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Femme Persienne. (59)

Sought-after copper engraved plate of a woman from Persia. Plate from Laonikos Chalcocondyle’s "L'histoire de la décadence de l'empire grec et establissement de c...

$100 / ≈ €92
Maker / Publisher: NICOLAS DE NICOLAY, Thomas Artus (sieur d'Embry).
Place & Date: Paris, Mathieu Guillemot, 1650


Allegory of geography.

Two putty studying a terrestrial globe, one of them holding a pair of dividers. The information on the globe is clearly imaginary but the two cartouches and ships are typ...

$7500 / ≈ €6879
Maker / Publisher: KERKHOVE, Joseph Vanden
Place & Date: Bruges, ca. 1700