Browse Listings in Europe > Eastern Europe
[Page with imaginary towns in Hungary. ] CCLXVIII
Page with imaginary towns in Hungary (230x225mm.) This leaf is from an edition of Hartmann Schedel's Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle. The Chronicle was published...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1493
[Albania, Bulgaria, Europe, Eastern, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Albania, Bulgaria, Europe, Eastern, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania prepared Martin Waldseemülle...
Place & Date: Vienna, Trechsel, G., 1525 -1541
.[Balkan region with Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland, etc]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of Balkan with Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland, etc prepared Martin Waldseemüller. Based on the...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1525 -1541
Vienna.. / Buda..
Pair of views on one sheet, the first showing the Austria capital of Vienna with fields, and figures in the foreground.Lower view shows the Hungarian capital of Budapest....
Place & Date: Cologne 1580
Nova et recens emendata totius Regni Ungariae una cum adiacentibus et finitimis regionisbus delineatio.
Engraved map by Jan van Deutecum, here the very rare first edition published by Cornelis Nicola in Asterdam in 1596. In very attractive original coloring.A re-issued was ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cornelius Nicol, 1596
Carinthiae et Goritiae... / Histria tabula.../ Zarae, et Serebenici ..
Three maps on one sheet. The left hand is centered on the eastern part of Austria. The right upper hand map is centered on northern Yugoslavia, and the last map is center...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Tractus Danubii, Fluminis in Europa Maximi, A Fontibus, Per Germaniam. . .
This is Blaeu’s first map of the Danube and surrounding regions. The Danube River runs through the map from the top left with its headwaters in the German Black Forest ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1634
Danubius Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia..
Depicts the course of the Danube River, from its sources in the Alps to the Black Sea..Because of the dimensions the map was printed from two copper plates.With two very ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1638
Hungaria regnum.
Detailed map of Hungary. First edition of Sanson's map of the Kingdom of Hungary. Engraved by A. Peyrounin.
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1640
Strasborcs In der Vocker Marckt.
Very decorative and rare panoramic town view of Völckermarckt in Kärten.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounte...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642
Very decorative and rare panoramic of Czaslaw, Caslav, Tschslau in Böhmen.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and moun...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642
Statt Talbe an der Saal.
Very decorative and rare panoramic town view of Calbe a.d. Saale, Bez Magdeburg .The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1642
Praga. [Prague]
A rare panoramic of Prague with over the whole length of the lower part 3 columns of poems in Latin, Dutch and French and a numbered key 1-34 to the principal buildings ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660
[Battle of Szigetvár] Portraict de l'Armée de l'Empereur Turc Rangée en Bataille
An early wood block printed bird's-eye view showing the Battle of Szigetvár (Hungary). Below the wood block print is a 8-lines description in French. The battle was one ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1662
Carte de la Hongarie a l'Autriche. .
A detailed and scarce map showing Hungary and Austria engraved by de François Lapointe (Lépine). Dated 1664.With a dedication to Ferdinand-Ernest Comte d'Abensperg-Trau...
Place & Date: Paris, 1676
Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Romania.
The cartographer of this map was Gerard Mercator. This attractive map of the Eastern Balkans is centered on Bulgaria and includes the Bosphorus and Constantinople. The Da...
Place & Date: Oxford, 1680
Canischa. (Nagykanizsa / Kanizsa)
Panoramic view of Nagykanizsa / Kanizsa. Published in "Der Donau-Strand Mit allen seinen Ein- und Zuflüssen. . .". Published by Jacob Sandrart.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Jacob Sandrart, 1684
Panoramic view of Sigeth. Published in "Der Donau-Strand Mit allen seinen Ein- und Zuflüssen. . .". Published by Jacob Sandrart.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Jacob Sandrart, 1684
Le Cours de l'Elbe et de l'Oder où sont les Electorats de Saxe et de Brandebourg, les Duchés de Mekelbourg et de Pomeranie. . .
A detailed and scarce map showing the rivers Elbe and Oder in Germany and Poland. Dark engraving.This is one sheet of the four sheet wall map by Pierre Du Val entitled: &...
Place & Date: Paris, 1684
Il regno della Bossima diviso nelle sue provincie principali. . .
Rossi's map of Bosnia, based upon Sanson's map, but with revised Italian nomenclature. From a second edition of his 'Mercurio Geografico...'. The engraver was Cl. Botzot....
Place & Date: Rome, 1689
Launa vulgo Laun Bohemiae civitas.
Bird's-eye views of Louny in Bohemia by G. Hoefnagel. The copperplate was made for Braun and Hogenberg's town book. However there the print has been transformed by the en...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1700
[Manuscript map, mounted on linen and on rollers]
With a title in the upper right corner "Carta geographica generalatus carlostatuensiscum adgacentibus confinis turcicis et venetis martinimis dolmatio istrensibus.&q...
Place & Date: Venice, c. 1700
Vue et description des principales villes de l'Armenie et de la Georgie avec les habillements des femmes du pays, et ceux des prêtres et religieux armeniens. . .Tom: V N° 11 Pag: 28
View and description of the principal Armenian and Georgian cities with illustrations of Armenian women's garments as well as priests' and monks' clothing. The views are ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1720
Plan de Prague.
Rare and separately published plan of Prague published by Joan Baptista Nolin with the address à l'enseigne de la Place des Victoires et chez le Sr. Humblot rue St. Jacq...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1742
Royaume de Bohéme, Marquisat de Moravie, et Silésie Autrichenne.
Small detailed map of today Czech Republic. From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state with erased date. Page 32 outside border top right. Mary...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1749
Carte de la Roumanie et Pays limitrophes. Odessa. GALATZ.
Very detailed (1:750.000) map centered on Constanta, with the river Danube in Romania. Made after an Austrian map. The French Service géographique des armées was founde...
Place & Date: Paris, 1908
Poster made for Hungarian Tourist association. The uncommon Dutch version of this fine poster to promote Hungary in the 1930's. Arisztid Uher was a graphic designer. He d...
Place & Date: Budapest, KLOSZ / Sohn., ca. 1930