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(Index sheet) General Tableau zur Karte von Alt Ost und West Preussen nebst dem aufgenommenen Trigonometrischen Netz. . .

Index sheet of this important multi sheet map of Prussia, Lithuania and Poland.Section XXIV of the rare first edition of this important 25-sheet map prepared by Friedrich...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: SCHRÖTTER, Freiherr von
Place & Date: Berlin, 1802-1810


Generalkarte vom Königreich Preussen u. d. Herz[ogtum] Warschau nach astronomischen Ortsbestim[m]ungen und geodätischen Messungen. . .

Rare seemingly unrecorded map of Poland with its borders after the Congress of Vienna, probably based on a lost first edition of Daniel Friedrich Sotzmann's (1754-1840) m...

$1500 / ≈ €1376
Maker / Publisher: SOTZMANN, D. F.
Place & Date: Nuremberg, Schneider & Weigel 1815


(Sheet X with Puk Bay from) General Tableau zur Karte von Alt Ost und West Preussen nebst dem aufgenommenen Trigonometrischen Netz. . .

Sheet IV with Zalew Wislany and the towns of Elblag, Paslek, Braniewo, etc of this important multi sheet map of Prussia, Lithuania and Poland.The rare first edition of th...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: SCHRÖTTER, Freiherr von
Place & Date: Berlin, 1802-1810


Terrae Yemen Maxima Pars, seu Imperii Imami, Principatus Kaukeban nec non ditionum Haschid u Bekil, Nehhm, Chaulan, Abu Arisch et Aden Tabula ...

South-west Arabia, with the Saudi Arabian city of Jizan south to Aden. With a fine title, cartouche. Based on a map by Carsten Niebuhr. With the name Sinus Arabicus Mare ...

$700 / ≈ €642
Maker / Publisher: LOTTER, T. C.
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1774