Browse Listings in Map Types
Madeburga [ Maagdenburg Folio CLXXX ]
Double page panoramic view of Magdeburg. A imaginary view, however the earliest obtainable view of this period.Two page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Quarta etas mudi Folio LVIII [Rome]
Double text page in German with a woodblock Rome (23x53cm.)On verso a view of Genua (193x222mm). Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chro...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, 12 July 1493
Slusa, Teutonicae Flandriae opp. . . (Sluis)
Bird'eye view of the town of Sluis.From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun...
Place & Date: Cologne, 1580
[Title page] De Praecipuis, Totius Universi Urbibus, Liber Secundus.
Allegorical title page, from Volume 2 of Braun & Hogenberg's Civitatus Orbis Terrarum.At the top are figures representing Religion and Politics, placed on either side...
Place & Date: Cologne, 1582
Mercury holding a caduceus and riding in a chariot drawn by two birds on the clouds in the sky, an extensive landscape with a harbor with goods being loaded and unloaded ...
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1585
Novus de Leone Belgico eiusq topographia atq. Historica descriptione liber (…). Rerumque in Belgio maxime gestarum, inde ab anno Christi M.D.LIX. Usque ad annum M.D.LXXXVII perpetua narratione continatus.
ENLARGED EDITION, with 207 (of 208) engravings of a famous eyewitness account of the Dutch Revolt, with the famous "Leo Belgicus" map, here in its second state...
Place & Date: Cologne, Gerardus Campensis for Frans Hogenberg, 1588
Habiti delle Donne Venetiane . . .
Title page of the book Habiti delle Donne Venetiane" (Dress of Venetian Women) which consists of twenty numbered plates of ornately dressed women. This very decorati...
Place & Date: Venice, ca. 1591
ABRAHAMUS ORTELIUS ANTVERPIANUS Orteli dum proponis spectantibus Orbem, Quam tua delectant structa Theatra homines! . . .
Portrait of Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortel), famous cartographer born in Antwerp and after studying Greek, Latin and mathematics set up business there with his sister, a...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1595
Christophorus Columus Ligur Indiarum Prim invet A°1492
Very decorative portrait of Christopher Columbus (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506), engraved by Theodor de Bry (1528-1593) and published in Jean Jacques Boissard, &quo...
Place & Date: Frankfurt a.M. 1597 - 1599
[Title page] Perspective die hooch-gheroemde conste..
Title page from Perspective, Dat is, de hooch-gheroemde conste eens schijnende in oft door-siende ooghen-ghesichtespunt ... (&c.) by Hans, or Johannes Vredeman de Vri...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1604
[Title page] Geographiae libri octo Graeco-Latini . . .
Fine decorative titlepage from the 1605 edition of Ptolemy. The plate is adorned with allegorical figures, fruits and architectural motifs. This 1605 edition was based on...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1605
Second state of this rare "carte à figures"- map of Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and central Europe. Bordered on three sides with portraits and views. In t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1607
[Title page for] Atlas Minor de Guerard Mercator. . .
Title page from a 1608 French edition of the Atlas Minor (351:11). The title page is similar to that in the Latin edition of 1607, but a slip of paper with the engraved t...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1608
[Title page colored by Georg Mack Jr. to : Hortus Eystettensis, Sive Diligens et Accurata Omnium Plantarum, Florum, Stirpium,. . .]
Title page to the first edition, one of about 300 copies printed, from one of the largest and most magnificent of the great flower books, depicting more than 1000 flowers...
Place & Date: Nuremberg, ca 1613
Africae nova Tabula.
A second state of this very rare "carte à figures"- map. Decorated with the four decorative borders by Jodocus Hondius Jr.This remarkable map of Africa was fir...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1623
Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii.
Plan of the city of Antwerp in Belgium, by Claes Janszoon Visscher and first published by his son. The map is surrounded by 3 city views and 10 building vignettes and inc...
Place & Date: Amsterdam 1624
A Newe mape of Poland Done into English by I.Speede.
A wonderful map of Poland. Incorporated into Speed's 'Prospect Of The Most Famous Parts Of The World'. Includes birds-eye views of Cracow, Dantzick, Posna, Crossen, Sando...
Place & Date: London, 1627
Comitatus Flandria.
First published by the van Langrens c.1595, after his acquisition of the plate, Visscher heavily re-engraved the map, inserting panelled borders on three sides (the lower...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c. 1630
Tabula electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi, et maximae partis Pomeraniae, ex variis, famosissimisq[ue] auctoribus summo studio concinnata. . .
Uncommon "carte à figures"- map engraved by the master engraver Abraham Goos and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1652). The map shows the part of west...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1630
Nova Germaniae Descriptio..
A finely engraved carte à figures, with the side borders depicting emperors, while the upper and lower panels contain finely engraved miniature town prospects, among the...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1632
[Title page] Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux considerables de France . . .
Title page of the first part of the atlas "Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux considerables de France", by Nicolas Tassin.Nicolas Ta...
Place & Date: Paris, 1634
Corte ende waerachtige beschrijvinghe van het Fort de Schencken-Schans. . .
Map of the Schencken-Schans fortress printed with text. Text in Dutch and French.
Place & Date: Antwerp, 1635
Asia secunda pars in forma Pegasi.
UNRECORDED PLATE or STATE. Asia depicted as the flying horse Pegasus. Below the depiction 3 lines of engraved Latin text. Double page copper engraved map from Heinrich BÃ...
Place & Date: Brunswick, ca. 1635
[Title page from ] Le Theatre du Monde ou le nouvel atlas mis en lumière par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu. Troisieme partie.
Frontispiece of " Le Theatre du Monde ou le nouvel atlas mis en lumière par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu. Troisieme partie." Very clear print with nice cartouches a...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
[Title page] Le Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas.
Architectural frontage with the title and imprint printed on paste-on slips.Parts of the item are heightened in gold. Read more about maps heightened in gold
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1640
[Title page from ] Le Theatre du Monde ou le nouvel atlas mis en lumière par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu.
Frontispiece of the second part of this fine atlas. At top, a coat of arms surmounted by a crown and surrounded by two golden chains, the bigger carrying a pendant which ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
[Title page from ] Le Theatre du Monde ou le nouvel atlas mis en lumière par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu. La seconde partie de la seconde.
Frontispiece of the second part of the second part of this fine atlas. At top, a coat of arms surmounted by a crown and surrounded by two golden chains, the bigger carryi...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
[Title page from ] Le Theatre du Monde ou le nouvel atlas mis en lumière par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu. La seconde partie de la premiere.
Frontispiece of the second part of the first part of this fine atlas. At top, a coat of arms surmounted by a crown and surrounded by two golden chains, the bigger carryin...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Europa recens descripta à Guilielmo Blaeuw.
On either side columns depicting the manner of dress in the major countries of Europe, surmounted by nine city views and plans.For European mapmakers their own continent ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
[Title page from ] Le Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas . . .
A very decorative frontispiece by Willem Blaeu from the second part of this fine atlas. At top, a coat of arms surmounted by a crown and surrounded by two golden chains, ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1644
Americae Nova Tabula.
The delineation of the coast and the nomenclature on both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts are basically Spanish in origin and follow the maps of Ortelius and Wytfliet. To...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1645
Carta terza Generale del' Asia.
Rare first state of this important chart showing part of the north coast of New Guinea and islands of the Pacific Ocean. To the north of Japan the landmass of Isola di Ie...
Place & Date: Florence, 1646
[Two vomlumes, with two Leo maps] De Bello Belgico, Decas Prima / Decas Secunda.
With 2 engraved titles of the 'Leo Belgicus', with one paw resting on a shield bearing the title, large woodcut printer's device on the colophons, and 30 richly engraved ...
Place & Date: Rome, Franciscus Corbelletus, 1632-1647
De Bello Belgico, Decas PrimaDeces II.
Each volume contains an engraved title with a representation of the Netherlands and Belgium in the shape of a lion, with one paw resting on a shield bearing the title, a ...
Place & Date: Rome, Franciscus Corbelletus, 1632-1647
Profil de la renomée ville et port d'Emstredam cappitalle des estats de Hollande.
Extremely rare panoramic town-view of Amsterdam seen from the river IJ.Exceptional bright, sharp example.The print is skillful copy of the print of Matthieu Merian, now w...
Place & Date: Paris, 1647
[ The repositioning of the Vatican obelisk ]
Joan Blaeu published The Repositioning of the Vatican Obelisk. This large engraving on multiple sheets and in beautiful original colors is based on Domenico Fontana’s d...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649
Curia Hollandiae Interior. (Binnenhof)
The government center of the Netherlands is situated in and around the Binnenhof-Buitenhof in The Hague. In 1248 the Roman king Willem II built a castle here and named it...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1649
[Title page from Theatrum orbis Terrarum, with past-on]
The frontispiece of the third part of the 'Theatrum', by Johan Blaeu. Heightened with goldDecorated with terrestrial and celestial globes and to the left Ptolemy (with sp...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1650
[Title page for ] Atlas de la Terre ou Monde Terrestre - Tome premier]
Title page of " Atlas de la Terre ou Monde Terrestre - Tome premier" by J. Jansonius. This is the updated version of 1:42B. The figures of the king, queen, daup...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1650
Abrahamus Ortelius Antuerpianus cosmographus natus a. MDXXVII
Portrait of Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortel), famous cartographer born in Antwerp and after studying Greek, Latin and mathematics set up a business there with his sister,...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1650
Selling price: $225
Sold in 2023
Tabula Anemographica seu Pyxis Nautica.
Impressive compass rose with a fleur de lis at the center and 32 wind directions flowing from it identified in six languages, Greek, Latin, French, Dutch, Italian, and Sp...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1650
Insula Huaena sive Venusia a Guiljelmo Blaeu cum sub Tychone Astronomiae operam daret, delineata.
Decorative map of the island Hvan in the Danish Sound. In the center Tycho Brahe's famous observatory Uraniborg established in 1576, under the patronage of Frederick II, ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1659
Nova Africa descriptio.
A beautifully engraved and most attractive "carte à figures"- map of the African continent. Bordered, above, by panels showing panorama's of Cairo, Alexandria,...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1660
De Texel Stroom .. vant Marsdiep./ Caarte van De Mase...
Two decorative charts on one sheet, one depicting Texel and the entrance of the Zuider Zee with an inset showing the north coast of West-Friesland, the other depicting th...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1660
Nova XVII Provinciarum Inferioris Germaniae descriptio .
Extremely rare map of the Benelux by Frederick de Widt. Originally engraved and published by P.Kaerius in 1607. In 1662 the plate came in the possession of Frederick de W...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1662 Zuyder-Zee, Texel..Vlie-stroom..'t Amelander…
An eye-catching chart of the Zuiderzee with east to the top.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographer, engraver, publisher and print seller o...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Pascaerte Van't Westelyckste der Middelandsche Zee. . .
An eye-catching chart of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographer, engraver, publisher and print s...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Het Canaal tusschen Engeland en Vranciick.
An eye-catching chart of the Channel.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographers, engravers, publishers and print sellers of Amsterdam. His wi...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1666
Noordoost Cust van Asia van Japan tot Nova Zembla.
Important for its early depiction of Hokkaido and the Islands to the North of Japan. Ships navigate the seas around the Siberian, Chinese and Japanese coast extending as ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Pas-Caart van de Oost Zee verthooende alle de ghelegenheydt tusschen t Eylandt Rugen ende Wyborg. . .
An eye-catching chart of the Baltic Sea. Engraved by Gerard Coeck.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartographers, engravers, publishers and print...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1666
Hollandiae pars septentrionalis, Vulgo Westvriesland..
Based on the work of B.F.van Berckenrode, this fine map, orientated west to the top of the sheet, includes Kennemerland and Hollands Noorderkwartier and is a reasonably u...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1667
[Title page to] Atlas mayor, o geographia Blaviana : Que contiene las cartas, y descripciones de Partes Orientales de Europa.
Title page from a Spanish text edition of the Atlas Major. Ionic portico with celestial and terrestrial globes. To the left is Ptolemy with a sphere and a pair of compass...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1672
.Paskaarte om Achter Yrlandt om te Zeylen van Hitlant tot. . .
An eye-catching chart of Ireland, including the north of England and Scotland, with the West to the top.Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important cartogra...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1673
Tractus Littorales Guineae a Promontorio Verde usque ad sinum Catenbelae.
Chart of the West coast of Africa from Mauritania up to Angola. In top centre a very decorative title cartouche.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1675
EUROP, and the cheife Cities contayned therin described. . .
A good impression from an early edition of this famous and decorative "carte à figures"- map from the first world atlas produced by an Englishman - John Speed'...
Place & Date: London, 1627 - 1676
[Title page] Atlas Tot Amsterdam Bij Iustus Danckers in de Calverstraet inde Damcbaerhrijt.
Decorative title page with the figure of Atlas, standing on a globe of the Old World. The left and bottom right corners have animals and people from different parts of th...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1680
Selling price: $550
Sold in 2024
Pas-kaart vande Zee kusten van Venecuela met de Byleggende Eylanden. . .
Rare chart of the coast of Venezuela, including the islands of Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, etc.The chart has two insets, one (15x22cm) with a map of Curaçao, one smaller w...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1680
Het Hooge Heemraedtschap van Schielandt.
This beautiful wall map of "Het Hooge Heemraedtschap van Schielandt" is on nine attached leaves (each leaf 49x58,5 cm. ) engraved by J. VINGBOOMS after J.J. STA...
Place & Date: Rotterdam, A. van Hoorn, 1684
[Title page] Le Nouveau & Grand Illuminant Flambeau de la Mer. La troisième partie. …Par Nicolas Jans Vooght.
Allegoric frontispiece of the third edition of the "Zee-Fakkel" with French text. The "4" from the date 16"89" is in manuscript.
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1689
Citta, porto, e rada di Brest, e . . . Nella Bretagna . . .
A beautiful and rare map of Bretagne. In top right an inset with the town of Brest.The remarkable Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718), encyclopaedist, geographer, inventor and...
Place & Date: Venice, 1690
[Title page] Isolario.
Fine title page from Isolario Dell''''Atlante Vento..More about Coronelli. [+]
Place & Date: Venice, 1691
Illustriss et excellentiss D.Paulus Quirini divi Marci procurator.
Fine text page from Isolario Dell'Atlante Vento. with two copper engraved portraits printed within letter press. In top portrait of "Hieronymus Quirinus" (60x55...
Place & Date: Venice, 1691
Carte de la Manche. . .
Decorative chart showing the Chanel, with the coastline of France from La Baie de Douarnenez to Dunkerque, and the coastline of England from Stroble head to Manning Tree....
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1692
[Title page] Atlas Nouveau contenant toutes les parties du monde . . .
Fine title page of classical architectural design incorporating portraits of royalty and battle scenes.
Place & Date: Paris, 1696
Amstelodami celeberrimi hollandiae emporii delineatio nova.
Frederik de Wit’s beautiful bird's-eye view of the city. The Amstel river is still open water flowing through the city's heart. Only near the Dam, has it been covered b...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1700
Schlanium vulgo Schlani Bohemiae oppidum.
Very decorative and rare panoramic town view of Schlan, Schlanium s. Slany.The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged this print, origina...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1700
Christophorus Columbus Liguriensis Indiarum Primus Inventor Anno MCCCCXCII.
Portrait of Christopher Columbus (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506), explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in the Republic of Genoa, in north-western Italy. Under th...
Place & Date: Antwerp, c.1700
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2023
Launa vulgo Laun Bohemiae civitas.
Bird's-eye views of Louny in Bohemia by G. Hoefnagel. The copperplate was made for Braun and Hogenberg's town book. However there the print has been transformed by the en...
Place & Date: The Hague, 1700
Plan De l'Action.. Auprès de Wynendale le 28 Sept. 1708.
A rare broadside sheet represents a conventional battle plan near the town of Torhout with the Castle Wynendale. The plan depicts the situation of 28 September 1708. Incl...
Place & Date: Bruxelles, c.1708
Nieuwe en Nette Afteekening van het Eyland Corsica en het Eyland Elba vertoonende alle desselfs Havenen, Steeden en Rivieren . . .
Highly decorative large sea chart of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, including multiple sailing ships, compass roses, cartouche, coat of arms, rhumb lines, topographical deta...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, ca. 1710
Nansenbushu bankoku shoka no zu.
This wall-map is a great example of Japanese world maps representing Buddhist cosmology with real-world cartography. It is the earliest one and - therefore - the prototyp...
Place & Date: Kyoto, (Hoei 7 = Year of the Tiger) 1710
.Paskaart van de Mont van de Witte Zee,. Beginnende van Tiepena tot Pelitza, als mede van C. Cindenoes tot Catsnoes.
Fine sea chart of the southern part of the Barents Sea, oriented to the West. With five inset maps: - Swetenoes, de Kust van Laplandt, Lombascho, 'T Vaste Landt van Lapla...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, c.1710
De golf van Bengalen.
Rare chart of the Indian Ocean, with nice detail on Ceylon (Sri Lanka) with compass roses and a system of rhumb lines, soundings and anchorage's. Many place names. The pl...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, after 1669-1712
[Title page] Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde.
The fine engraved frontispiece by F. Bleiswyk entitled "Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde" for Pieter van der AA. Shows Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders acco...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1713
[Title page] La Sphere Royale.
Title page from Nicolas de Fers "La Sphere Royale", published in 1717. Showing a sphere, surrounded by Neptune, Europe, the elements and scholars.
Place & Date: Paris, 1717
Decorative view of Riga. This well executed engraving was published in 1729 and 1727 by Pieter van der AA, in Leiden in "Les Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renommez fa...
Place & Date: Leiden, 1719
Carte des pavillons accompagnée d'observations pour en faire comprendre le blazon et les différentes devises aussy bien que d'une table alphabétique pour les trouver facilement.?
Map of 88 marine flags, including Malta, Turkey, Middelburg, Amsterdam, Portugal, Monaco, Tuscany, China, Nanking, the French Royal flag, French admiralty flag and mercha...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, 1720
Carte historique de la France, et l'Angleterre depuis la naissance de Jésus-Christ jusqu'à l'an 1700, qui contient en abrégé les événements ...
A rare wall map showing a chronological tree of French and English historical events from the year of the birth of Christ until 1700. The map is prepared by Jérôme Andr...
Place & Date: Paris, c. 1721
Florentia Pulcherrima et Ruriae Civitas.
Detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Florence in Tuscany region, first published in Frederick de Wit's rare town book. With two keys 1-17 and 1-228 to important spots ...
Place & Date: Amsterdam, Leiden, 1697 / 1729
Colossus Monarchic. Statua Danielis
Fantastic double page allegorical map of a colossus figure representing the great world empires as Daniel interpreted in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The warrior stands stolid...
Place & Date: Augsbourg, 1730