Browse Listings in Africa > North Africa > Algeria
Nouvelle carte du Roiaume D'Alger divisée en toutes ses provinces, avec une partie due cotes D'Espagne . . .
Rare and detailed map of the coast of Algeria. Large inset map of the Bay of Alger (El-Jazir). Shows a coastline of Spain around Alicante. Two compass roses in the Medite...
$700 / ≈ €644
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Algérie, Colonie Française. N°87.
Map of Algeria.Lovely map from one of the last decorative atlases of the nineteenth century.The rather simple map is framed by medallion portraits and coats of arms, and ...
$90 / ≈ €83
Place & Date: Paris, A. Combette, 1852