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[Title in Russian; translated to : Who the death bears, that's himself in the end I'm sure I'll stretch my legs. (Google translation) ]

Propaganda mini poster published in Russia during The Cold War (1979–1985). The time refers to the phase of a deterioration in relations between the Soviet Union and th...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: MITROFANOV, V.
Place & Date: Russia, 1982


Plan de la ville de Maestricht avec ses attaques commandées par M. le maréchal de Saxe, depuis le 15 avril jusqu'au 3 may 1748 . . .

A plan of Maastricht rising after the capture of the city by the French troops led by the Marshal of Saxony. The city was besieged between 15 April and 3 May 1748, during...

$600 / ≈ €550
Maker / Publisher: JAILLOT, J.
Place & Date: Paris, 1781