Search Listings matching "homann" in America
Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terra Firmae & Reg: Amazonum, Secundum relationes de Herrera, de Laet & PP d Acuña & M. Rodriguez . . .
A good and clean copy of Homann's map of the northern part of South America. The map is on the Valley of the Amazon and delineates the Amazon and its labyrinth of tributa...
$400 / ≈ €374
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1728
Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu cum Adjacentibus Novissima...
Between the years of 1609 and 1780, the Jesuits (the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus) established in South America, an autonomous Christian state, on the lands of present...
$400 / ≈ €374
Place & Date: Augsburg, 1740
Vorstellung Einiger Gegenden und Plaetze in Nord-America unter Franzoesisch und Englische Jurisdiction Gehoerig zu Finden bey den Homaennischen Erben in Nurnberg Ao. 1756.
Three town plans on one sheet of eastern Canada, including Quebec, Louisbourg and Halifax towns which the English and French fought to conquer on the American continent f...
$1000 / ≈ €936
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 1756