Camden's Britannia, Newly Translated into English with Large Additions and Improvements. |
$15000 / ≈ €13758
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Illustrated with an engraved portrait of Camden by R. White, a title within double ruled border, 49 engraved general and county maps by Robert Morden (lacking the double-page map of England), 8 engraved plates of coins and a few illustrations in the text including one of Stonehenge.
With 76 additional plates from "Monasticon Anglicanum" in original colors, published in London, by William Dugdale & Richard Dodsworth,1682. Engraved by Daniel King, Wenceslaus Hollar and others.
William Camden (1551-1623) published his "Britannia" in 1586. It became a milestone in the development of historical studies. The first edition was in Latin and it was not translated into English until 1610. This edition, by Edmund Gibson, appeared in 1695.
List of the additional plates :
- The cathedrall and conventvall churches of England and Wales / orthographically delineated by D.K. - The South Prospect of the Cathedral of Exeter- The North Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Exeter- The West Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Exeter- The South Prospect of the Sometyme Conventual Church of St Werburg of Chester-The South Prospect of the Sometymes Conventuall Church of Shireburne-The West Prospect of the Church of Sherburne-The Prospect of the Towne of Glastonbury from Compton hills…-The Prospect of the Towne of Glastonbury from the highest Part of Weriall…-The South Prospect of the ye Cathedral Church of Wells-The West Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Wells-Facies australis. The West Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Bath-Facies occidentalis The West Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Bath-The North Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Bristoll-The North Prospect of the Conventuall Church of Malmesbury-The North Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Savisbury-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Winchester-The North Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Chichester-The North View of the Cathedral Church of Rochester-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Rochester-The North Prospect of Christ Church. The Cathedral of Canterbury-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury-The Ichnography of the Metropolitan Church of Canterbury-Summi Altaris-Figura Scriniijs S. Thomae Cantuariensis-Reliquiarum Coenobii’s-Areae Spaldengensis-The South Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Glocester-The South Prospect of the Sometyme Conventuall Church of Theokesbury-The North Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Christ Church in Oxford-The North Prospect of ye Sometymes Conventuall Church of St. Alban-The North Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of St. Paul in London-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul-Plate 66-Navis ecclesiae cathedralis S. Pauli Lond:-The South Prospect of the Cathedrall Church of Ely-The North Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Westmynster-The North Prospect of the late Conventual Church of Westmynster-The Ichnography of the Church of Westmynster-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Norwich-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Norwich-The South Prospect of Black-friers Church in Norwich-Ecclesiae Coenobialis S. Benedicti de Hulmo…-The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Peterborugh-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Peterborough-The South Prospect of the Conventuall Church of Croyland-The West Prospect of the Church of Croyland-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln-The West Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Lincoln-The East Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of Lincoln-The Prospect of Comb…-The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Worcester-The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Lichfeild-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Lichfeild-The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Hereford-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Bangor-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Alpaph-The South Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Rippon, facies australis-The West Prospect of ye Church of Rippon-The South Prospect of ye Cathedral Church of St. Peter of Yorke-The West Prospect of the Church of St. Peter of Yorke-The East Prospect of the Church of St. Peter of Yorke-The South Crosse of the Cathedrall Church of St. Peter of Yorke-The South Prospect of ye Collegiat Church of Beverley-The West Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Beverley-The Monastery of Fountaynes in Yorkshire-The West Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Selby-The South Prospect of ye Conventuall Church of Selby-The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Durham-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Durham-The East Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Durham-Ecclesiae cath: Dunelmensis facies Australis-The Priory of Finchale in Bishoprick of Durham-The South Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Carlile-The North Prospect of ye Conventual Church of Hextildenham-The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of ye Isle of Man
Reference: Chubb CXIII, Skelton 117, Wing C359
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