .
Important early map of Western Galicia, as given to Austria by the third Partition of Poland (1795). Due to its long development period, a rare map rich in detail shows t...
Place & Date: Vienna, (1808) after 1811
Generalkarte vom Königreich Preussen u. d. Herz[ogtum] Warschau nach astronomischen Ortsbestim[m]ungen und geodätischen Messungen. . .
Rare seemingly unrecorded map of Poland with its borders after the Congress of Vienna, probably based on a lost first edition of Daniel Friedrich Sotzmann's (1754-1840) m...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Schneider & Weigel 1815
Province de Pologne contenant 22 Col. une M.on Prof 5 Pen. 2 Nov. 6 Rés. 30 Maisons 1050 Jésuites.
Rare map of Poland from "Atlas Universel indiquant les établissemens des Jésuites: avec la manière dont ils divisent la terre, suivi desévénemens remarquables d...
Place & Date: Paris, Ambroise Dupont , 1826
Mapa Polski i Krajów Osciennych - Wydanie trzecie. Opracowal Stanislaw Max. Wydani M. Arcta.
‘The Birth of Modern Poland on a map’ - an excellent wall map of Poland and surrounding regions, published in Warsaw near the end of World War I, when Poland’s fate...
Place & Date: Warsaw, [H. Sklodowski], 1918
Langwasser Stanislau Neu Brandenburg Mei 1942 Juni 1945
Map met reproducties van crayontekeningen van Krijgsgevangenschap in Langwasser, Stanislau en Neu-Brandenburg, Mei 1942 -juni 1945.Uitgegeven april 1948 door het Minister...
Place & Date: Den Haag, April 1948