Browse Listings in America
Upper Canada &c.
A beautiful, large scale map of Upper Canada, and portions of the American states of New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The province of 'Upper' Canada was created by the B...
Place & Date: London, 1839
United States.
A lovely large map of the Untied States, as it was at the time of publication. Each state shown in a different outline color. Nothing is shown west of Louisiana, Arkansas...
Place & Date: London, 1839
West Indies.
A fine, detailed steel engraved map comprising Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, the Windward, and the Leeward Islands, the northern Columbian coastline, Panama, Gu...
Place & Date: London, 1839
Certificaat N° 230
Text reads "Na primo januarij 1872 is houder dezes geregtigd voor 2/2147 tot hetgeen, ter zake van verjariing, zoude kunnen worden gereclmeerd, uiy gelden bij de Ass...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1841
Entrée des forêts de la rivière Sedger. . .
Exquisite contemporary colored lithograph of Sedger's river in the Chili, with as seen by Dumont D'Urville's, with Indians. Drawn by Louis Le Breton, lithographed by Bich...
Place & Date: Paris, 1846
Rivage du port Saint-Nicolas.
Exquisite contemporary colored lithograph of Port Saint-Nicolmas Bay in most southern part of South America, with Dumont D'Urville's officers making landfall. Drawn by E....
Place & Date: Paris, 1846
20 small lithographed views of Washington DC and Georgetown.
20 small lithographed town-views of Washington DC and Georgetown, cut out from a larger sheet. Showing the East Front of the Capitol, Treasury, Smithsonian Institute, Pre...
Place & Date: Casimir Bohn, Washington, D.C.: 1849
Posesiones de America : Isla de Cuba. [together with] Isla de Cuba. . .
Wall size sea chart and map of land areas showing all of Cuba, part of Florida Keys plus San Adios and Salvador Grande in the Bahamas.Minute topographical, political, and...
Place & Date: Madrid, 1853 / 1851
Islands in the Atlantic.
Decorative steel engraved map of Islands showing the Azores, Madeira, Bermuda, the Canaries and the Cape Verdes. Interlocking border design. Taken from "The illustra...
Place & Date: London, ca. 1851
Map of the Great Salt Lake And Adjacent Country in the Territory Of Utah. Surveyed in 1849 and 1850, under the orders of Col. J.J. Abert ...
Map of the Great Salt Lake And Adjacent Country in the Territory Of Utah. Surveyed in 1849 and 1850, under the orders of Col. J.J. Abert .. by Capt. Howard Stansbury .. a...
Place & Date: Ackerman, New York, 1852
ISLA DE CUBA [with 2 maps] Plano Pintoresco De La Habana con los numeros de las casas B. May y Ca. 1853. (with) Inset map Puerto y Cereanias De La Habana. (with) 14 views of Havana & prominent buildings.
Lithographic town-plan surrounded with views of the city of Havana including the "Fuente De La India En El Paseo De Isabel 2a." and "Vista Gral De La Haban...
Place & Date: Havana, 1853
Kiepert's Physikalische Wandkarten. VI. Nord-America.
Large folding school wall map of North and Central America printed in chromo-lithography. Published by Dieter Reimer and printed by Leopold Kraatz in Berlin. Three inset...
Place & Date: Berlin, Dieter Reimer, 1864
Plan of Yonkers Town of Yonkers Westchester Co. N.Y. . . .
Fine lithographed map of Yonkers, New York. The map provides the names of specific homeowners, as well as information about the occupations and physical locations of the ...
Place & Date: New York, 1867
Plan of the Borough of New Rochelle, Westchester Co. N.Y.
Fine lithographed map of the plan of the Borough of New Rochelle. The map provides the names of specific homeowners, as well as information about the occupations and phys...
Place & Date: New York, 1867
Plan of the Beekmanton Tarryntown and Ivring. Westchester Co. N.Y.
Fine lithographed map of the plan of the Beekmantown, Tarrytown, and Irving, New York. The map provides the names of specific homeowners, as well as information about the...
Place & Date: New York, 1867
North Pacific.
Huge three sheet so-called Blue-back sailing chart of the Northern Pacific including China, Korea (with Matu Is. and Liancourt), Japan, Philippines, Kamchatka, Hawaii, Al...
Place & Date: London, 1868
Amérique Centrale.
Decorative map of Central America from Géographie Universelle, Atlas Migeon. With an inset map of the Isthmus of Panama lower left corner and a panoramic view of Mexico ...
Place & Date: Paris, 1874
Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Amerique par M. Le Comte de Paris, Ancien Aide de Camp du General Mac Clellan (McClellan). ...
Vorzet made these 30 maps to accompany Louis Phillipe d'Orleans' (Comte de Paris) multi-volume "Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Amérique". The set includes all...
Place & Date: Paris. Michel Levy Freres, 1875
New York Ferry Boat. (Bac à vapeur de New York).
A very decorative print showing the New York Ferry Boat "Fulton," published by Currier & Ives. The Ferry boat "Fulton" sails to the right. A singl...
Place & Date: New York, ca. 1875
Mapa geogra´fico de la mayor parte de la Ame´rica Meridional que contiene los paises por donde debe trazarse la li´nia divisoria que divida los dominios de Espan~a y Portugal. . .
Rare first edition of the map drawn by Francisco Requena (1743-1824) after his expedition to the Amazon in order to delineate the boundary between the Spanish and Portugu...
Place & Date: Bourquin, F. Philadelphia, ca. 1876
Région arctique.
Decorative map of the North Pole, prepared by Louis Vivien de Saint-Martin (* 22. Mai 1802 in Saint-Martin de Fontenay, died 3 January 1897 in Paris). He was one of the m...
Place & Date: Paris, Hachette, 1877
Driving chart of Hartford and vicinity : 15 miles around.
Road map by Albert A. Hyde & Co. of Hartford and vicinity, with the Connecticut River in the center. Published by Albert A. Hyde & Co., in New York and lithograph...
Place & Date: New York / Philadelphia, 1884
Canada Creek Falls . . [title in French, English, German & Latin] N°32. Pl. 4.
A view of the Canada Creek Falls.From 8e Livraison Amérique Septentrionale - Etat de New York. After Jacques Milbert and lithographed by Dupressoir and figures by V. Ada...
Place & Date: Paris, Bove dirigée par Nöel ainé & Cie, 1892
Plano de los Ferro-Carriles de Republica Argentina 1902.
Folding rail road map of Argentina, with inset of Buenos Aires in upper right corner.
Place & Date: Buenos Aires, ca. 1902
[Soil map] Virginia-Maryland-West Virginia, Leesburg sheet.
Early color lithographed soil map by Julius Bien & Co. in New York for Department of Agriculture. Legends at side give detail on soil type, etc. They also include int...
Place & Date: New York, 1903
Nuevo plano de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y parte del partido de avellaneda . . .
A rare detailed city plan of Buenos Aires prepared in 1912 by Ernesto Escalante. The plan depicts the city from the Partido de Avellaneda and the Villa Riachuelo to the R...
Place & Date: Buenos Aires, 1912
Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Emprunt national 6%.n Souscrivez.
Very decorative propaganda poster with design by Mark All of Paris for "Guaranty Trust Company of New York", a JPMorgan Chase predecessor in order to promote th...
Place & Date: Paris, 1918
Cunard to Canada.
Poster by Charles Eddowes Turner for Cunard lines. The poster shows The NEW SYLVANIA, one of the four new 22,000 - ton Cunarders which are the largest ever built for serv...
Place & Date: England, ca. 1930
Cunard Cherbourg-New York.
Original vintage Cunard luxury cruise liner travel poster advertising Cunard Europe to all America fastest ocean service in the world. Stunning design featuring two color...
Place & Date: England, ca. 1930
North and South America At-A-Glance.
A clever device for demonstrating the statistics of each country, the Area, Population, Population per Sq. Mile, Highest Elevation, Principal River, Currency, Capital, Fo...
Place & Date: New York & London: International At-A-Glance Chart Co. 1931
United States At-A-Glance.
A clever device for demonstrating the statistics of each state, the Area, Population, Highest Elevation, Principal River, Capital, railroad Mileage, Date Entered Union, P...
Place & Date: New York / London: International At-A-Glance Chart Co. 1931
French Line CGT Poster.
French Line CGT Poster showing the Normandie cruise ship travelling from Southampton to New York, advertising an express luxury service on both the Ile de France and the ...
Place & Date: England, ca. 1936
Rooseveld rekende verkeerd ! De vangarmen van De Dollarpoliep worden afgesneden. . .
An remarkable Anti-American Dutch World War II propaganda poster by Lou Manche, showing an pink octopus, representing the United States, with its tentacles being cut from...
Place & Date: The Netherlands, 1942
San Diego Bay. (Chart 5107)
Nautical chart of San Diego Bay of 1945. Printed in black, yellow and purple the "Seaward limit defensive sea area". The water area within the indicated limits ...
Place & Date: Washington, 1945
Coast to Coast.
A game board that features a map of the U.S. with a built-in spinner. Players travel a circular track around the map visiting landmarks as they go. A fun way to learn geo...
Place & Date: New York, ca. 1950
Ride the Roads to Romance along the Golden Coast and thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California.
This striking touring map of Southern California was published in 1950 by the Roads to Romance Association in order to promote tourism to Southern California. It provides...
Place & Date: California, 1950
Decorative poster advertising flights to Canada made by Georges Mathieu. The poster is one of a series of 15 composed of posters of Greece, Israel, Germany, Great Britai...
Place & Date: Paris, 1967
Sabena (USA - NYC).
Sabena Belgian World Airlines poster showing the skyline of New York in abstract style. Published by Rali Brisart in Belgium.La Sabena, acronym for Societé Anonyme Belg...
Place & Date: Brussels, ca. 1970