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Mocha, in Arabien. (View of Mocha, Yemen.)

Magnificent bird's eye-town-view of Mocha in Yemen.. Etched by Gaspar Bouttats (1640-1695).The Antwerp based publisher Jacques Peeters published ca. 1690 a series of prin...

$300 / ≈ €275
Maker / Publisher: PEETERS, J. / BOUTTATS, G.
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1690


Governo di Venezia / Provincia di Udine.

Very finely engraved and detailed map of the area of Udine, with Trieste in lower right corner. Lower left corner an inset plan of Trieste : upper right corner, an inset ...

$250 / ≈ €229
Maker / Publisher: STANGHI, V.
Place & Date: Rome, 1860


[This is Great Brittain to-day - Cambridge]

Chromolithoghraphed plate showing a fancy depiction of the courtyard of a British University (Cambridge). A text in Arabic language explaining about the 20 universities a...

$450 / ≈ €413
Maker / Publisher: ALLINSON
Place & Date: Arabia, ca. 1920
Selling price: $360
Sold in 2025


Digitale pourprée. Digitalis purpurea L.

The foxglove, engraving by P.F. Le Grand after designs by the Dutch born Gerard van Spaendonck (1746-1822).Taken from the rare work "Fleurs dessinées d'après natur...

$900 / ≈ €826
Maker / Publisher: SPAENDONCK, Van. G.
Place & Date: Paris, c.1800