Browse Listings
Occidentalis Americae partis.
The most beautifully engraved early map of the Caribbean, including Florida and the Southeast. The map includes representations of Columbus' ships and various notes regar...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Prima Columbiin Indiam navigation Anno 1492.
Christopher Columbus and the Pinzon brothers leaving the port of Palos in Spain on August 3, 1492 for the New World. Right The King and Queen of Portugal Catholic Ferdina...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
(Island of Pearls) Perlarum insula ob unionum copiam sic dicta.
A depiction of Cubagua as the Perlarum Insula (Island of Pearls), with in the foreground, two large ships send dinghies toward busy Native Americans collecting pearl oyst...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Cacodemon attacking the savages.
Cacodemon ("evil spirit") attacking the savages. Read more about "Les Grand Voyages" by Theodore De Bry [+]
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Arcis Carolinae delineatio [Jacksonville]
Depicting Fort Caroline in Jacksonville, Florida. A French expedition, organized by Protestant leader Admiral Gaspard de Coligny and led by the French Explorer Jean Ribau...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
[The French left in Fort Charles suffer the scarcity of provisions.]
An Indian town visited by the French of Charlesfort in search for food. After a drawing by LeMoyne. Charlesfort-Santa Elena is on what is now Parris Island, South Carolin...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Pisces in mari alati [flying fish attack]
Flying fish attacking a Portuguese ship in the West Indian Waters.Read more about "Les Grand Voyages" by Theodore De Bry [+]
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
[Navel battle between Portuguese and French Battle off Buttugar (Brazil).]
Navel battle between Portuguese and French in the seas off the Poti guaran Territories in Brazil.Read more about "Les Grand Voyages" by Theodore De Bry [+]
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
[Columbus is standing in the bow of his ship]
Columbus is standing in the bow of his ship, which is near the shore. He is clad in a long mantle and undercoat, while his armor lies at his feet, and his standard is flo...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Inventio Maris Magallanici.
Allegorical scene allegorical image celebrating the circumnavigation of the earth by Ferdinand Magellan. The image shows Magellan on board of his ship, surrounded by myth...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Americae Retectio (Allegory of the Discovery of America)
Allegorical scene commemorating the discovery of America. The main image shows Neptune, supporting a Globe, flanked by Flora-representing Florence, and Janus-representin...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1594
Lutetia Furens. Das ist : Die wütende Statt PARIS.
Rarissime placard dirigé contre la Ligue et le duc de Mayenne. La gravure est signée I.S. (marque inconnue). Ce placard en latin et en allemand est une reprise de l’e...
Place & Date: France ca.. 1594
Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus corographicus. . .
A splendid map depicting the travels of Paulus. With two fine scenes in top. Showing the countries along the Mediterranean, including Cyprus and Italy. A first edition wi...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1595
Based on classical authors' sources, specifically Virgilius, Plinius, Varro, Halicarnasseus, Festus and Ausonius.Philip Wingius in his letter to Ortelius from 1592 mentio...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1595
Peregrinatie Jesu Christu Een ordentliche beschrijvinge des Heijligen landts....
Very rare separately map of the Holy Land engraved by Joannes van Doetecum Jr. Oriented to the east. The shoreline runs from "Antaradus" in Syria to "Rhino...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1595
ABRAHAMUS ORTELIUS ANTVERPIANUS Orteli dum proponis spectantibus Orbem, Quam tua delectant structa Theatra homines! . . .
Portrait of Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortel), famous cartographer born in Antwerp and after studying Greek, Latin and mathematics set up business there with his sister, a...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1595
Nova et recens emendata totius Regni Ungariae una cum adiacentibus et finitimis regionisbus delineatio.
Engraved map by Jan van Deutecum, here the very rare first edition published by Cornelis Nicola in Asterdam in 1596. In very attractive original coloring.A re-issued was ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cornelius Nicol, 1596
Piscantur tevetes sinuato in gargite pices.
This is a plate from a series "Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum & mutuae bestiarum". Published by Philippe Galle (Haarlem 1537 - 1612...
Place & Date: Antwerp, Philips Galle, ca 1596
Sic leporem in laqueos agitnat per aperta fugacem - Gramina, siq canes rapidi sua terga sequutur
This is a plate from a series "Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum & mutuae bestiarum". Published by Philippe Galle (Haarlem 1537 - 1612...
Place & Date: Antwerp, Philips Galle, ca 1596
Sic per secta repens venator consista dumis - Torquet et undosos anates, Fusicasp palustres
This is a plate from a series "Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum & mutuae bestiarum". Published by Philippe Galle (Haarlem 1537 - 1612...
Place & Date: Antwerp, Philips Galle, ca 1596
Sic inter dumos, pregrandi corpore cerus. - In pecus extrorquent dumeta per auia, acuto.
This is a plate from a series "Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum & mutuae bestiarum". Published by Philippe Galle (Haarlem 1537 - 1612...
Place & Date: Antwerp, Philips Galle, ca 1596
Africa Tertia pars Terrae.
This map of Africa has an unusual shape, tapering to a narrow angle in the south. Numerous rivers appear in West Africa and as tributaries to the Nile, and mountain chain...
Place & Date: Magdeburg, ca 1597
Plants, including the canior, diringuo, pucho and chiabe.
In the Indies there are many delightful plants, which include the ‘costus indicus’ (named by the Malays 'pucho') that has a wonderful aroma. Then there is the ‘cala...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1598
Larii Lacus Vulgo Comensis Descriptio . . . [and] Terretorii Romani Descrip. [and] Fori Iulii Vulgo Frivli Typus. . .
Set of 3 maps of Lake Como, the region around Rome and the region around the Upper Adriatic, centered on Udinese from 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [Atlas of the Whole World]'...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
The bird called 'Eeme' and other creatures of India.
Especially on the island of Java and in India, is found a strange bird, called an 'Eeme'. It is almost as large as an ostrich with strong and sturdy legs but it has no to...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1598
Some of the animals that are found in India.
Although most elephants are found in Ethiopia, there are also many in India too. They are called 'Caffres' by the inhabitants and are slaughtered for their tusks, which t...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1598
The Dutch are attacked by giant crabs.
During their return voyage, the Portuguese were wrecked on a sandbank (the Seychelles?) From the debris they began building a smaller ship in which they hoped to return t...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1598
Hispaniae novae sive magnae recens et vera descriptio. 1579
This was the standard map of the area for a generation, copied by De Bry, Quad and Hondius. Even though Herrera (Spain's Royal Cosmographer) and Wytfliet worked 20 years ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
India Tercera Nuova Tavola.
The 1598 edition of this early map of South East Asia. Just to the west and south of Malacca one will notice ‘Camatra’ (Sumatra) and Java. China with Canton in the up...
Place & Date: Venice, 1598
Virulus marinus. Cete (Whale and whaling scene)
Whale and whaling scene, set against a mountainous landscape in the manner of Pieter Brueghel the Elder. Plate number 1. The engraving is copied after Adrian Collaert pla...
Place & Date: Antwerp, after 1598
Glaucus, Cantharus, Salpa, Rarus. (Piscium Vivæ Icones - Fish)
Depiction of Glaucus, Cantharus, Salpa, Rarus. Fish set against a mountainous landscape in the manner of Pieter Brueghel the Elder. Plate number 12. The engraving is copi...
Place & Date: Antwerp, after 1598
Faber piscis, Asellus minor, Conger, Alburinus. (Piscium Vivæ Icones - Fish)
Depiction of Faber piscis, Asellus minor, Conger, Alburinus. Fish set against a mountainous landscape in the manner of Pieter Brueghel the Elder. Plate number 14. The eng...
Place & Date: Antwerp, after 1598
Gladius piscis, Galeus piscis, Araneus, Mugil. (Piscium Vivæ Icones - Fish)
Depiction of Gladius piscis, Galeus piscis, Araneus, Mugil. Fish set against a mountainous landscape in the manner of Pieter Brueghel the Elder. Plate number 15. The engr...
Place & Date: Antwerp, after 1598
Chinae, olim Sinarum regionis. . .
The first printed map of China. It is signed by Ludovico Georgio, whose real name was Luis Jorge de Barbuda. He was a Portuguese Jesuit cartographer and besides that a sp...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Florentini Dominii Fidelissima et nova descriptio.
The map is centered on the city of Florence and extends to Liguria, the Apennine Mountains, the Adriatic Coast, Siena and Lago di Perugia. The map is based upon Stefano B...
Place & Date: Anvers, 1598
Carinthiae et Goritiae... / Histria tabula.../ Zarae, et Serebenici ..
Three maps on one sheet. The left hand is centered on the eastern part of Austria. The right upper hand map is centered on northern Yugoslavia, and the last map is center...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Metileme. (Lesbos)
Very rare map of Lesbos published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. Da Giose...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Scio. (Chios)
Very rare view of Chios Island published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. D...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio.
Engraved by Frans Hogenberg from an original of 1562 by Anthony Jenkinson of the English Muscovy Company. The many vignettes are based on the reports of Marco Polo's expl...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Quella Tavola E l'Antica Siria ch'Era destinta in dodici . . .
Very rare view of Holy Land published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. Da G...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
[ Map of the island Nexos]
Very rare map of the island Naxos published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
[Map of Corfu. View of the city of Corfu on the foreground. ]
Very rare map of Corfu with a view of the city of Corfu on the foreground. Published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per T...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Maris Pacifici.
From the rare Dutch text edition of the Theatrum of which according to van den Broecke only 100 copies are printed.This was the first printed map to be devoted solely to ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1598
Candia [Map of the island Crete]
Very rare map of the island Crete published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Rhodi [Map of Rhodes]
Very rare map of Rhodes Island published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. D...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Rodi [View of Rhodes]
Very rare view of the City of Rhodes on the island of Rhodes. Historically, Rhodes island was very famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders o...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Very rare view of Jerusalem published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. Da G...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Very rare map of Santorini published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. Da Gi...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Namphio. [Map of Anafi]
Very rare map of the island of Anafi Island published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di T...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
Stampalia. [Map of Astypalaia]
Very rare map of the Greek island Astypalaia. The island is known in Italian as Stampalia. Published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. P...
Place & Date: Venice, Giacomo Franco, 1598
XIX. Venatio Elephantum in Pegu. [How elephants are caught in Pegu]
How elephants are caught in Pegu. The king of Pegu had a particular method of transporting elephants. He had a great enclosure built of strong wooden posts, with a trap d...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
XV. Ratio Homines Ex Uno Loco In alium gestandi.
Scene in the kingdom of Pegu, now Myanmar, showing elephant, ships and locals.Theodore de Bry, a German engraver and book dealer, began a compilation of early voyages in ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Funeral in China.
A scene of a funeral in China from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. From...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Feast of China.
A scene of a Chinese dinner feast from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Punishment of a criminal in China.
Punishment of a criminal in China from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. ...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Christophorus Columus Ligur Indiarum Prim invet A°1492
Very decorative portrait of Christopher Columbus (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506), engraved by Theodor de Bry (1528-1593) and published in Jean Jacques Boissard, &quo...
Place & Date: Frankfurt a.M. 1597 - 1599
Punishment of China.
The Chinese way of a punishment from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fr...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
A Parade of Noblemen in China.
This famous and desirable scene from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fr...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Naves Chinensibus usitatae velis arundineis & anchoris ligneis.
A Chinese vessel. Print taken from Linschoten's famous voyages to the East of 1583-92 here published by De Bry the year after they first appeared as a separate book. Fro...
Place & Date: Frankfurt, 1599
Le Roy de Navarra venant à Paris recheut le coup de cousteau au visaige par ung Pierre Chastel, lequel par quatre chevaulx fut tiré en pièces, faict le 27 de Decemb[re] l'an 1594.
Engraved news-sheet with text in German and French. Pictorial reportage on the failed assassination attempt on King Henri IV of France by Jean Châtel (here identified as...
Place & Date: Cologne, ca. 1600
Geometria, from The Seven Liberal Arts.
A female figure with a castle on her head measures a globe with a compass; representing geometry. Engraving by Johann Sadeler I after M. de Vos.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1570 - 1600
Capitolii sciographia ex ipso exemplari Michaelis Angeli Bonaroti a Stephano Duperac Parisiensi accurate delineata…
View of the Roman Capitol as re-designed by Michelangelo, from "Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae", first published in 1569, this example edited by Giovanni Orlan...
Place & Date: Rome, Orlandi, 1602
Il vero ritratto di Nettvno al presente oaupato da gl'imperiali.
Rare and early town-plan of Nettuno, in the province of Rome, which is nowadays a touristic harbor.Issued by Joannes Orlandi who acquired many Lafreri plates, which he re...
Place & Date: Rome, 1557 / 1602
Perhaps the most famous map of Iceland. On the south side of the island a collection of all possible sea monsters is depicted. Polar bears on ice flows and volcanoes in t...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1603
La marca d'Ancona. Marchia Anconitana Picaenum olim dicta. . . Romae apud Joannem Orlandini formis Rome 1604.
A re-issue of the plate by Vicentium Luchinù of 1564 now with the address of Orlandini and the dates 1602 / 1604.Collector's item. A unique opportunity to acquire a fine...
Place & Date: Rome, 1604
[Title page] Perspective die hooch-gheroemde conste..
Title page from Perspective, Dat is, de hooch-gheroemde conste eens schijnende in oft door-siende ooghen-ghesichtespunt ... (&c.) by Hans, or Johannes Vredeman de Vri...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1604
[Title page] Geographiae libri octo Graeco-Latini . . .
Fine decorative titlepage from the 1605 edition of Ptolemy. The plate is adorned with allegorical figures, fruits and architectural motifs. This 1605 edition was based on...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1605
Perspective print by Vredeman de Vries. 5
Engraving from Perspective, c'est a dire, le tresrenomme art du poinct oculaire d'une veue dedans ou travers regardante, estant sur une muraille unie, sur un tableau, ou ...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1604 - 1605
[Perspective print after J. Vredeman de Vries. ]
Engraving depicting the use of the vanishing point. From Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instructi...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
A lovely miniature map the Arabian Peninsular, published by Petrus Bertius, and published in Amsterdam at the beginning of the seventeenth century. With an attractive s...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
A lovely map of miniature map the Kingdom of Ormus, published by Petrus Bertius, and published in Amsterdam at the beginning of the seventeenth century. With an attractiv...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
A rare miniature map of Thailand and Burma. Title cartouche on the upper left corner. First published in 1598 in his 'Caert-Thresoor', the plates were executed by the mos...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
An original early 17th century copper engraved miniature antique map of the Dutch province of Utrecht by Petrus Bertius, that was published in Amsterdam at the beginning ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Perspective print by Vredeman de Vries.
Engraving from Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instruction fondamentale. by Paul Vredeman de Vries...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
Inferior Germania.
A rare miniature map of present-day The Netherlands and Belgium. Strap-work title cartouche in the lower right corner with scale. Expertly engraved by Petrus Kaerius, the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1606
Perspective print by Vredeman de Vries.
Engraving from Les cinq rangs de l'architecture, a savoir, Tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinthiaque et composée avec l'instruction fondamentale. by Paul Vredeman de Vries...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1606
Iava Maior.
Very fine miniature map of Java, engraved by Benjamin Wright (1575-1613). This early map contains detailed geography and nomenclature around the northern coastline of the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Cornelis Claes, 1606
Second state of this rare "carte à figures"- map of Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and central Europe. Bordered on three sides with portraits and views. In t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1607
(Sea-chart of Catalunia, Languedoc, Provence, Cote d'Azur, Riviera, Corsica with Marseille, Cannes, Nice, Monaco.)
This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of France's Mediterranean coast, also depicting Catalunya's northern coast, the Italian Cote d'Azur till ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1607
[Title page for] Atlas Minor de Guerard Mercator. . .
Title page from a 1608 French edition of the Atlas Minor (351:11). The title page is similar to that in the Latin edition of 1607, but a slip of paper with the engraved t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1608