What is MetaMap.gallery

Welcome to the Paulus Swaen metamap.gallery
As far as we know
the first metaverse gallery that is devoted to antique maps.
In this virtual reality environment, you can walk around and browse many different galleries showing maps and prints. You are able to visit each gallery on your laptop without the installation of software, and you can walk around anonymously, or by creating your avatar. When you visit the gallery on a mobile phone or
Oculus Quest or another VR mask you are asked to install the free spatial.io app.
Enjoy and feel free to start a discussion with fellow visitors who are also in the gallery.

Connect your map collection
Enjoy and share your maps with your friends and other map collectors!
On the meta4maps.com site, collectors can make their collection available in a metaverse gallery. A visit to the meta gallery is free, and adding your maps is fun and easy to do. Visitors can speak with each other (and you can access it through a browser, so no headset is required).
If you are an existing client of Paulus Swaen and you want us to do so, then we are happy to install your gallery, free of charge, add some of your historical purchases and add your gallery to the Meta4Maps gallery list.
We will create your gallery using your existing Paulus Swaen Username and send your a password and a direct link to your meta map collection gallery. After that, you are able to add and delete items to your liking. You will have and keep full control of your gallery.
Map Bar

Agenda: Each Tuesday map meeting at 1 PM (Eastern Time) or Amsterdam 7 PM. A one-hour chat meeting with another map enthusiast to discuss the latest discovered maps, rumors, and questions you might have.
Map Auditorium

Feel free to use the meta4maps auditorium if you want to do a presentation on an old and rare map topic, your collection or any other map-related subject. The room is built to enable a 100-person audience who can hear and watch your performance.