[East Asia]
Wood block printed map and one of earliest printed representation of East Asia and centered on Amenia, prepared Martin Waldseemüller. Based on the slightly larger map fr...
Place & Date: Vienna, 1525 -1541
Tafel der Lender darin der Apostel Paulus geprediget hat.
Rare wood block map depicting the Mediterranean, with an over-sized Cyprus from the final Dutch edition of Heinrich Bünting's famous Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae, a boo...
Place & Date: Magdeburg, 1581
Terki, ville de la Circassie, dans l'Asie.
A very detailed panoramic view of Terki in the Caucasus, the capital of one of the most powerful Dagestani potentates of southeast Asia.Showing the Volga River. Foregrou...
Place & Date: Leiden, c. 1719
Le Indie Orientali.
A nice map of the East Indies, published in Rome at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Shows from the Persian Gulf across Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, then sout...
Place & Date: Rome, ca 1803