Browse Listings in Europe
Die Stadt Narva. . .
An early of the town of Narva, located at the eastern tip of Estonia, on the Russian border.From the uncommon Hamburg edition "Viel Vermehrte Moscowitische und Pers...
Place & Date: Hamburg, 1696
Delfi Batavorum vernacule Delft.
Detailed plan of the city Delft from Frederick de Wit's town book of the Netherlands. The plates are first published by Joan Blaeu one year after the peace of Münster an...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1698
The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larger paper: she colored it in pastel colors, adding extensive cl...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700
Launa vulgo Laun Bohemiae civitas.
Bird's-eye views of Louny in Bohemia by G. Hoefnagel. The copperplate was made for Braun and Hogenberg's town book. However there the print has been transformed by the en...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1700
Novissima Flandriae Comitatus tabula. . .
Rare issue of Theodorus Danckert's attractive map of eastern Belgium provinces, Flanders, with Brugge, Oostende, Gent, Mons, Antwerp, Cambray, etc..Decorative title carto...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
Very decorative and rare panoramic of Tschopau.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged the print and mounted it on larger paper: she ...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700
Very decorative and rare panoramic town-view of Volna. We have more Anna Beek prints available.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarg...
Place & Date: The Hague, ca. 1700
Tabula Episcopatuum Leodiensis et Coloniensis. . .
Rare issue of Cornelis Danckert's attractive map of Limburg, shows the area of Cologne, Mainz, Trier, Jülich, Mons, Antwerp and Liege in Belgium.Decorative title cartouc...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1700
Oost-Indis Zee Magazyn - Arçenal des Indes Orientalis.
Decorative view of the East Indian Arsenal, now-a-says the Maritime Museum.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
Arcenal de l'Amirauté.
A decorative print of the 'T Landts Magazyn , or 'Scheepvaart Museum' (Naval Museum).
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
D' Admiralyteyts Huys - La maison de l'Amirauté.
Decorative print of the "D'Admiralyteits Huys", Het Prinsenhof, of the Dutch East India Company VOC. Located at the Oudezijds Voorburgwal 195-199, Amsterdam.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1700
[Manuscript map, mounted on linen and on rollers]
With a title in the upper right corner "Carta geographica generalatus carlostatuensiscum adgacentibus confinis turcicis et venetis martinimis dolmatio istrensibus.&q...
Place & Date: Venice, c. 1700
Amstelodami celeberrimi hollandiae emporii delineatio nova.
Frederik de Wit’s beautiful bird's-eye view of the city. The Amstel river is still open water flowing through the city's heart. Only near the Dam, has it been covered b...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1700
Prospetto dell'anfiteatro Flavio . . . / Prospetto di Tutto l'Anfiteatro intiero . . . / Pianta dell' divisa nelli suoi / Spaccato, e veduta interiore dell' Anfiteatro.
Monumental engraving showing the Colloseum in Rome, in its setting, with below a ground-plan and elevation. Engraved and drawn by Alessandro Specchi (1668-1729), an engra...
Place & Date: Rome, 1703
La Place de Saint Marc a Venise.
A very attractive Town plan of the place St Marc in Venice.Joan Blaeu published during his life three town books of Italy: Citta del Vaticano, Rome, and Napoli. By the ye...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705
La mer Mediterranee divisee en ses principales parties ou mers. . .
Very large map centered on the Mediterranean. With a sub title along upper margin "La Mer Mediterranée divisée en Mer de Levant et de Ponant Subdivisées en Leurs ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1705
Valletta ou Valete ville Forte, de l'Isle de Malta.
A beautifully engraved and richly detailed birds-eye plan of the harbour and city of Valletta seen from the northwest. In lower part extensive key, identifying 57 feautur...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705
Carte particuliere d'une grande partie des estats situez sur le haut rhein et sur les rivieres qui si déchargent comme sont L'Alsace, la Souabe et la Lorraine,&c. . .
Detailed map of Alsace, Lorraine and Souabe, centered on the River Rhine.
Place & Date: Paris, 1705
Het Friessche Doolhoff, het beruchte dorp Molk-Worren
Uncommon map made in 1718 by Johannes Hilarides, principal at the Latin School in Bolsward.. Probably the only printed plan of a Frisian village of that time. The map was...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1705
LA RUSSIE ROUGE ou POLONOISE qui Comprend les PROVINCES DE LA RUSSIE ROUGE de VOLHYNIE et de PODOLIE divisées en leurs Palatinats Vulgairement Connües sous le Nom D'VKRAINE ou PAYS DES COSAQUES.
A very rare Sanson map of Ukraine and so-called Russie Rouge, stretching from Lublin in the west to Kherson Oblast in the east (here called "Confin de La Petite Tart...
Place & Date: Paris, 1706
Carro, che uà à vela Su le Piagge di Schevelingue.
Italian version of Prince Maurits' sailing carriage designed by Simon Stevin. The big sailing-carriage could seat 28 persons and could reach a speed of seven miles per ho...
Place & Date: Venice, 1707
Plan De l'Action.. Auprès de Wynendale le 28 Sept. 1708.
A rare broadside sheet represents a conventional battle plan near the town of Torhout with the Castle Wynendale. The plan depicts the situation of 28 September 1708. Incl...
Place & Date: Bruxelles, c.1708
Landgraviatus Alsatiae tam superioris..
Alsace, in the far north-eastern corner of France, stands out from other French wine regions thanks to its strong Franco-Germanic influences. Alsace is the only French wi...
Place & Date: Nurenberg, 1710
De Haven en Straat von Gibraltar, Niewlyks getekend, en in`t licht gebracht door Johannes Covens en Cornelis Mortier tot Amsterdam.
Decorative map showing the siege of Gibraltar during the Spanish war of succession. This highly interesting map is richly ornated with three additional inset maps and vie...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1710
.Paskaart van de Mont van de Witte Zee,. Beginnende van Tiepena tot Pelitza, als mede van C. Cindenoes tot Catsnoes.
Fine sea chart of the southern part of the Barents Sea, oriented to the West. With five inset maps: - Swetenoes, de Kust van Laplandt, Lombascho, 'T Vaste Landt van Lapla...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1710
Nieuwe en Nette Afteekening van het Eyland Corsica en het Eyland Elba vertoonende alle desselfs Havenen, Steeden en Rivieren . . .
Highly decorative large sea chart of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, including multiple sailing ships, compass roses, cartouche, coat of arms, rhumb lines, topographical deta...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1710
Plan de Palma ville capitalle de l'Isle de Majorque.
Bird's eye-view of Palma de Majorca. Wind rose in the lower left corner. Nicolas de Fer [1646-1720] was one of the most prolific and influential French geographers and ca...
Place & Date: Paris, 1715
Dongerdeel.. De vierde grietenij van Ooster Goo.
Very decorative map centered on Dokkum, Metzerwier, and Pasens from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With decorative title cartouche lowe...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718
Over deese grietenije.. Eerste van Wester Goo..
Very decorative map centered on Menaam, Marsum and Boxum from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With ornamental title cartouche lower righ...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718
Henna ardera deel. De vijfde Grietenije van de Wester goo. . .
Very detailed map of "Henna ardera deel. De vijfde Grietenije van de Wester goo" in Friesland prepared by Bernardus Schotanus Steringa. With decorative title ca...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, 1718
Kollumer land En het Nieuw Kruys land de vijfde gritenije van Oostergoo . . .
Very detailed map of "Kollumer land En het Nieuw Kruys land de vijfde gritenije van Oostergoo" in Friesland prepared by Bernardus Schotanus Steringa. Centered o...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F. Halma, 1718
Donger deel.. derde grietenije van Ooster Goo. . .
This is a very decorative map of the area north of Dokkum from the Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland prepared by Schotanus. With decorative title cartouche lower rig...
Place & Date: Leeuwarden, F.Halma, 1718
Decorative view of Riga. This well executed engraving was published in 1729 and 1727 by Pieter van der AA, in Leiden in "Les Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renommez fa...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719
Amsterdam Capitale de la Hollande.
A panoramic of Amsterdam seen from 't IJ. Set within a decorative border, printed from a separate plate. Rare.
Place & Date: Leiden, 1720
Nostre Dame de Lorette.
A very RARE panoramic of Lorette and the church, including a numbered legend in both lower corners.The plate is numbered in black pencil in upper right corner.Published ...
Place & Date: Paris c.1720
Carte nouvelle de Moscovie represente la partie Septentrionale dressée par G.De L'Isle. . .
Uncommon map covering the area north of Moscow, including Lapland. Prepared by G. de L'Isle.Joachim Ottens (1663 - 1719) and his sons Renier and Joshua were prominent Dut...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Riga metropolis Livoniae.
A spectacular panoramic of Riga, with legends numbered from a-z and 1-16 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) ...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720
A spectacular panoramic town-plan of Nuremberg, with legends numbered from 1-39 in German. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1720
Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum. . .
Homann's map is based upon Beauplan's general map of Ukraine but depicts the political changes of the preceding years. The cartouche portrays Hetman Mazepa with his follo...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1720
Nouvelle Carte des dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas.
Map of the 17 provinces of the Netherlands. In an inset upper left corner 17 coats of arms of each province and vignettes. The Channel is filled with Naval battles fought...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Vue et description des principales villes de l'Armenie et de la Georgie avec les habillements des femmes du pays, et ceux des prêtres et religieux armeniens. . .Tom: V N° 11 Pag: 28
View and description of the principal Armenian and Georgian cities with illustrations of Armenian women's garments as well as priests' and monks' clothing. The views are ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca 1720
Beschrijving Gezicht van den Ykant af bezyden den Schreiers hoex Toren langs de Keulsche en Geldersche Kaei naer de Nieuwe Markt
This large engraving (560x920mm.) comes from a are series of 25 beautiful large views of Amsterdam and gives a colorful picture of the life and business of the city at th...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1720
Carte historique de la France, et l'Angleterre depuis la naissance de Jésus-Christ jusqu'à l'an 1700, qui contient en abrégé les événements ...
A rare wall map showing a chronological tree of French and English historical events from the year of the birth of Christ until 1700. The map is prepared by Jérôme Andr...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1721
Plan de la ville de Malthe ses Forts, ses Nouvelles Fortiffications. . .
Detailed plan of Valletta. In upper right corner a key (A-Z & 1-32) to the principal places in town. Prepared by Fer and re-issued by Danet.
Place & Date: Paris, 1723
Carte Marine De La Mer Caspiene levée suivant les ordres de S.M.Cz. En 1719, 1720 et 1721.
Detailed of the Caspian Sea, prepared by Karl van Verden in 1722. Van Verden was a Russian sailor and the Czar's Special Commander, who produced the first accurate map of...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1725
Carte du Gouvernement de Provence, suivant les nouvelles observations...
Fine copper engraved and decorative map of the Provence region in the south of France. It includes the cities of Nimes, Viviers, Avignon, Aix and Nice. The pictorial cart...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1728
Florentia Pulcherrima et Ruriae Civitas.
Detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Florence in Tuscany region, first published in Frederick de Wit's rare town book. With two keys 1-17 and 1-228 to important spots ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Leiden, 1697 / 1729
Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontières de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie.
Detailed map of Poland and Prussia. Published by Pieter van der Aa who published a.o. "Naauwkeurge versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en land-reysen", a seri...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1729
Lutece conquise par les François sur les Romains ou second plan de la ville de Paris [...] par M.L.C.D.L.M.
Engraved plan of Paris, published in "Traité de la police de Nicolas de Lamare". Oriented to the North with a compass rose and equipped with a double scale (40...
Place & Date: Paris, 1729
Plan de la Ville et Port d'Antibes.
An attractive chart centered on the Mediterranean. With a scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des...
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730
Plan de la Baye de Ville Franche et de celle de St. Souspir.
An attractive chart centered on the Mediterranean. With scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King. From : Recueil des Plusieurs plans des p...
Place & Date: Marseille, 1730
Cazal. (Casale Monferrato)
A rare panoramic of Casale Monferrato in the Piedmont region. Engraved by Pierre Aveline (Paris, c.1656 - 23 May 1722). He was also a print-publisher and print-seller. H...
Place & Date: Paris, 1690-1730
Detailed and rare plan of Danzig with extensive key in German.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1730
[St Peter's Square].
View of St Peter's Square and Vatican probably featuring a solemn blessing. The square is crowdy, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is present. A beautifully colored lithography...
Place & Date: Italy ?, 1732
Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendum Regio nutu...
Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce Lithuaniam Borussicam : in qua luca coloniis Salisburg., ad incolendu...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1735
Urbium Londini et West-Monasterii nec non Surburbii Southwark Accurata Ichnographia ,., Neuester Grundris der Staedte London und West-Munster, Samt der Vorstadt Southwark ,.,
Detailed plan of London, extending from Grosvenor Square in the west to Mile End to the east, To the right inset views of St, James's Square, and Custom House, elevations...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1736
Picardie Meridionale Le Cambresis et leurs Environs.
Map showing the region of Picardie in Northern France. Including the towns of Abbeville, Amiens, Compiegne, Soisson, Chambray, etc.
Place & Date: Paris, 1737
Kaerte en Afbeeldinge vande Geheele Jurisdictie van Stantdarbuyten Gelegen in de Generaliteit onder Marquisaet van Bergen op den Zoom
With a large title cartouche with signature of the maker Adriaan van der Ende, : Kaerte en Afbeeldinge vande Geheele Jurisdictie van Stantdarbuyten Gelegen in de Generali...
Place & Date: Willemstad, 1737
Plan de Paris commencé l'année 1734, Dessiné et gravé sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot, prévost des marchands.
FIRST EDITION of Turgot's Monumental Joined View of Paris, stretching to over 10 Feet.This expansive engraved view of Paris covers the first eleven arrondissements of mod...
Place & Date: Paris, 1739
Bern in der Schweitz.
Very fine panoramic of Bern. With a numbered key (1-25) of principal buildings in town.
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
A spectacular panoramic view of Paris, with legends numbered from 1-70 in French. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) who...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca. 1740
Carte des Isles de Maiorque Minorque et Yvice dediée A.M. le Comte de Maurepas Ministre et secretaire d'Etat. . .
Fine map of the Baleares with much detail, in lower part inset "Plan du Port de Mahon du Fort St. Philippe et ses Fortifications". The map is dedicated to Jean ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1740
A spectacular panoramic view of Paris, with legends numbered from 1-70 in French. With the title in a banderol.After a design by Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690-1776) who...
Place & Date: Augsbourg, ca. 1740
Les Provinces confederées du Pais-Bas
The first wall map of the Seven Provinces of 1651, re-issued as 'Stoel des Oorlogs' by Covens & Mortier. The first issue of the present wall-map is known to be includ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1740
A spectacular panoramic view of Florence taken from Montoliveto, with legends numbered from 1- 63 in Italian. With the title in a banderol. After a design by Friedrich Be...
Place & Date: Augsburg, ca 1740
L'Europe Dressée Sur les Nouvelles observations. . .
A rare and monumental wall map of Europe, with original outline color, of four joined sheets, surrounded by text and vignettes printed on separate sheets.Created in 1740 ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1700-1740
Carte particulière des environs de St Peters-bourg. . . / Plan de la ville faubourg et environs de St Petersbourg. . . / Carte pour l'intelligence de la guerre de Moscovie et de Suede. . .
A scarce and unusual plan of Saint Petersburg shown at a large scale and also, in a separate compartment, shown in its geographical context between the Gulf of Finland an...
Place & Date: Paris, c.1741
Plan de Prague.
Rare and separately published plan of Prague published by Joan Baptista Nolin with the address à l'enseigne de la Place des Victoires et chez le Sr. Humblot rue St. Jacq...
Place & Date: Paris, ca. 1742
Imperii Russici et Tartariae Universae tabula novissima.
Decorative and rare map covering Russia, Tibet, China, Tartary, Korea, Taiwan and Japan prepared by J. M. Hasius. The sea between Japan and Korea is mentioned Mare Orient...
Place & Date: Utrecht, 1743
ANNA IWANOVNA - Anna Ioannovna imperatricea i camoderschiza wserossinskaja (rossice). Anna Joannowna imperatrix totius Russiae
Extremely rare half portrait print of Anna Ivanovna (7 February [O.S. 28 January] 1693, Moscow – 28 October [O.S. 17 October] 1740) reigned as Duchess of Courland from ...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
ELISABETH I. - Elisabet imperatriza wseros sinskaja petra welikago dscherj (rossice). Elisabetha imperatrix. Omnium Russiarum Petri. Magni. Filia.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Elizaveta Petrovna (29 December [O.S. 18 December] 1709 – 5 January 1762 [O.S. 25 December 1761] ), also known as Yelisavet and El...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
FJODOR JOANNOWITSCH - Feodor Ioannowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Feodor Ioannowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Fyodor I Ivanovich (31 May 1557 – 16/17 January 1598) was the last Rurikid Tsar of Russia (1584 - 1598), son of Ivan the Terr...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743
ALEXEI I. - Alexei Michailowitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice). Alexei Michailowicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare half portrait print of Czar Alexei Michailowicz..Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov ( 9 March 1629 (O.S.) – 29 January 1676 was the Tsar of Russia during some ...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg, 1743
IWAN ALEXEJEWITSCH - Ioann Alexejewitsch zar i camoderschez wserossinskij (rossice).Joann Alexiewicz tzaar et autocrator totius Russiae.
Extremely rare print of Czar Ivan Alexejewitsch, who was the brother of Peter the Great.Johann Stenglin was a well known engraver, born at Augsburg in 1715, he studied un...
Place & Date: St. Petersburg 1743
Chaerte vande Wieringer waert, de welcke inden jaere XVI… (Wieringerwaard)
Rare wall map of the Wieringerwaard polder, as raffled on 12 July 1611. The polder was laid dry in 1610. It border, and also the border of the municipality, were the Zuid...
Place & Date: 1741-1744
Nieuwe Kaart van de Westfaalse Kreits..
Isaac Tirion was born in Utrecht ca. 1705. He came to Amsterdam ca. 1725. Tirion published a number of important books, many of which are still in demand for their intere...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1745
ATLAS RUSSICUS mappa una generali et undeviginti specialibus vastissimum Imperium Russicum cum adiacentibus regionibus [repeated in French].
After an unnumbered general map of Russia there are 13 numbered maps that cover European Russia (scale 1, 1.527.000). The other (last) 6 maps cover Asian Russia (Siberia,...
Place & Date: St Peterburg, Akademie von Wissenschaften. 1745
Kaart van Zeeland.
Fine map of the province of Zeeland, with the fortified cities are highlighted in red. Isaac Tirion was born in Utrecht ca. 1705. He came to Amsterdam ca. 1725. Tirion pu...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1747
III. Carte de la Hollande.. Over-Yssel.
Attractive small map centered on the delta of the River Ijssel, where it discharges into the Zuiderzee.From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy. Unrecorded st...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748
VI. Partie du Duche de Gueldre où se trouve la Veluwe.
Attractive small map covering the northwestern part of Gelderland. In the center "'t Loo". From Atlas Portatif Universel, by Robert de Vaugondy.Unrecorded state...
Place & Date: Paris, later than 1748